Benefits of Walking in the Morning for Fitness Followers

Walking in the morning is a beautiful experience for those who make it a habit to step out early. Starting a day with a positive outlook can make you feel fresh and active the whole day. If you’re a fitness enthusiast and want to explore new places every day, walking for 30 minutes in the morning can be an ideal workout for your way of living. 

Let’s find out some facts and the effectiveness of walking in the morning that will help you in many ways.

How does walking in the morning work for people

Walking has tremendous health benefits from improving your health to boosting your mood. It helps people to get rid of chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems, cancer, and other prolonged illness. Fast walking will make your body sweat which will help you to lose weight and increase your immune system.

Walking on the other hand also has a great impact on your mind and memory. It cures people suffering from depression, anxiety, stress, and hypertension. When you go out for a walk just after sunrise, your eyes will capture the greenery. It gives comfort to your eyes. You can breathe fresh air free from pollution. It soothes and heals the mind and body mechanisms. therefore, regular walking is a simple yet effective method of keeping a healthier lifestyle.

How to start your day with a walk: Do’s and Don’t 

Waking up early and starting your day with a walk is the most beneficial routine one can adopt. It should be at the top of your priority list. Plan your walk in such a way that you get enough time to do other tasks ahead of you. Make your mind alert not to miss the target alarm. Adequate sleep is very important to get up early the next morning. Try to get a nice sleep so that you feel fresh and energetic to rise on time. 

Wear the right pair of shoes that will suit your morning routine. Get sweat-proof stretchable clothes so that you can move comfortably while walking or doing any exercise.

If you want a small walk near your house, go for it without any planning. However, if you want to fix the schedule of walking, plan it according to your convenience. Use a smartwatch to measure the steps, distance covered, and calories burnt. 

Do not step out for walking on an empty stomach. This is because you may feel exhausted or dizzy at times. It is better if you consume a light snack before leaving the house. Avoid eating a large breakfast and have a small portion of food post your walking routine. Drink plenty of fluids such as coconut water, almond milk, green tea, fruits or vegetable juice, and smoothies to stay hydrated all the time. Do not drink any beverage early in the morning because it may cause digestive issues. If you really want, you can add it to some solid food. Moreover, If you’re planning for a long walk better to keep a water bottle to recover the loss of fluids in form of sweat. It will replenish your exhausted muscles and save you from thirst. Drink a sip whenever you feel completely drained. 

When you’re done with the morning walk add some basic stretching exercises such as neck, hand, and shoulder movements, hips and legs stretching, etc. It will provide flexibility to your body and even helps you to prevent any injury. Walk faster to burn more calories so that your heart rate increases and your body sweats.

After finishing a long walking routine, let your body cool down naturally and come to a normal temperature. Do not take shower or eat immediately after returning home.

Don’t let lethargy rule your life. Try to stay motivated, listen to positive things and incorporate that into your daily lifestyle. Make friends who can join you in your everyday routine. Start with simple goals and proceed to long-term success in life.

Walking and talking therapy – An effective approach

In an effective walking and talking analysis, patients interact with the therapist while walking in an open space rather than sitting or lying in closed walls in a therapy office. Walking by the side encourages patients to express their problems while feeling more secure and comfortable in sharing conversations rather than behind closed doors and sitting face to face during therapy. 

It is something that changes the overall dynamic perception between a therapist and a client. Many people find it difficult to express themselves through eye contact. Some have even experienced discomfort and anxiety when they are the focus of someone’s attention in a face to face counseling. Facing forward with an open view will make the situation less intense rather than in a traditional eye contacting discussion. 

Mental health organizations all over the world recognize the goodness of being out in green spaces that helps in psychological well-being. It stops ruminating in the communication process which makes the client comfortable to act naturally.

Benefits of walking and talking therapy

Walking in nature generates a meditative state of mind in many patients combined with one-to-one interaction that wards off depression and improves self-esteem. The ideal benefits of walking and talking therapy are;

 An integrated and psychic approach

Walking and talking therapy is an integrated approach where the natural environment works as a calming agent to the patient to make him/her feel comfortable while moving forward both physically and mentally.

