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The Secret Formula to Lose Weight in Less Time

The Secret Formula to Lose Weight in Less Time

Obesity has become a growing problem in young adults. And this problem has suddenly taken a massive shift because of the Coronavirus pandemic. Suddenly, when the gyms closed down, people had no other option but to sit back and rest in their homes. Lack of physical activities and lack of exercise made people even more obese during the lockdown. We know many people who surf the internet to gather information on how to lose weight in less time.

Most people are so busy in their day-to-day lives that they hardly have time to hit the gym and are tired of eating dietary supplements. Here in this article, we will share some tips with you that will definitely help you lose weight in less time.

Tips to lose weight in less time

People all over the world are looking for ways that will help them lose weight in less time. We have listed some easy ways for you that will definitely help you burn more calories in less time.



If you wish to burn calories at home, you don’t need to head to the gym or spend a lump sum amount on instruments. Wondering what exercises will help you burn calories at home? There are many, but Burpees is the most popular exercise that will surely help you lose weight in less time. Burpees is one of the best cardiovascular exercises. 

If you have a heart problem, this exercise will help you maintain your heart rate. This is an exercise that helps you burn 10 to 15 calories per minute.


  • It would be best if you stood with your feet slightly apart.
  • Breathe in and bend down in a squat position.
  • Your hands should be placed between both your legs and then you should jump on your feet. Remember to jump back to get into the pushup position.
  • Lower down into a pushup position and then rise.

Bicycle Crunch

Bicycle Crunch

Another exercise that is widely done to lose weight in less time is the bicycle crunch. This exercise focuses on the rectus abdominals and oblique muscles at the same time. According to health experts, 20 crunches of this exercise will help you burn 3 calories in a minute. 


  • You need to lie straight on your back on a flat surface with stretched legs and keep your arms resting on the side.
  • Your hands should be placed behind your head and you need to try to lift your upper back and shoulders off the ground.
  • Bring your right knee towards your chest by bending it. Also, your left elbow should be positioned towards the center at the same time.

Running Stairs

If you live in a double storied building, you need to run around here and there to lose weight in less time. We suggest you make use of the stairs. You think we are joking. Well, to be frank, not at all. Running stairs can be an awesome exercise. 

It helps in building muscles and improves your fitness levels.


  • It will help if you start by keeping a normal pace that will take you approximately 5 minutes to walk up the stairs.
  • Once you see the pace is not draining you, it is time for you to increase the pace.
  • Sprint up the stairs in 30 seconds.
  • Make sure you walk down at a slower pace. If going up takes 30 seconds, don’t forget to climb down the stairs in less than 1 minute.
  • Repeat the set for 5 minutes for effective results.



As a child, we always did skipping. But with time, we become so involved in other things that we almost left skipping. 15 to 20 calories can be burnt per minute by jumping rope at a moderate pace.


  • Each of your hands should grip each handle of your skipping rope.
  • Swing it, and when it comes near your feet, jump up.
  • Repeat the same process. Start slow and slowly increase your pace.

Apart from these, people can also opt to do a jumping jack. It is a full-body workout. And if you love running but do not have much space, you can do spot jogging. It is similar to jogging. The only difference is in spot jogging. You don’t need to move around. It can be done standing in one place. The best thing about this exercise is that people can burn up to 60 calories by jogging for just 10 minutes a day.

Final takeaway

There are ample ways of losing weight if you have clear intentions of doing so. And, no excuse can stop you from achieving your target. If you cannot head to the gym or not spend time doing extracurricular activities, you can follow a regular schedule at home and do routine exercise, and you will see in no time you are losing weight.

Some of the best exercises that are widely practiced to lose weight are Burpees and Bicycle crunch. Even common exercises like skipping and running up and down the stairs help in burning calories. If you do not have a gym nearby, you can also try doing spot jogging. You would be surprised to know that spot jogging for 10 minutes can burn up to 60 calories in a day. So we can say that there is no excuse why you can’t lose weight. All you need is a little determination.