Best Kettlebell Exercises For Women

The best kettlebell exercises will ensure that you are in the best shape and so, you should start working out now without further delay.

Women usually train to get leaner and fitter. Kettlebell training offers the benefits of weight training along with cardiovascular training. 

Kettlebell Training Burns More Calories

The Kettlebell exercises engage the full body synergistically like cardio. Kettlebell training not only burns more calories than traditional barbell exercises but also burns almost the same amount of calories as high-intensity cardio. 

Here is a list of the best kettlebell exercises for women.

1.Kettlebell Farmers Carry Supersetted with Two Arms Overhead Kettlebell Lunge

Kettlebell Exercises for Women

A superset is a pair of two exercises done back to back to increase the intensity of the workout. Kettlebell farmers carry improves the grip strength and engages the trapezius muscles of the upper body strength. You can take a brief walk to warm up and then start your kettlebell workout with the kettlebell farmers carry as your first exercise. 

Muscles engaged: 

  • The kettlebell farmer’s walk is a full-body functional exercise primarily focusing on Trapezius, forearm flexors, quadriceps, and calves.
  • The two-arm overhead kettlebell lunge is a full-body movement but targets the shoulders, quadriceps, calves. It also engages the serratus muscles and increases mobility for the overhead squat.
  • These two exercises done back to back delivers a challenging workout for the cardiovascular system. 

Exercise execution: 

  • Stand with your feet hip-distance apart and hold one kettlebell in each hand at your sides. 
  • You can either walk with the kettlebell or you can do a stationary farmer’s walk by lifting one leg off the ground and bringing your knee to hip height. Then you can bring the leg down and lift the other leg to hip height and bring it down. This completes one repetition. 
  • Continue alternating sides. Ensure that you are standing tall with your chest and back upright.
  • After completing 15 repetitions for each leg start doing the two arms overhead kettlebell lunge.
  • Bend over slightly and snatch the two kettlebells first to shoulder level and then lift them up and overhead. 
  • Maintain that static position and take a big step forward while keeping the torso straight. 
  • Lunge down slowly. Push back up to the initial position and do the same on the opposite leg. Alternate between legs.
  • Do 15 repetitions with each leg.
  • Rest for 30 seconds and repeat the superset. 

2. The Turkish Get-Up

Know about Kettlebell exercises

The Turkish get-up engages the core muscles and is a movement that mimics getting up from lying in the ground. The ability to do the Turkish get-up movement carries over directly to getting up from a ground position in grappling sports. According to research, a hip fracture results in the most serious of all consequences. Therefore, getting up from a fall has an application in everyday life too.

Muscles Engaged: 

Engages the full anterior chain while primarily engaging the Rectus abdominis, serratus, obliques, quads, and shoulders.

Exercise execution: 

  • Lie on your back in a starfish position with your legs straight out at a 45-degree angle and arms out at a 45-degree angle.
  • Bend your right leg and place your right foot flat on the floor a few inches from your butt and outside your hip. 
  • Bring your right arm which is holding the kettlebell straight up toward the ceiling, keeping your knuckles pointing straight toward the ceiling.  
  • Raise the weight above the chest until the arm is straight but not locked at the elbow. Push into the left forearm to sit up. Rise onto left palm, lift hips off the floor, and slide left leg behind body until kneeling on the left knee with shin parallel to the top of the mat. 
  • Sweep left foot back behind the body to come into kneeling lunge with both legs bent at 90 degrees. Push through your feet to stand bringing feet together under hips. Reverse the entire movement to return to start. 
  • Repeat with the other side. 

3.The Kettlebell Push Press 

Increases explosive shoulder strength with synergistic help from the hips and legs.

Muscles engaged:

Primarily front delt and traps with synergistic help from the lower body and core.

Exercise execution:

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a kettlebell with your palms facing in, arms bent, with the kettlebell in a rack position resting on your chest.
  • Bend your knees just a few inches and explode up from the ground to straighten the legs and press the weight straight up overhead.
  • Bring the kettlebell back to your chest in a rack position, bend your knees, and repeat.

4.The Kettlebell Thruster

Kettlebell Exercises

The Kettlebell thruster is a power exercise for legs and shoulders and challenges the cardiovascular system significantly if done for 15 repetitions and above.

Muscles engaged:

Builds balance and power from the ground up while primarily working the explosive strength and coordination of the legs, core, and the deltoid-trapezius complex. 

Exercise execution: 

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart in a stance which will enable you to explore.
  • Hold a kettlebell with the left hand in a rack position and focus on exploding the kettlebell upward using strength from the feet.
  • Extend the right arm in front of you while making a fist with your right hand. 
  • Keep your chest high, sit into your heels to get into a squat position. 
  • Explode back up using your legs and shoulders to press the kettlebell overhead. 
  • Complete 15 repetitions with one and repeat with the other arm.
  • This completes one set.

