Follow The Right Diet Plan To Stay In Shape

If you want to lose weight, then it is very important to follow the right diet and make sure that it contains the essential nutrients.

It has been estimated that nearly half of American adults try to lose weight every year. One of the best ways for you to lose weight is by changing your diet plan. There are several diet plans available and therefore starting the right diet plan might be a little confusing. You will have to choose something that is both sustainable and also effective. Certain diets tend to reduce your appetite in order to reduce the amount of food you consume. There are again some others that prevent you from consuming more calories in the form of either fats or carbs.

Understanding the Science Behind Weight Loss

Yogurt with Strawberry

Weight gain and weight loss mostly revolve around the number of calories consumed in a day. If you consume a few calories in a day, then you will lose weight and if you consume more calories then you will gain weight.

To drop the unnecessary weight, all that you need to do is to reduce the amount of calories intake and consume a more healthy diet.Simply finding out how many calories your body needs in a day is not enough. You will have to opt for a healthy diet. If you choose a diet that is not healthy, it might increase the cholesterol and the blood sugar level.

If you want to get an idea about a healthy diet plan, you can go through the discussion below:



  • Country-style turkey sausage
  • A cup of  blueberries
  • 3/4 cup of  steel-cut oatmeal prepared with water; you can stir in 1/2 cup skim milk


  • 1/2 cup fat-free ricotta cheese along with 1/2 cup raspberries and a tablespoon chopped pecans.
  • 1/2 cup fat-free cottage cheese along with 1/2 cup salsa


  • Whole-grain roti along with tofu/ non- veg and mixed vegetables


  • 1 turkey burger
  • 3/4 cup brown rice
  • 1 cup spinach salad with 1 tablespoon light balsamic vinaigrette
  • 3/4 cup roasted cauliflower and broccoli florets



  • Quesadilla made with 1/2 of one small corn tortilla and a tablespoon low-fat jack cheese
  • Omelet made with 4 egg whites and 1 whole egg, 1/4 cup chopped broccoli, 2 tablespoons each fat-free refried beans, diced onion, diced mushrooms, and salsa
  • 1/2 cup diced watermelon


  • 1 sliced apple, 1/2 cup fat-free vanilla yogurt with and 1 tablespoon chopped walnuts.


  • Salad made with 4 ounces grilled chicken, 2 cups chopped Romaine, 1/2 cup chopped celery, 2 tablespoons shredded low-fat cheddar, 1/2 cup diced mushrooms, and 1 tablespoon low-fat Caesar dressing
  • 1 cup skim milk
  • 1 medium nectarine


  • 1 medium-sized orange
  • 1 fat-free mozzarella string cheese stick


  • 1 medium artichoke, steamed
  • 4 ounces shrimp, grilled or sauteed with 1 teaspoon olive oil and 1 teaspoon chopped garlic
  • 1/4 cup garbanzo beans, 1 teaspoon chopped fresh cilantro, 1/2 cup whole wheat couscous with 2 tablespoons diced bell pepper, and 1 tablespoon fat-free honey mustard dressing



  • You can half 1/2 cup egg whites scrambled with 1 teaspoon olive oil, 1 teaspoon grated Parmesan, 1 teaspoon chopped basil, and 1/2 cup cherry tomatoes
  • 1/2 cup blueberries
  • 1 cup skim milk
  • 1 slice whole-grain toast


  • 1/2 cup fat-free Greek yogurt which can be topped with 1/4 cup sliced strawberries


  • A salad that you can make with 4 ounces chopped grilled chicken breast, 1 tablespoon shredded low-fat cheddar, 3/4 cup cooked bulgur, diced grilled veggies 1/4 cup diced zucchini, 1/2 cup bell pepper), 1 teaspoon chopped cilantro, and 1 tablespoon low-fat vinaigrette.


  • 6 baby carrots along with 2 tablespoons hummus 


  • 1 cup wild rice with 1 tablespoon slivered toasted almonds
  • 4 ounces grilled salmon
  • 1 cup floppy baby spinach with 1 teaspoon each olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and grated Parmesan
  • 1/2 cup diced cantaloupe topped with 1/2 cup all-fruit raspberry sorbet and 1 teaspoon chopped walnuts.