Walking helps in boosting your mood because it increases the blood flow and blood circulation to your body and brain. It has a positive impact on the hormonal balances in our brain. The HPA axis is responsible for your stress hormones. Healthy endorphins are the happy hormones that will release when you walk or exercise. 

The outdoor setting, on the other hand, is closely associated with devotion and inner mindfulness. Walking with a therapist in a natural space makes them feel closer to a better environment which helps the patient to become calm and gentle during each session.

Both group and individual therapy serve a healthy, cheerful relationship. Both of them share a  congenial pace while walking in the session. Breathing fresh air, open sky, hearing birds, and experiencing an outdoor uninterrupted exchange of feelings relax the patient’s mind. 

It cooperates enough to lose the anxiety and allows a free natural conversation. With stress and anxiety numbers increasing day by day, psychologists and therapists are prescribing outdoor walking and talking time to their patients to help them to improve their physical and mental condition.

The therapy helps you to get physical activity in greenery

Walking in outdoor therapy makes the patient more likely to exercise. Nature’s relationship to our psyche has gained enough attention over the last few decades. Science has proved walking in a session promotes an effective way to improve focus and memory, a general feeling of well-being, and even boost the immune system.

Being outdoors teaches a patient to open minds in practical life and become confident. The walking and talking counseling sessions are designed to allow the natural setting to calm and relax the mind. It trains the human brain to accept the rhythm of life and start looking forward. Success comes through patients suffering from loss and grief, mental trauma, depression, anxiety, and panic attacks. They learn to relax and trust again.

The bond between a patient and a therapist

Walking and talking develop a good rapport between a patient and therapist. Strolling in nature makes a comforting effect on the person that improves the bond between them. The therapy establishes a tool for patients when they are unable to make indoor therapy sessions. 

Walking in free space creates a mindset or thinking pattern so they start loving the ambiance and eagerly share their problems. Slowly, the patient learns to take things positively. It is better if you take the therapy in the early morning which will help you calm down and connect with fresh air.

The therapy improves sleep pattern

The outdoor environment provides a set of good sleep cycles. The cells in human eyes need natural light to get the body’s internal clock working right. Therefore, early morning sunlight seems to improve people’s get to sleep properly at night. Walking-talking therapy helps in physical movement which at the end of the day makes it easier to fall asleep soon

 The morning sun helps you in getting Vitamin D

Vitamin D is very important for your bones, blood cells, and immune system. It aids your body to absorb necessary minerals such as calcium and phosphorus.  In most cases, those who suffer from anxiety and depression are deficient in Vitamin D. 

Patients can lead to severe body pains, loss of bone density, osteoporosis, and fractures. Little exposure to sunlight for 5-15 minutes, 2-3 times a week is enough for the human body to produce essential vitamins and minerals. Therefore, walking early in the morning have numerous health benefits if you can combine it with therapy.

Difference between indoor and outdoor session

Nature has dynamic balance and being in it has proven to benefit our overall health. The feeling of self-consciousness or shyness fades away while making a conversation flow. Outdoor therapy changes the thought patterns of depressed, anxious, and grieving patients. 

Sometimes patients suffer from physical pain because of stress and anxiety disorders. Walking in the morning reduces body aches and pains which will help you to do the whole day’s work.

There can be any kind of difficult life transition, whether they are personal, professional, relationship-based, family, or more, the patient can express and share problems comfortably while walking. Moreover, therapy beyond the office space is especially beneficial for patients with depression because the natural setting is calming and one can enjoy the wind, sun, and temperature for change.

How therapy works in an outdoor session

In an outdoor therapy session, the therapist will meet the client from areas of natural beauty, like in a park along a scenic waterfront, rural trails, or woodlands to the garden outside the therapy room. The session can combine with gardening or outdoor pursuits such as climbing or hiking. 

Walking side by side, the therapist may ask about the thinking pattern in the patient’s mind or communicate about his/her overall goals. At times, patients might take time to retrieve and stay silent for a while.