5. The Kettlebell Swing

The kettlebell swing is an explosive posterior chain movement and probably the most popular kettlebell exercise.

Muscles Engaged:

Primarily engages the posterior chain and the forearm flexors.

Exercise execution:

  • Start with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, hips back, knees slightly bent, leaning forward at 45 degrees holding the handle of a reasonably heavy kettlebell with both hands.
  • Your arms should be extended straight toward the floor and the kettlebell should be between your knees. 
  • In one fluid motion, power up the kettlebell keeping the arms straight.
  • The power should come from your posterior chain.
  • You can alternate the kettlebell swing with the kettlebell squatting and pressing movements even if it means doing the kettlebell swing for a very high number of sets in a workout.

6.The Curl to Squat and Press

Muscles Engaged:

The curl to squat and press works the biceps, quads, and shoulders in one exercise. This exercise requires a very patient and smooth execution.

Exercise execution:

  • Start by taking a kettlebell in each hand with arms extended toward the floor with the palms facing away from the body. 
  • Take a comfortable squat stance and squat down.
  • Sitting in the squat position, curl the kettlebells to shoulder level. 
  • Then squat up and press the pair of kettlebells up overhead in one smooth motion.
  • Doing 15 or more repetitions of this movement is a challenging aerobic workout too.

7. The One Arm Kettlebell Floor Press Supersetted with the Single-Leg Kettlebell Row

Muscles Engaged:

This superset of two exercises done back-to-back uses your arm extensor muscles in a lying position to press the kettlebell up and then requires you to get up, balance yourself on the leg and perform a row which engages your core and works your body’s pulling muscles i.e. your back, biceps and forearm flexors. 

The Kettlebell Floor Press Exercise Execution: 

  • Lie face-up with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. 
  • Hold a kettlebell with one hand with the bell above your elbow and place the other hand on the ground to the side with the palm facing down. 
  • Press the kettlebell above your chest and then bring it back down to the starting position. 
  • Complete 8 repetitions with one arm and repeat with the other arm.
  • Move to the next exercise in the superset

The Single-Leg Kettlebell Row Exercise Execution:

  • Start by standing up with feet shoulder-width apart while holding a kettlebell in each hand, palms facing the body. 
  • Transfer your body weight onto the left leg, extend your right leg behind body and lower your torso and weight toward the ground. 
  • Keep lowering yourself till you feel your upper body and right leg are parallel to the floor. 
  • Maintain this position and perform 15 repetitions of kettlebell rows with both arms.
  • Repeat the entire movement from the start while keeping your right leg on the floor.  
  • Catch your breath and move back to the kettlebell floor press.


So here is our list of the best Kettlebell exercises for women. The exercises done correctly will whip you into top shape in no time. So without further delay start with the kettlebell exercises now.

Best Hip-Strengthening Exercises That You Need to Master Today

Having hip-strengthening exercises in your workout regime would help you tackle all those terrible hip pains. Come, let’s master them.

Our hips are among the most underrated muscles in our body that are often not given priority while setting a workout regime. It is only when it starts bothering us, we start thinking about it, and sometimes we are too late to cover up the damage. Therefore, the importance of hip-strengthening exercises can’t be stressed enough. They are, in fact, a must for those who spend a considerable portion of their time sitting in front of a computer.

Today, let us take a look at some of the most beneficial hip-strengthening exercises that will have a long-lasting impact on the mobility and health of your hips.

Hip-Strengthening Exercises – Target Zone

Hip-strengthening exercises are designed to target two areas on your body – the gluteus maximus, which refers to the primary extensor muscle of your hip; and the gluteus medius, which is the primary muscle on the side of your hip.

To put it simply, you will be working towards strengthening and stretching the sides and back of your hips. In fact, these exercises also function as great fat-burning regimes that help you get in your favorite piece of clothing which you might have missed out on because of those extra chunks on your hips.

These exercises will not only help you look better but will also assist you in moving better. Although most functional exercises strengthen and stretch the muscles of your hip to some degree, a focused plan of a hip workout will undeniably hit the core areas.

Warm-Up Regimes for Hip-Strengthening Exercises

Hip-strengthening exercises can be tedious. As such, if you speak to any fitness expert at a multi-gym near you, they will advise you to start with some basic warm-up regimes that will prepare you for the upcoming exercises.  The warm-up regimes for hip-strengthening exercises are as follows:

Double Banded Pull Through

Double Banded Pull Through

To do this, you would need to attach a long resistance cable or band low to the floor behind you. Keep the band above your knees and stand in front of it with your feet shoulder-width apart from each other. Next, hinge yourself forward at the hips and push your butt by bending your knees to grab the band between your feet.