You can follow a similar diet plan for the rest of the days of the week.

Make Sure that you create a balanced diet chart 

The balanced diet that you prepare should have food containing all the essential nutrients. To know about some of these nutrients, you can go through the discussion below:


Carbohydrate should make up at least half of your requirement for daily calories. Simple carbs that include biscuit, bread, white rice, sugar, and wheat flour are not good for your health. It is therefore recommended that you opt for complex carbs that have a higher amount of fibers and are also rich in nutrients. The carbs that have a higher amount of fiber are difficult to digest and therefore they help you to feel fuller for a longer period. Therefore, these are undoubtedly the best options for controlling weight.



Most Indians do not take the number of proteins that their body needs. This is something to worry about because proteins help in bodybuilding and also body repairing. If you opt for a diet that is rich in protein, it will also help you to lose weight. It is important to ensure that at least 30% of your diet should consist of protein. This protein may be in the form of whole dals, chana, paneer, milk, white meat, sprouts.


Fat is a group of food that does not have a very good reputation. But it is important for your body. They store vitamins, synthesize hormones, and also provide you with the amount of energy you need. Make sure that at least 20% of your diet should comprise of healthy fats. Omega3, polyunsaturated fats, and monosaturated fats are healthy fats. It is a good idea to use a combination of various oils in your meals. You should also restrict the amount of butter and ghee that you have in a day. Avoid trans fats and therefore you should not eat too many fried snacks.

Vitamins and Minerals


Vitamin A, E, B12, D, calcium, and iron are important for your body as they help in proper metabolism. These also help in the proper functioning of nerves and muscles, bone maintenance, and the production of cells. You can find vitamins and minerals in plants, meat, and fish. These are also available in proper quantities in nuts, oilseeds, and green leafy vegetables. You should have 100 grams of fruits and 100 grams of greens every day.


You must choose a diet that contains all the essential nutrients. This will help you to stay fit and healthy. You will also be able to stay more energetic and active and lose weight at the same time.

Healthy Foods That Will Make Your Heart Smile

Want to maintain a good heart health? Make sure that you have the foods that will help you to improve the health of your heart.

If you opt for a healthy diet, it will be good for your heart as well as your waistline. This will certainly reduce your chances of developing heart diseases. There are a variety of fruits and vegetables that are good for your heart. Try to eat foods when they are in their natural form. This means that you should try to opt for whole foods.

Eating Healthy Is Important

If you eat a diet that has the right amount of calories and the right amount of fat, then it will automatically take care of your heart. Some foods are particularly more attractive than the rest because of their nutritious value.

To know about the best foods that are good for your heart, you can go through the below-mentioned discussion:

1. Green Leafy Vegetables

Green Leafy Vegetables

Certain green leafy vegetables like kale, collard greens, and spinach are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. These are also a great source of vitamin K which helps in improving the health of your arteries and also in promoting the clotting of the blood. These are also high in dietary nitrates that reduce blood pressure and also decrease arterial stiffness. This also improves the functions of the linings of the cells and also the blood vessels. If you increase the consumption of green leafy vegetables, your heart health is certainly improved.

2. Whole Grains

Whole Grains

The whole grains contain certain parts of the grains that are rich in nutrients, bran, and endosperm. These include whole wheat, brown rice, rye, barley, quinoa, and buckwheat. The whole wheat grains are richer in fiber in comparison to the refined grain. If you include more whole grains in your diet, it will surely lower down the risks associated with heart diseases.

Another study suggested, that if you eat at least three servings of whole grains in a day, it would reduce systolic blood pressure by 6mm hg. It will also reduce the chances of stroke by about 25%. When you are purchasing whole grains, you should read out the ingredients properly. Words like, “Whole Grain” or “Whole Wheat” indicate that these are whole grain products, and words like “multi-grain” and “wheat flour” does not.

