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Best Yoga Asanas for Back Pain

Best Yoga Asanas for Back Pain

The lifestyle that we lead today makes our back quite vulnerable to pain. This happens due to the bad posture we sit in. But yoga for back pain can prove to be helpful. Yoga asanas will tighten the back muscles and thus make your back stronger.

The problem that most of us have is that we do not sit with a straight back. We also do not make any effort to improve our posture. The imbalance in the alignment results in back pain. Lack of exercise and maintaining a sedentary lifestyle are other reasons that cause back pain. 

The yoga asanas are highly effective and help in improving the blood circulation to the nerves and spine. It also strengthens your back muscles. If you want to know about the list of yoga asanas that will help in removing the back pain, you can go through the discussion below:

1. Cat/Cow Pose

This is one of the best yoga for back pain. You will have to start with a tabletop position on the hands and the knees. You should alternate it between arching the back and rounding it. You do this while pushing down towards the floor with your hands and tops of the feet. These also help you to massage the spine while stretching the torso and the back. These postures will help in keeping the back flexible and happy.

2. Spinal Twist

Spinal Twist Pose

When it comes to twisting the postures, there are several options available. The most basic and effective pose is Marichyasana C. You need to keep your left leg straight and you should be able to bend your right leg. Therefore, your foot stays flat. You will have to keep the right hand on the floor for support like a tripod and after that twist it in a way to hook in the left elbow over the right thigh.

If this is too difficult, you can simply hold the right knee, and then you need to twist over the right shoulder. You will then have to bend the left leg under you or you need to bend both your legs. 

There are also other options for this. If you want you can also bend the left leg under you or bend all the legs and then let them fall to one side. After that, you can twist in the direction in which the knees are facing.

3. Extended Triangle

Back pain can be reduced and at times can even be prevented by both strengthening and stretching. Triangle pose is something that can do both. You will have to stand with your feet, 3 feet apart, and standing parallel to each other. You will then have to rotate your right foot to ensure that the right heel is in line with the arch of the left foot. Your arms will have to be extended towards the side, then tilted at the hip to reach your right hand towards the sky. Now you will have to gaze at the left hand. You can do this but make sure that it does not hurt your neck.

When it comes to back pain, prevention is the most important thing. This helps you to get a pain free life. You also need to listen to your body. Therefore do not force any posture that might cause you an injury. If you feel that you have extreme pain, then you should get medical advice.

4. Downward Facing Dog

This name might sound a bit hazy, however, it will work exceptionally well. This is a posture that might be akin to your push-up posture as well. This can certainly be considered to be a mini version of the push-up posture. You need not lie down completely. Here your knees have to be under the hips and the hands should be under your wrist.

You will not have to press yourself back in your hands and after that, you will have to raise the knees. Keep repeating this till you sweat. This helps you to get strong muscles.

5. Pigeon Pose

This yoga pose might sound sweet but it is not. For a beginner, this might be a hurdle. But it is certainly worth doing this. You need to first start it in a downward-facing position that will be similar to the position of a dog. You need to hold this position for a period of at least 5 to 10 minutes. Then you will have to change the sides. While trying this posture, you need to keep in mind that slow and steady wins the race. Rushing might lead to harsh crashes.

6. Locust

Locust Position

This is also another yoga pose for back pain. This has a higher chance of warding off the back pain forever. But this will take some time. You will have to lift the torso as well as the legs gently off the mat. While inhaling each time, you need to keep your belly pressed to the floor. This way you can release the built-up tension quite easily.‍

7. Baby Cobra

After doing the locust, this can be a continuous exercise. This activates the lower back muscles. Therefore, the benefits will be double. For this asana, you need to first lift the torso with the support of your shoulders and arms. Try doing this using your back muscles but remember not to break the back.

8. Forward Bent

Forward Bent

For this, you will have to put your legs straight and then sit down. Now you need to bend forward with your hip. Then try to touch your feet straight. Initially, you might feel hazardous, however, later, it will relieve you of the back pain.

9. Leg Extensions

This is another pose for which you will have to lie down on your stomach while you are on the floor. You need to firmly keep the pelvis, feet, and legs on the floor. Now you will have to lift the neck slowly and the chest and the head should be in an upward position.

You will also have to extend the forearms in front of you for supporting the weight of the torso. Make sure that you neither inhale nor exhale. This helps in improving the levels of blood circulation.

10. Legs up the Wall

Once you are done with all the hectic and the sweating postures, this is something that you will enjoy for sure. It releases the tension of both the body and the mind. You will have to keep the legs stretched up. This is a fun posture that helps you to stay relaxed. There is a possibility that you might also doze off. You will have a much more sound sleep.


Yoga for back pain will be immensely helpful. Trying the above-mentioned asanas will help you to stay fit and comfortable. This is the best way to remove back pain naturally.