Outdoor therapy is sometimes called ecotherapy, nature therapy, or wilderness therapy depending on the form and treatment. They can be productive if incorporated with the client’s lifestyle for at least 12-16 sessions, once or twice a week. However, therapeutic sessions depend on how the patient is acting and recovering throughout the process. 

If you are suffering from any such condition try to find out how walking and talking therapy can help you out from mental and physical trouble. Discover the benefits by yourself and experience nature’s course of action that will lead you to heal.

Exercise through walking and watching animals and birds, hear the sound of nature, and enjoy talking to your therapist. Learn the tools to lessen your stress level by communicating daily. Enjoy the endorphins, the talk, and the feeling of being outside in an open sky. Talk to someone and share your walking-talking experience.

Final Takeaway

Walking and talking therapy offers interesting alternatives to traditional face-to-face therapy methods. It has the advantage of putting people at ease so that they feel comfortable while sharing their thoughts, providing a healthy dose of exercise, and allowing people to spend more time outdoors and connecting with nature. All these together serve to step up the benefits of daily exercising along with walking and talking therapy sessions.

Best Travel Workout You Can Do While On A Vacation

Vacations are known for peace, rest, and relaxation. You get time to explore nature and try to make yourself stress-free from the hustle-bustle of city life. It can be a business event, a family trip, or with friends, whatever the reason to travel somewhere one thing that keeps popping up in mind is, “Am I going to get fat?” or maybe “Will I lose all my gains? However, taking a break from work doesn’t mean you need to take a break from health and wellness. Nowadays, many hotels and resorts include fitness centers for fitness enthusiasts. If you don’t get a gym or fitness center near you, we will guide you here on how you can take care of your body without a machine while on a vacation.

Travel Tips Before You Start Exercising

Travelers often want to reap health benefits as a part of their travel plans. Therefore, taking care of yourself isn’t about cutting all carbs or dragging yourself out of the bed for a morning run. Here are some simple tips that might help you in making your vacation healthier. 

Keep yourself fit and active 

Just a week or two of no workout can give a long-term effect on your body. Studies have shown that a gap between long periods of inactivity can lead to decreased muscle mass, sudden weight gain, higher cholesterol levels, and diabetes. Therefore, a short workout during your holiday can help in boosting your metabolism. Moreover, you will stay motivated and prevent the need to catch up again when you go home. 

Experience something new from a regular workout  

If you’re somewhere lacking in motivation, vacation boosts your physical ability and may bring more excitement to the open air rather than running on treadmills. Plan your exercises in a way that will add a twist to your usual activities. Jogging on the beach, swimming in the ocean, hiking, kayaking, mountain climbing, and cycling are all fun ways to exercise without feeling like working out. You may use your sports shoe and workout clothes while traveling, so you can jog or brisk walk at the airport or railway station.

You can justify a splurge moment

While you’re relaxing on a beach, a cold cocktail, spicy food, and fried cuisine are never far off. It is really hard to resist the temptation that comes your way. Fortunately, gyms and yoga centers are popping up in holiday spots everywhere, making it easier for health-conscious buddies to burn extra calories. 

It is recommended to find a place to exercise for the week whether in an open space or a gym. Always try to choose healthy food options that will make you feel energetic for the rest of your travel plans and have more time to enjoy yourself. 

Find a balance between your vacation and exercise

You should add exercise to your vacation and not take away from it. Remember to choose how you want to spend your occasion so that you can find what works best for you without committing to a particular routine. Incorporate exercise in small ways that aren’t creating obstacles to your enjoyment.

Do more of what you want or love

Everyone wants to enjoy the vacation. You will surely want to discover the place and keep those beautiful moments in your heart. However, doing the best for yourself doesn’t have to be difficult. The health benefits of exercise can be just as rewarding as having fun on a vacation.

If you want to maintain your cardio exercises while having fun there are a variety of entertaining workouts without feeling like exercising. For Example; walking on the beach or walking on flat ground, beach volleyball, surfing, swimming, snorkeling, hiking, rock climbing, golf, tennis, and many other activities. 

7 travel exercises you must follow to keep in shape while on a vacation

In this article, we will discuss some exercises which you can add effortlessly to your travel program. Let us look into the 30-minute workout session that will help you stay zealous throughout the day.