3. Berries


Blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries are all packed with essential nutrients that play a very important role in providing you with very good heart health. The berries are also rich in antioxidants like anthocyanins. These protect you against oxidative stress and inflammation which again contribute to the development of heart diseases. If you eat lots of berries, it will reduce the risks associated with heart diseases. A study of 27 adults also showed that if you drink a beverage made of dried strawberries for 8 weeks, it will reduce the level of bad cholesterol.

A metabolic syndrome is a group of conditions that are related to higher risks associated with heart diseases. Blueberries also help you to control the blood pressure and blood clotting. Berries are quite a satisfying snack and are also considered to be a delicious low-calorie dessert. Try adding a few berries to your diet and that will surely improve your overall health.

4. Fatty Fish and Fatty Oil

Fatty Fish

Fatty fish like mackerel, tuna, and sardines are full of omega 3 fatty acids that are known for their heart health benefits. A study conducted on 324 people says that eating salmon thrice a week for 8 weeks reduces diastolic blood pressure to a great extent. It is also believed that if you eat fish for the long term, it will lower down the cholesterol levels, fasting blood sugar level, and also systolic blood pressure.

If you do not eat seafood, then you can also take fish oil that will satisfy your daily dose of omega 3 fatty acids. The fish oil supplements reduce blood triglycerides, decrease blood pressure, and improve arterial function. The other alternatives to omega 3 supplements are algal oil and krill oil.

5. Dark Chocolates

Dark Chocolates

Dark chocolates are rich in antioxidants like flavonoids which boost heart health. Eating dark chocolates lowers the chances of heart disease. Studies suggest that the people who eat chocolates at least 5 times a week had 57% lower chances of heart diseases than the people who did not eat chocolates.

There is also another study that suggested that eating chocolates twice per week also reduces the chances of calcified plaque in the arteries. These studies certainly show an association but do not account for the other factors that may also be involved. Chocolates can be high in sugar and calories which can again negate some of the health benefits it has. Therefore, make sure that you pick up dark chocolates that are of the highest quality and have as much as 70% cocoa. But you should consume it in moderate amounts to make the most of its heart health benefits.

6. Almonds


Almonds are quite rich in nutrients. It has both vitamins and minerals that are good for your heart. These also contain heart-healthy mono saturated fat and fiber. These two nutrients can protect you against heart diseases. If you eat almonds regularly, it will also improve cholesterol levels.

Almonds reduce bad cholesterol and improve the level of good cholesterol in the body. These will reduce the chances of building up of plaque and also keep the arteries clear. The almonds are not only rich in nutrients but they are also high in calories. If you are also want to lose weight, make sure that you limit the amount of intake of almonds.


It is very important to ensure that you have a healthy heart. The foods mentioned above are available quite easily. Therefore, take care of your heart by consuming these foods regularly. Some of them are high in calories. Thus, you should also be careful not to take these foods in excess because otherwise, you will end up gaining a lot of weight. Apart from this, if you practice high-intensity interval training along with a bit of running, it will also help you to have a healthy heart.

Improve Your Gut Health With These Foods

If you want to maintain a good gut health, then make sure that you have some of the foods that have a higher amount of probiotics.

There are as many as 40 trillion bacteria in our bodies and most of these are present in our intestines. They are together known as gut microbiota. They are extremely important for your health. There are also certain bacteria present in the intestines that will be able to contribute to several diseases.

The foods that you eat impacts the type of bacteria that are present inside you. There are certain digestive problems like gas, constipation, and diarrhoea that affects millions of people. There is as much as 15 per cent of the people in western countries facing severe gut sensitivity that is also referred to as irritable bowel syndrome.

Understanding What Is Gut Health

Gut health refers to the balance of the microorganisms that are present in the digestive tract. You need to look after the heath of the gut and also maintain the right balance of these microorganisms. It is important for physical and mental health and also for the overall immunity of the organism.

The bacteria, yeasts, and viruses that are present in the gut are also referred to as the gut microbiome or the gut flora. Certain microbes are again good for human health. Some are essential for human beings. There are, however, some others that can be harmful especially if they multiply.