Doing so, you will immediately feel a stretch in your glutes and hamstrings. After this, lift up your chest and stand back up, by pushing your hips forward and squeezing your butt. Continue these entire process 12-15 reps.

Banded Hip March

Banded Hip March

Get your legs hip-width apart and stand upright by engaging your core and lifting your chest, all the while keeping a mini resistance band around both your legs. Put your right knee in front of you and bring it up to the height of your hip.

Make sure your pelvis is on an even level and the leg that you are standing on is inclined to the adjacent ankle, hip, and knee. Finally, finish it up by slowly and steadily putting your leg down. Repeat the entire process 5-8 times, altering between both the legs.

7 Exercises to Boost Your Hip Strength

With the warm-up done, your body is now ready for the hip-strengthening exercises. Although there are dozens of exercises that can take care of the said area, we are enlisting seven of the most beneficial ones among them.

Lateral Lunge

Lateral Lunge

Hold a dumbbell in each of your hands and stand with your legs together. Proceed to take a large step of about 2 ft out towards your right-hand side. When you hit the floor, hinge forward at your hips by bending your right knee to a lunge and pushing your butt back.

You need to ensure that the weights frame your right knee and that your left foot should be perfectly straight. Wait for a second, and push off your right foot back to the starting position. Repeat the process on your other leg. Continue this for 10-12 reps switching between each leg.

Bulgarian Split-Squat

Bulgarian Split-Squad

To do this, you need to stand with your back to an elevated surface, such as a bench. Keep your left leg on the ground a few feet in front of the bench and put the topmost portion of your right leg on the bench. Hold a dumbbell in each hand.

Next, bend your knees into a split-squad and brace your core. Make sure that your left knee is at a 90° angle to make your thigh parallel to the floor while suspending your right knee over the floor. Resume your starting position after driving through the left heel. Complete 12-15 reps on both the legs.

Dumbbell Sumo Squat

Dumbbell Sumo Squat

Your first plan of action in order to perform this hip-strengthening exercise is finding a dumbbell that allows you to squat in proper form while still making you fatigued by the end of the process.

Next, keep your legs wider than shoulder-width apart and stand up as straight as you can. Ensure that your toes are slightly turned out. Hold the dumbbell close to your chest and slowly bend your knees. You will soon find yourself in a squatting position. Finally, squeeze the top-most area of your butt and stand back by pushing through the heels. Repeat the process 8-10 times.

The best part of the dumbbell sumo squat is that you will not only reap the benefits of hip exercise for pain but also the long-lasting effects of weight-lifting exercises as well.

Kettlebell Swing

Kettlebell Swing

The popularity of kettlebell exercises has risen significantly over the past couple of years. And they do have a pivotal role in hip exercises for pain.

To begin, keep a kettlebell on the ground between your feet and stand with our feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees, and hinge forward to grab the handle of the kettlebell with both your hands. You will inadvertently find yourself in a squatting position.

Follow this by swinging the kettlebell between your feet. You need to make sure that when you stand back up, you use the momentum to swing the weight up to your chest height. Don’t forget to squeeze your butt when the kettlebell is at the top-most position.

As you get the kettlebell back between your feet, you need to lower your back down immediately. Repeat the entire process 10-12 times.

Banded Marching Hip Bridge

Banded Marching Hip Bridge

Get a small resistance band and loop it around your legs and lie down with your face up in front of a step, chair, or bench. Keep your heels on the bench.

Follow this up by squeezing your butt to raise your hips off the ground while pushing through your heels at the same time. Your core must be engaged and your back must stay flat. Bring your right knee towards your chest, hold it for a second, and then put your leg back on the chair or bench. Repeat the same process with your other leg. This entire process is considered one rep. You must do 10-12 reps to gain maximum benefit from this exercise.

Explosive Sprinters Lunge

Explosive Sprinters Lunge

Probably the most fun hip-strengthening exercise that you will have the pleasure of performing, the explosive sprinters lunge is a high-intensity workout. To perform this, you have to stand tall and keep your feet hip-width apart. Next, you need to step your right leg back a few feet into a lunging position.

You then have to explosively jump into the air by pushing through your left leg. While taking the leap, you would have to drive your right knee towards your chest.

Make sure you land softly and immediately return back to the starting position to take another lunge. It should be repeated 5-8 times.

