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Diet or Exercise: Which is More Important for Fat Loss?

Diet or Exercise: Which is More Important for Fat Loss?

When it comes to fat loss methods, people think of either diet or exercise. But, which is better at effectively losing fat easily and quickly? What is the ratio of attention you need to pay to both of these sectors in your attempt to lose weight? Can you rely on only one of them or do you need the help of both to reach the ideal weight?

We uncover the answers to all these questions and more as we try and figure out the implications of both of them in weight loss. Stick around to find out.

Diet or Exercise – The Better Method to Lose Fat

The truth of the matter is that people put too much focus on debating which is better – diet or exercise. There needs to be an equilibrium between the two.

In the year 1994, Scientists at the Brown Medical School and University of Colorado established the National Weight Control Registry and in their research, they found that only 1 per cent of Americans were able to stay within their ideal weight range by relying on exercise alone. The same research also showed that 10 per cent people were able to stay in shape by relying on their diet while a whopping 89 per cent of the respondents were able to keep off weight by relying on both exercises and diet.

You would often find people who have been unable to lose weight despite exercising for hours. On the other end of the spectrum, some people keep on adding weight despite maintaining a strict dietary plan. It has been seen that a healthy diet and workout regimes have a symbiotic relationship. The benefits of one are magnified by the inclusion of the other. So, it goes without saying that you need to rely on both of them if you aim to lose weight.

Let us now take some time to individually assess the impact of both exercises and diet on weight loss. This would help you understand their impact from an isolated point of view before understanding what combining both of them would do for you.

Impact of Exercises on Weight Loss

Exercises have stood the test of time in the arena of weight loss due to their effectiveness in burning fats. They help in building strong muscles. Since your muscles take much less space than the fats in your body, you are able to stay in shape.

In addition, when you exercise regularly, you would experience a boost in your metabolism. As such, you will be able to burn calories all day long.  This is what is amazing about a workout regime.  Of course, the type of exercises that you include determines the level of control you would have in your weight loss.

Ideally, a diverse workout is key to losing fat. This is why you should include stretching (which helps in improving flexibility), cardio exercises (for boosting the health of your heart), functional fitness exercises (for improving your body balance), and resistance training exercises (for increasing your overall body strength).  

Furthermore, there are so many different positive attributes associated with exercises. Major among them include a lesser risk of stroke and diabetes, strengthening bone, improving appearance, increasing mental sharpness, reducing depression, reducing blood sugar, boosting self-esteem, improving sleep pattern and sex drive, among others.

Impact of a Healthy Diet on Weight Loss

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that what you put in your mouth largely dictates the shape of your body. It takes a few moments to intake hundreds of calories that would take several hours to burn off. For instance, it takes you probably two minutes to finish a sugary snack that has around 150 calories. To burn it off, you need to walk for at least 30 minutes.  

A common misconception that people have about dieting is that they make it synonymous with starving. This couldn’t be any more wrong. A proper diet regime would never demand you to starve yourself. It is about choosing the right type of food, checking the quantity of food, keeping a watch on the process of cooking the food, and maintaining a proper time to eat your food.

In fact, you can eat large portions of food and still stay in your ideal weight range. Of course, these large portions of food must be of fresh fruits and vegetables, water-rich whole grains such as brown rice and hot cereals, legumes such as pinto beans and black beans, starchy vegetables such as yams, corn, and potatoes, non-fat dairy products and leans animal foods such as white poultry, bison, or seafood.

You might find it fascinating that the type and quantity of food you eat before and after a workout regime can have a pivotal role in maximizing the benefits of exercises.

Diet or Exercise – Bottom Line

For long-term results, you need to both include a healthy diet and indulge in a proper workout regime. We understand that it might seem a bit intimidating initially, especially the amount of commitment you think you need to make for investing in both the arenas. But trust us! They are much easier to get into than you think.

You don’t need to go from zero to hundred at one go. It is a gradual process and within no time you would find yourself getting acclimated with the flow of both of them. Speak to a physical trainer and a nutritionist regarding your health and what you want to achieve. They would be able to recommend you a chart of exercises and food respectively that would suit you. Simply copying what others are doing is not ideal as these things can be extremely subjective.

So, don’t debate as to which one to pick – diet or exercise. Simply incorporate them both in your lifestyle and see the changes for yourself.