Food That Is Good For Your Gut Health

Often there is confusion about what to eat and what not to eat. There is a lot of information available about healthy food online. It can, therefore, be a little tricky about the foods that you should eat and what are the foods that you should not eat.

1. Yoghurt

This is a very good source of good bacteria. This friendly bacteria is also referred to as probiotics. To have a tasty breakfast, you should have a full-fat version of yogurt along with some fruits. Yogurt drinks contain a large number of bacteria that are good for your gut health. It is true that in comparison to yogurt, yogurt drinks have a higher amount of probiotics but these also contain a higher amount of sugar.

2. Kefir

This is a probiotic made by fermenting milk. This is packed with good bacteria. This originated in the mountainous regions between Asia and Europe and Russia and Central Asia. You can also add it to the smoothies and the soups. You can also simply use it as a base for salad dressing. Just add a bit of lemon juice to it.

3. Miso

Miso Soup

This is made of fermented soya beans and rice or barley. This also contains a range of goodies that include enzymes and healthy bacteria. You can also use a savory paste that can be used as a good dip, dressing, and soup. You can also use its marinade for tofu and salmon. This is a staple Japanese diet and is appropriate for you if you want to avoid dairy. It has been observed that places, where people use miso as their staple food, have better gut health in comparison to the people who do not eat this.

4. Sauerkraut

This is fermented cabbage that has been finely chopped. Sauerkraut is also a great source of fiber, vitamins, and probiotics. This is best known as a very good German dish but you will also find versions of the same dish in both Eastern as well as central Europe. It is highly recommended that you choose a product that has not been pickled in vinegar. This is because such foods no longer have the same benefits. This is most delicious when you serve it with sausages. You can prepare it at quite a reasonable price at home.

5. Kimchi


This is a Korean specialty. It is made of fermented vegetables. It has the benefits of probiotics bacteria along with a lot of vitamins and fiber. This is a wonderful side dish that you can have with meat, eggs, or salads. Just as we say “cheese” at the time of taking a photo, similarly the Koreans say “kimchi” at the time of taking photos.

6. Sourdough

This is considered to be quite a fashionable food at the moment. This is made by fermenting the dough. This can be digested more easily in comparison to regular bread. Moreover, it also releases energy slowly. This also makes an excellent toast.

7. Almonds

Almonds have excellent probiotic properties. This means that they are an excellent treat for the gut bacteria and are rich in fiber, fatty acids, and also polyphenols. When you are feeling a little hungry, you can certainly munch a few of them.

8. Olive Oil

The gut bacteria prefer a diet that is rich in fatty acids and polyphenols. Both of these are present in the olive oil. Olive oil helps in reducing the inflammation of the gut. You can use it for dressing the salad and you can also drizzle it over the cooked vegetables. It also helps in easing the problems related to indigestion. It also benefits the pancreas because it lowers its requirement to produce digestive enzymes.

9. Kombucha


Water is extremely crucial for maintaining good gut health. But apart from water, you can also drink kombucha. This is a fermented tea drink that is believed to have been originated in Manchuria. Manchuria is filled with good bacteria. The taste for this sharp and vinegary drink can be used as quite a refreshing drink. You can either drink it without mixing it with anything or if you want, you can also mix it with spices and fruits. It is also an excellent base for cocktails.

10. Garlic

This has both antibacterial as well as antifungal properties. It also helps in keeping the bad gut bacteria within control. This also helps you to balance the yeast in the gut. You can use it as a flavoring for savory dishes. There are certain properties present in garlic. These act as a source of fuel and allows the bacteria to do their job well. This helps in increasing the function of the gut.

11. Ginger

If you eat fresh ginger, it will help in the production of stomach acid and it also helps in stimulating the digestive system. Thus, food can move through the gut easily. You can add freshly grated ginger to soups, stews, stir-fries, and also smoothies. If you want to make some fresh ginger tea, you will simply have to pour boiling water on the grated ginger.


Maintaining good gut health is essential. Therefore, eat the foods mentioned above and you will surely be able to maintain excellent gut health.

Quick and Healthy Meal Ideas

Staying fit and healthy is important. If you have meals that are quick and healthy at the same time, it will certainly help you to improve your overall health.