Step Up Reverse Lunge

Step Up to Reverse Lunge

Stand in front of an elevated surface such as a chair, bench, step, or a box. Step on to the elevated surface with your right leg and drive through the right heel and butt to bring your left foot up to the surface. Try to keep your left leg suspended, and keep most of your body weight on your right leg.

Follow this by stepping back down with your left leg and step your right leg back about two feet behind. Proceed to push your left leg back up to the surface. Repeat this process 12-15 times.

Remember, there is no hard and fast rule to follow a chronological order to perform this set of exercises.  Choose your own rhythm based on which order is convenient for you. Just, remember that you must do the warm-up beforehand in order to avoid any injury.

Final Thoughts

Hip-strengthening exercises are more crucial for your health and easier to execute than you think. From avoid terrible pain in your hips when you get old to improving your overall posture, the benefits that these exercises bring with them are numerous.

What is even better is the fact that these exercises are simple to execute and don’t demand any fancy settings or equipment. As such, you can perform them in the comfort of your home. So, get your fitness gear on and work those hips.


If you are planning to start Kettlebell Workout Session at home, stop right there and read this article. There are a lot of things to know about kettlebell.

The kettlebell is one of such fitness equipment that helps you stay fit in more ways than one – you can build muscles, burn fat, and emerge as a complete badass! That’s the very reason why people from across the globe are very much inclined towards the kettlebell workout. It’s good for your health and mind. So, you don’t need to be worried about the cannonball with a handle. It will only explode your fitness.

Nevertheless, it’s quite possible to be intimidated by the kettlebell. And without the proper knowledge of use, it’ll just act as a doorstop! Moreover, even if we assume that you have the knowledge of using the kettlebell, you may not have the knowledge in depth.

By the lack of in-depth knowledge, we mean you may not know which kettlebell to buy and what the most lucrative brands of kettlebell are. So, we will unveil the secret hacks of the kettlebell with the process you need to follow to lose weight while doing the kettlebell exercise.

So, let’s get into the topic without further ado.


Have you made your mind to start exercising? Going to buy a kettlebell? But your lack of knowledge about the kettlebell can get you into trouble beyond imagination. These balls come with a range of different shapes, sizes, and materials. Now, it’s totally up to you which one you want to buy considering your budget and preference. However, we are still mentioning a few different factors of kettlebell workout which can help you take a decision.


At first, you need to recognize the difference between the standard kettlebell and the kettlebells used in the competitions.

The standard kettlebells are those which are used in the usual kettlebell workout. These are the cast irons and the dimensions of the balls go up with the increase in weight. For instance, the 5 KG (11 LBS) bell will be smaller in size than the 15 KG (34 LBS) bell.

Now, the story takes a U-turn when it comes to the competitive kettlebells! Regardless of the weight, the dimensions of all the kettlebells will be the same. So, whether it’s a 15 KG kettlebell or 5 KG kettlebell, the shape, base, and handle will be similar in size.


One mistake has been marked for the majority of the kettlebells – while buying the bell, users don’t pay much attention to the weight. Let us tell you that the weight will always play a pivotal role in a fruitful kettlebell exercise. If you want our opinion, we’ll advise you to pick a weight you feel comfortable with and with which you can complete your workout in good form.

If you are in doubt, you can start with the lighter weight and then go ahead with adding more weight in the future. Now, if you still want us to pick a weight knowing nothing about you, we’ll recommend starting with 16 KG for men and 8 KG for women.

It’s not a science. Everything is guesswork in this scenario. If you think you are stronger than the average person, you may go with a heavier weight and vice versa.


A little acquaintance of kettlebell workout is enough to know the terms – Ballistic and Grinding for the fast and slow movements respectively. While the grinding movements would be slow like the overhead press, the ballistic movements would be quick like the kettlebell swing.

You may want a lighter ball during the grinding movements to get control of it. And a heavier kettlebell will be a better choice for the ballistic movements in order to get help with the momentum. If you are a beginner, start with only one kettlebell, and with the advancement, you can branch out more!


As you are going to do repetitions with your kettlebell, here’s where the quality will matter more than anything else! Since you will repeat your moves while doing the kettlebell exercises, the handle with rough edges will make you feel each and every move scrap in your hands. That would not be a pleasant experience anyway! If you are planning for a fit body and doing a lot of kettlebell workout, the quality of the handle will be the only thing that can save you.

The general size of the handles is 35mm in terms of thickness. This measurement should be your baseline for differencing while comparing the different kettlebell grips.

These are the most crucial things to know about kettlebell while you are choosing one for your workout session! The kettlebell workout is one of such exercises which has become a true revolution in terms of health care and fitness. If you are truly inclined to shape your body into a whole new level, make sure that you are practicing the kettlebell exercises. The above points will assist you to choose the finest kettlebell.