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5 Biggest Myths about weightlifting you should never believe in

5 Biggest Myths about weightlifting you should never believe in

Who doesn’t want to have a well-toned body? But when it comes to building muscles, we hear a lot of theories from people around us. Not to mention, most of these theories are misconceptions and have no relation to reality. Here, in this article, we are going to bust the five biggest myths about weightlifting that you should never believe in.

5 Biggest Myths About Weightlifting

When we talk about weightlifting, most of us have a preconceived idea that it is a men’s sport. Women should stay away from it. This is not true at all. Similarly, listed below are the 5 biggest myths about weightlifting that you should never believe in.

Weightlifting is a men’s sport

Weightlifting is a men’s sport

We live in a patriarchal society. Here women are considered to be delicate and fragile, and men are supposed to be strong. So there is a common belief that all sports that require strength, like , are for men. And women should concentrate on doing housework and easy jobs. This mindset of people in India and some places abroad has given birth to a misconception that is a men’s sport. You would be rather surprised to know that  is much more beneficial for women than for men. Women are prone to osteoporosis post-menopause.  results in a considerable increase in muscle strength and bone density. This is why it is good for both men and women. With increased bone density, women can reduce the risk of getting osteoporosis post-menopause.

Makes you bulky

Makes you bulky

Unlike men who like having a bulky body, women prefer lean muscles. Among the myths about , a common misconception is that  makes you bulky. The reason women do not prefer lifting weights because they think that might make them bulky.  merely increases bone density, but the reason why men become bulky is that they have testosterone. It is a hormone that is responsible for bulking muscles. On the other hand, women have higher levels of estrogen and low amounts of testosterone, because of which they ever become bulky no matter how much weight they lift.

People prefer cardio over weightlifting when they wish to lose weight

People prefer cardio over weightlifting when they wish to lose weight

The majority of people believe cardio is better than weightlifting, when the intention is to lose weight. But very few people understand that the only way to lose weight is by burning calories. When we are lifting weight, we burn calories as well.  boosts metabolisms. The more mass you develop, the more calories you burn, and the process of burning calories continue even while you are at rest. This means after an intense  session; you burn calories even while you are resting.

Weightlifting sessions are the same for both men and women

Weightlifting sessions are the same for both men and women

The biggest myth about weightlifting myths is that the session is the same for both men and women.  sessions focus on building and developing body muscles. There are separate exercises for building muscles. So, depending on what kind of muscles you want to have, the sets are designed. For example, men prefer developing their biceps while women prefer having rounded shoulder muscles. Therefore the exercise that would be best suitable for men is completely different from that of women. The exercises also vary depending on the body weight and bone structure of the individual. Therefore if you want to reap benefits from , it is best to hire a professional instructor if you are a first-timer.

Concentrate on reps and lift lighter weights

Concentrate on reps and lift lighter weights

You must have heard some of your friends saying that you should not opt for heavyweights. It is better to lift light weights and do more reps. That means you should repeat the rounds multiple times but lift weights that are easy to lift. But this is another myth about. The fact is that if you are lifting lesser weight in multiple rounds, it is neither going to increase your body neither mass, nor is it going to help you lose weight. To build muscles, you need to introduce change in your regular schedule. Muscles tend to build faster when they are shocked.

Machines are better than free-hand

Machines are better than free-hand

People also believe that if you wish to build muscles faster, you need to use machines to lift weights instead of free-hand bodybuilding. This is a common myth about weightlifting. The fact is that machine lifting is good for beginners who are amateurs in. It lowers the risk of injuries. But if you really want to work on your muscles, you need to focus on free-hand. It helps you get better balance and stability. Once you are aware of the muscle movements, it is best if you lift weights without the help of machines.


Therefore we can say that there are a lot of myths about weightlifting is not something that is based on sex. It is good for both men and women in some way or the other.  is a sport that works on the muscles to increase the density of the muscles. It is testosterone that makes the muscles bulky, not the exercise. So if you are a girl who wants to have a fit body, we suggest you can try a few exercises. It is best to get hold of a physical trainer and focus on doing free-hand exercises instead of using machines. This will help you get your desired physique in no time. All you need to do is follow a routine and a strict diet recommended for . We are sure you will see visible differences whether you aim to build muscles, tone your body or increase muscle mass through weightlifting. If done routinely and correctly, it can show magical results a week that normal exercises will take months to show.