Best Healthy Meals You Should Try

You can try out some healthy breakfast, lunch, or dinner recipes from the list given below:

1. Simple Poached Egg with Avocado Toast

Poached Egg with Avocado Toast

These days avocado toast has become quite popular. But if you add an egg poach to it, it goes to a new level. This completes the trifecta of nutrition: fats, carbs, and proteins. Again if you add some fresh herbs and parmesan cheese on top of it, it will taste delicious and also look quite fancy.

2. Fried Eggs with Cheddar-Garlic Grits

The Southern classy and cheesy grits will not have to be full of calories and fat. You can cook them in water rather than in milk and not add butter to it. You will, however, have to keep the cheddar. 

If you add about 2 tablespoons of cheddar, then the dish certainly starts tasting better. This also provides about 10% of the daily calcium that your body needs. For staying power, you can also add some eggs and chopped chives that provides it with the flavor of onion and garlic. This makes everything taste all the better.

3. Hot Quinoa Cereal

Quinoa cereal

Quinoa is certainly a fabulous dish, however, it takes some time to cook. Some people say that this can be nuked and takes more than 10 minutes to cook in most microwaves. The quinoa flakes are, however, very similar to oats and are the source of complete protein. You can cook them quite fast. You can also cook them with dried berries in your favorite milk. Add some nuts, nut butter, fresh fruits, and seeds.

4. Easy And Quick to Prepare Chicken Burrito

You can add the leftover chicken with a quick burrito. Now you can also mix it with cheese and avocado and then finally wrap it up with tortilla and then cook it. You can also add some peppers and onions to this dish. Prepare a few of them now and preserve the extras to cook your lunch all the more fast.

5. Salmon with Some Herbed Bean Salad

Bored with the same tuna salad every day? Now you can try some creamy cannellini beans, veggies along with fresh herbs to prepare a super easy meal. Though easy to cook, this meal is also quite delicious. You can make it either on Pita or on whole-grain crackers.

6. Creamy Buffalo Chicken Along With Black Bean Quesadillas

This lunch is creamy, spicy, and has lots of flavors. Black beans will bump up the protein and fiber and the green onions will help in adding that extra zing. You can also add some Greek Yogurt to this dish.

7. Tomato Salad Added with Stuffed Avocados

The avocados are not only good for moist desserts, guacamole, and rich smoothies, you can also stuff them. You will simply have to remove the pit and then fill the center with a mixture of tomatoes, onion, and feta along with some herbs. This will be quite a filling meal and this is appropriate for serving brunch. Every lunch and breakfast recipes don’t need to take hours to prepare. Even a healthy breakfast can be cooked faster.

8. Herb And Onion Frittata

Herb and onion Frittata

This recipe normally has liquid eggs in it, however, if you want, you can substitute it with two whole eggs. You can also add some herbs either fresh or dried that appeal to you. The herbs have different flavors and bring in a different set of health benefits. The best part about a frittata is that like pizza and mashed potatoes, it tastes good when served hot or even when served cold. You can prepare this in a higher quantity and then eat the other amount for breakfast the next day.

9. Turkey Provolone Wrap With Avocado Mayo

This is not like any other Turkey sandwich. You can smear some mayo along with a heart-healthy avocado on a tortilla and then roll it with some tomato, provolone, and lettuce. This is a recipe that is creamy, soft, and also crunchy. You can also play it around with some other fillings.

 10. Zucchini Pasta with Vegan Cashew-Basil Pesto

If you add cashews to your diet, it certainly helps in building your bones. This is because this is rich in phosphorous, energy-producing magnesium, and other minerals. This makes pesto quite creamy. You can use a food processor to prepare the sauce or use a vegetable peeler. You can also combine the two.

11Vegetable Fried Rice

You can prepare this with the leftover brown rice or if you want, you can also prepare some rice in the micro oven. To prepare this delicious rice, all that you will have to do is to add some peas, corn, eggs and toss it with some rice vinegar and salty soy sauce. Then you can mix it with any of the other vegetables. This will be tasty for sure.

