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Quick Travel Workouts That You Can Perform Without Using Any Equipment

Quick Travel Workouts That You Can Perform Without Using Any Equipment

One of the biggest pet peeves for gym enthusiasts is missing out on their workouts during a holiday or while traveling. Due to the lack of equipment and proper space, many have to withdraw from their regular exercise sessions. What is worse is that the inconsistency breaks the regularity which sometimes turns the temporary break into a permanent one. But, if you think outside the box, then you will realize that the possibilities of breaking a sweat while traveling are endless.

To help you out in the same, we are listing out some high-efficient, minimal-space, and equipment-free exercises that you can perform anywhere.

7 Hassle-Free Travel Workouts That You Can Perform Anywhere

You don’t have to follow a chronological order of the following exercises. You can pick your own rhythm based on whatever criteria seems suitable to you. Needless to say, these exercises should be preceded by warm-up exercises such as jumping jacks. This is crucial because it will help your body prepare for the upcoming vigorous activities that it is about to go through.  So, don’t miss out on them.

The benefits that you get from performing high-end exercises at a multi-gym near you can be replaced to a greater degree with the following exercises as well.

Reverse Lunge with Twist

Reverse Lunge with Twist

Taking care of your entire body, this variation of lunge features a twist that pays extra attention to your abs. To do this, you first need to stand with your legs hip-distance apart. Get a 5-10 lbs. medicine ball with both your hands. Make sure that your arms are outstretched in front of you.

You also need to ensure that your core is stable. Proceed to take a big step back with your right leg. After planting your leg, lower your body until both your legs bend in the right angles.

Next, you need to twist your torso to the left as you get into the lunge. As you straighten your legs, keep on exhaling. Also, bring your torso back to the center at the same time. You then have to get your legs back together, and then step back on your left feet, while twisting to the right-hand side.

This entire process is one rep. Make sure you do two sets with each set consisting of ten reps.

Wall Sit

Wall Sit

Targeting your thighs, calves, hips, and lower abs, a wall sit can be performed by anyone. Not only is it easy on your back and knees, but it also keeps your lower spine healthy by strengthening your glutes. It’s an overall great exercise for toning your muscles and burning calories.

To do this, you need to find a wall and lean against it by keeping your legs shoulder-width apart. Make sure your feet are planted firmly on the ground. Next, you need to put your feet forward and engage your core. To be specific, your legs should be 6” (15 cm) apart.

Slide down the wall slowly and steadily all the while keeping your back press against it. You have to continue sliding down until your legs are bent at a right angle. This angle has to be maintained since it keeps your thighs parallel to the floor. In addition, you also need to make sure that your ankles are directly below your knees, and that you don’t overshoot them. You have to stay in this position for 20-30 seconds; and with the gradual increase of time, you can hold up for 60 seconds.

As soon as you are done with the last rep, resume back to your starting position. Try to do three sets, with each set consisting of ten reps.

Triceps Dips

Triceps Dips

Evident by its name, a triceps dip activates the triceps muscles in your upper arm. It improves your stability by increasing the compression force on your joints.

To perform this exercise, you need to start by sitting on the edge of a chair and gripping the edge next to your hips. Make sure your fingers are pointed towards your feet. In addition, keep your legs extended while also maintaining a hip-width distance between your feet. Ensure that your heels are touching the floor. Keep your vision straight and hold your chin up.

Next, you have to lift your body; and to do that, you have to press into your palms and slide forward just enough to get the behind off the edge of the chair. Proceed to lower yourself until your elbows are bent between 45-90° angles. After this, slowly and steadily push yourself back up to the starting position and repeat. Starting with 10 reps is ideal.

Glutes Bridge

Glutes Bridge

Mandatory for those who spend a considerable portion of their time sitting on an office chair in front of a computer, glutes bridges help in improving mobility of your hips. In addition, it also takes care of your lower back. If you are a desk-bound worker, you need to incorporate it into your workout regime ASAP.

It also doesn’t require any equipment which means you can perform it anywhere. To do it, you need to lie down on the floor with your face up. Keep your feet flat to the floor and your knees bent. Also, make sure your arms are at your side with your palms down.

Proceed to lift your hips off the floor to a height where your shoulders and knees form a straight line with your hips. While doing so, squeeze your glutes hard. Without overextending your back, keep your abs drawn. Hold the position for a few seconds before getting back down.

When done correctly, you will notice a burn in your hamstrings and glutes. You should never push from your heels. The push must always be generated from the hips.

Mountain Climbers

Mountain Climbers

Another fun exercise that you can do while you are traveling is mountain climbers. Designed to build your agility, core strength, and cardio endurance, you will work a bunch of muscle groups with it. In fact, it is often cited as an exercise that is equivalent to a total-body workout in itself.

To perform this exercise, you need to get into a plank position. Ensure that the weight of your body is evenly distributed between your toes and hands. Your hands must be shoulder-width apart, your abs must be engaged, and your back must be flat, while also keeping your head in alignment.

After this, you need to pull your right leg into your chest as far as you can. Proceed to switch by bringing that knee out and pulling your other knee in. Run your knees in and out as fast and as far as you can. In this process, keep your hips down and alternate inhaling and exhaling every time you change your leg. One common mistake people often make while performing this is that they stop breathing. Make sure you don’t do that.

Pause Squat

Pause Squat

Pause squats are great for improving the concentric/starting strength since it negates the ability of a person to use the stretch reflex; thereby it’s a must for powerlifters and weightlifters. In addition, it also enhances core stabilization, helps increase neural output, develops muscle mass and most importantly it boosts confidence.

To do this, you have to stand with your toes turned out and your legs shoulder-width apart. Push your hips back while bending your knees and get as low as you can into a squatting position. During this, your chest must be lifted, the back must be flat, and your core must be engaged. Stay in this bottom position for around three seconds.

Get back to the starting position by pushing through your heels. When you stand back up, squeeze your butt at the top.

Child’s Pose

Child’s Pose

It may look easy and irrelevant, but the benefits of the Child’s pose are far-reaching. They help in stretching your ankles, thighs, and hips while also eliminating fatigue and stress. From stretching the muscles of your back torso to relaxing the muscles on the front of your body, it takes care of more muscles than most other forms of exercise that you do in a gym.

To do this, you need to kneel on a mat while keeping your knees hip-width apart. Make sure your feet are together behind you. Breathe in, and as you exhale, put your torso over your thighs.

Elongate your neck and spine as much as you can by drawing your ribs away from your tailbone. Keeping the shoulders away from the crown of your head also helps in this regard. As you extend your arms in front of you, keep your forehead on the floor and hold the position for 10-30 seconds.


As you have seen, bursting the myth of no-workout sessions during traveling is much easier than anyone thinks. All those high-intensity workouts that you perform in the luxury of your gym using those heavy equipment and large space can be replaced by the aforementioned exercises. Not only will it keep you fit on your holiday, but it will also make it easier and convenient for you to get back in the swing of your regular workout regime once your holiday ends.

So, now using your holiday as an excuse for not working out is no longer applicable. Having said that, we do want to imply that it is also alright to take a break from working out from time to time. These workouts are especially for those who can’t stay without a workout for more than a day or so or if the duration of your holiday is pretty long. Overexerting yourself and not giving rest to your body is not ideal. So, don’t forget to treat your body with some rest.