12. Spicy Cilantro Shrimp with Honey-Lime Dipping Sauce

Spicy Cilantro Shrimp with Honey-Lime Dipping Sauce

If you have a very busy evening, then shrimps are the perfect proteins for you. This is because you will be able to cook them quite easily. You can also season it with cumin, cayenne, paprika, and cinnamon. Cinnamon adds some warmth to the dish. You can also saute this with a bit of butter. You can also toss it with some homemade honey and fresh lime juice. These will temper the heat of the shrimp.

13. Low Carb chili

If you want to have chilli and you want to have it now, you should check out this recipe. If you buy salsa from the store, it will certainly speed up things. Moreover, there is also no dicing or chopping involved. You can use either ground lean turkey or beef.  Then you can finally top it up with corn, avocado, sour cream, and fresh-squeezed lime juice.

14. BBQ Chicken Pizza

No longer will you have to order frozen pizza. This pie will be made even faster. You will have to use a whole wheat pita as the crust and then top it with barbecue sauce, mozzarella, red onion along with some pre-cooked chicken. You will have to microwave it till the time the cheese melts down completely and then have the entire thing.


Quick and healthy meals will ensure that you eat healthy even during weekdays when you are extremely busy. A healthy diet also ensures that you lose belly fat. These delicious dishes can be cooked fast. You will thus no longer have to depend on junk foods for filling up your stomach.

The Advantages of Choosing a Mediterranean Diet

Mediterranean Diet is one of the most healthy diet options available. Choosing this will certainly help you to reach your health goals.

The Mediterranean diet has received a lot of attention in modern times. This is because this diet is quite healthy. This diet reduces the chances of heart diseases, certain cancers, depression, diabetes, etc. It improves mental as well as physical functions of the body.

What is the Mediterranean Diet?

The Mediterranean diet is the food that belongs to the countries that surround the Mediterranean sea. This diet chiefly consists of:

  • The abundance of plant foods and these include vegetables, fruits, nuts, and also legumes. These should also include whole grains and locally grown olive oil. 
  • You should consume Yogurt and cheese regularly in low to medium amounts.
  • Poultry and fish to be consumed in low to moderate amounts.
  • You can take Red meat in small amounts.
  • Fresh fruits along with sweets containing added sugar and honey. But you should eat this only a few times in one week.
  • Wine in low to moderate amount. This should be accompanied by meals.

Health Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet


To know about the benefits of the Mediterranean diet, you should go through the discussion given below:

1. Preventing Strokes and Heart Diseases 

When you follow a Mediterranean diet,the consumption of refined bread, red meat, processed food is limited. Moreover, you are also encouraged to take red wine instead of hard liquor.

2. Will Help You to Keep Agile

The Mediterranean diet has a lot of nutrients in it. These help in reducing the risks associated with weakening muscles. It also reduces other signs of frailty by about 70%.

3. Reduces the Risk Associated with Alzheimer’s

A Mediterranean diet might improve the levels of good cholesterol. It even helps in maintaining the blood sugar levels of individuals. The overall health of blood vessels is also improved.

4. Chances of Parkinson’s Disease is Reduced

There is a very high percentage of antioxidants present in this diet. This prevents the cells from getting damaged. Therefore, the chances of Parkinson’s disease iscertainly reduced.

5. Increasing Longevity

This diet helps in reducing the risks of death to as much as 20%. This is because this diet reduces the risk of developing heart diseases and cancer.

6. Provides You Protection Against Type 2 Diabetes

This diet is rich in fiber content. These take time to digest and prevent too much blood pressure swings. It also helps in maintaining the level of blood sugar and prevents you from gaining weight.

Foods That Should be Included as Part of the Mediterranean Diet


If you are interested to get an idea about what type of foods should be included as a part of your Mediterranean diet, you can go through the discussion below:

1. Focusing on Whole Foods

Processed foods are not traditionally a part of the Mediterranean diet. If the food is coming as a package, then make sure that you check out the list. Foods that can be included as a part of the whole diet are whole grains, nuts, fish, legumes, fruits, and olive oil.

2. Vegetables Should be Included

The Mediterranean diet emphasizes that you should have at least 7 – 10 servings of fruits and vegetables in a day. Even having 3 – 5 servings each day will lower the chances of heart diseases.

You can add small quantities of vegetables to the meals. For example, you can add spinach to the eggs, load your sandwiches with cucumber and avocado. You can also have some nut butter with an apple.

3. Eat Fish Instead of Red Meat

Fishes are rich in protein. So you should include herring, tuna, salmon, etc. as a part of your diet. These fishes contain a high amount of protein and also omega 3 fatty acids. This reduces inflammation and also improve the level of your cholesterol. Both shellfish and whitefish are very good protein sources. If you are fond of eggs, turkey, chicken, cheese, and yogurt, you can have them weekly.

4. Use Olive Oil Instead of Butter to Cook Your Food

The total amount of fat consumed is not as important as the type of fat you are consuming. This diet encourages eating poly and mono-saturated fats and also heart-healthy fats. Saturated and trans fat increases the LDL level. Therefore, you should swap butter with fats like olive oil that is good for your heart.

Mediterranean Diet Throughout the Day

Whole Food

If you want to include some of the best and the most delicious food into your diet, you can go through the recipes given below:

1. Breakfast

  • You can have whole grain bread with toppings of fresh tomato, a little bit of virgin olive oil, and low-fat cheese slices. 
  • Another alternative breakfast can include a vegetable omelette with spinach, mushrooms, and onions with crusty whole-grain bread. You should cook it in olive oil.
  • You can have plain Greek yogurt topped with fresh berries and also nuts.

2. Lunch

  • You can have a Greek salad and this should include tomatoes, fresh parsley, kalamata olives, and feta cheese. You can dress it with extra virgin olive oil and squeeze some lemons on it.
  • Chickpea and faro salad with spring onions, red pepper, and fresh oregano can also be a good Mediterranean lunch. You should also dress it with some extra virgin olive oil and also some lemon juice.
  • The third alternative for a Mediterranean lunch can be a vegetarian pizza topped with part-skim mozzarella cheese, onions, roasted broccoli, carrots, and green peppers.

3. Dinner

  • Green vegetables kababs with shrimp along with a toasted quinoa salad, mixed green salad with pine nuts.
  • Chicken stir-fried in olive oil with cauliflower, broccoli, yellow peppers, and asparagus along with brown rice.
  • Steamed mussels along with spinach-orzo salad and minestrone.


Mediterranean diet is undoubtedly one of the most healthy diets. The best part about this diet is that you can also make it delicious. Fish, eggs, chicken, turkeys, etc. can also be a part of your diet.

A Beginner’s Guide to Atkins Diet

Atkins Diet is healthy and delicious at the same time. But while you are on this diet, you should stay hydrated enough.

If you are interested to improve your eating habits, then the Atkins diet is a wonderful way for you to do so. This diet will help you to lose weight and also make you feel amazing. If you are reading this article, then you are already one step closer to the beginning of a healthier life. But before you start with this diet, you need to know about this in detail. This article will help you understand the important details of the Atkins diet.

4 Phase Plan of the Atkins Diet

You will have to follow the Atkins diet in 4 phases:

Phase 1

This is also called the induction period. During this time you should not consume more than 20 grams of carbs each day. You need to eat foods that contain high amounts of proteins and high amounts of fats with vegetables that have a lesser amount of carbohydrates. These include leafy vegetables. This will certainly help you to kick start the weight loss program.

Phase 2

This is the balancing phase. You will have to include more nuts in your diet. You should also consume low carb vegetables and little amount of fruits.

Phase 3

When you are close to the goal weight, you need to add more carbs to the diet. This will certainly help the weight loss to slow down. This is also referred to as the fine-tuning stage.

Phase 4

This is called the maintenance stage. In this stage, you can eat as many healthy carbs as your body needs without gaining extra weight.

Some people prefer to skip the induction phase altogether. They include plenty of vegetables and fruits from the very beginning. This approach can be extremely effective. Others prefer to stay in the induction phase for an indefinite period. This is also referred to as a very low carb ketogenic diet phase.

Foods That You Need to Avoid

When you are on the Atkins diet, you should avoid the consumption of the following foods. These include:

  • Sugar
  • Grains
  • Vegetable Oils
  • Trans Fats
  • Diet and low- fat foods
  • High-carb vegetables.
  • High Carb fruits.
  • Starches.
  • Legumes

Foods That You Can Eat

Baked Chicken

The foods that you can eat are:

  • Meats.
  • Seafood and fatty fish.
  • Eggs
  • Low Carb vegetables.
  • Full-fat dairy.
  • Healthy fats
  • Nuts and seeds.

Your meals should be based on a fatty protein source along with vegetables or nuts. It should include nuts along with some healthy fats. This will help you to lose weight.

Beverages That You Can Drink

You can always include the below-mentioned beverages when you are following the Atkins diet. These include:

1. Water.
2. Green Tea
3. Coffee.

You can also drink alcohol but you should have it in small amounts. Make sure that you should drink dry wines and there should not be any added sugar included in your diet. You should also avoid drinks like beer that have a high amount of carbohydrates.

Foods That You Might Eat

There are several delicious foods available that you can eat when you are following the Atkins diet. These include heavy cream, cheese, bacon, and also dark chocolates. Most of these are considered fattening because they contain a higher amount of fat and calorie content. But when you are on a low-carb diet, then your body tends to increase its use of fat as a source of energy. It also suppresses your appetite. This also reduces the chances of weight gain and overeating.

Atkins Diet Sample Menu

Lemon grilled chicken


Vegetables and Eggs fried in coconut oil.

Chicken Salad served with olive oil and also a handful of nuts.

Steak and Veggies


Bacon and Eggs

Leftover chicken with veggies from the last night.

Bunless cheeseburgers with butter and vegetables.


Veggies and Omelet fried in butter.

Shrimp salad dipped in olive oil

Vegetables with Ground-beef stir-fried


Eggs and vegetables stir-fried in coconut oil.

Stir fry the leftover dinner from the night before.

Have salmon along with vegetables stir-fried in butter.


Eggs with Bacon

Chicken salad dipped in olive oil and a handful of nuts.

Meatballs along with some vegetables.


Omelet and vegetables are stir-fried in butter.

Leftover meatballs from last night.

Vegetables along with some pork chops.


Eggs with Bacon.

The pork chops that are left from the night before.

Grilled chicken wings along with some veggies and Salsa.

You must add enough vegetables to your diet.

Guidelines to Know Before You Start the Atkins Diet

Harissa chicken

If you follow certain guidelines while you are on Atkins diet, it will certainly help you:

1. You need to Set Goals

Before you start with the Atkins diet and set your goals, it is important for you to stay motivated. If you set goals that can be achieved, then it will help you to keep the bigger picture in mind. You will lose weight and you will get something to look forward to.

2. Know how the Atkins Diet works

If you are committing to a program that will help you to lose weight, then you need to understand how the diet works. You also know what best you can expect by working so hard. In the first phase, you primarily shift from burning carbs to burning fats. This helps you to kick start the weight loss program. The most important goal is to lessen down the amount of carbohydrate intake to as low as 20 grams.

3. Make Sure to Stay Motivated

You might want to start the Atkin’s diet with a friend or with a friend to post in one of the communities of the Atkin’s group. It is also important that you hold yourself responsible for the diet plan that you are following. This will help you to stay motivated for the entire process. Losing weight becomes a lot of fun when you are doing it with other people. There will thus be more people who will support your diet goal. They will also help you to stay focused and motivate you to get going.

4. You Need To Familiarize Yourself With What You Can and What You Cannot Eat 

Before you start the process of dieting, you will have to read through the list of the foods that are permitted in Phase I. Now you can check the recipe books and find out certain recipes that will suit your stomach. When you are excited about the food you will eat, then it will be easier for you to start the diet.


Atkins Diet will certainly help you to lose weight. Therefore, before starting this diet you should have a full proof plan. You also need to stay hydrated when you are following this diet. Keeping yourself motivated will help you to reach your goal.