Bodyweight Squats

Bodyweight squats are the simplest form of exercise that you can do while spending holidays and still getting the highest benefit. It is a strengthening exercise that helps in fundamental body movement and tones down the lower body. It can be performed anywhere without any equipment, that too in a limited space.

To do this exercise stand with your hands on the back of your head and shoulder-width apart. Turn out your feet slightly to open the hip joint. Lower your body as you do in normal squats until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold the position for a few seconds and return to the starting position. You can start with 20 reps for a quick warm-up. 

The benefits of bodyweight squats are;

  • Help in building lower muscles.
  • Increase strength.
  • Improve hip mobility.
  • Elevate the heart rate and burn fat.

Incline Push-ups

Incline Push up with garden bench

An incline pushup is known as an elevated form of a traditional pushup. It can be done anywhere you want. All you need is just a stable surface such as a desk, table, or wall. 

To start the exercise, you should keep your upper body in an elevated posture, feet on the floor, and hands-on the edge of the bed or desk. This incline position engages your chest muscles, arms, and shoulders as well as abs, back, hips, and legs. Make sure your body is in a straight line while you’re in a plank position.  Do it 15 reps at a time.

One-arm Luggage Rows

One Arm Luggage Rows

The one-arm luggage or suitcase row is an exercise that works on muscle groups throughout the upper and lower body. Perform the exercise by standing with your feet shoulder wide apart and holding the luggage bag as per your weight in one hand. Soften your knees, and bend forward extending your arm and letting the bag towards the floor. This exercise works pretty well on the arms, back, and shoulders. Perform the move 10 reps each on one hand. 

Air Punches

As the name suggests, air punches refer to imitating the act of throwing a punch but in the air. This exercise is also known as shadowboxing. The effect of air punches is mostly felt on the biceps, chest muscles, shoulders, and leg muscles. This exercise helps in cutting down calories especially if you add some additional movements. Air punches do not put much stress on your joints. So, you can do it anytime, anywhere. 

To perform this act, position one foot in front of the other and place your hands up by your head and clench your fists. Make sure that your elbows are rightly supported by tucking them on the side of your torso. Thrust your arm out and throw a punch in the air at a time straight out in front of you. Alternate each hand by throwing punches for a minimum of 30 seconds. 


Squats are an excellent strength exercise for increasing the power and size of your lower body muscles while developing core strength. It takes little place so you can perform this in your hotel room or an open space such as a hotel balcony, playground, or a beach. 

Get in a proper squat position while keeping your feet about shoulder-width apart. Screw your feet into the ground, keep your chest up and bend your knees pushing your hips up. Engage your core properly to descend and keep it braced throughout the exercise. Do a quick 20 reps for strengthening your tendons, bones, and ligaments around your leg muscles. You can also try jumping squats if you’re good at it. 


The plank exercise is about maintaining or holding a position for a maximum number of times. It is relatable to push-ups where one can hold on to a table-top straight without arching or piking.

Standard plank

To perform this exercise, support your body on your palms and your toes. Make sure that your back is straight and flat. Your body forms a straight line from your head to your feet. You can do it on the floor of your hotel room or anywhere by placing a yoga mat. The palms should press hard on the floor while your stomach muscles must be squeezed in.

Elbow Plank

While practicing it, blend your elbows 90 degrees and rest your weight on your forearms. Make sure your elbows are directly beneath your shoulders and the back is in a straight line. Press the forearms and palms on the floor, pull your stomach and stretch out your legs to maintain the position.

Side Plank

The side planks are very effective and help in strengthening the hip, leg, and shoulder muscles. Lie sideways on a mat and align your shoulders and elbows in one line. The legs should be on top of each other. Lift your body through the hip higher away from the mat and hold the position for 20 counts.

Mountain Climber Twist

Mountain Climber Twist

The mountain climber twist is a dynamic exercise that regulates several muscles simultaneously and increases your heart rate which improves your metabolism rate while converting more calories into energy. This exercise supports your aerobic fitness, agility, and flexibility. It involves the primary muscles such as abs, obliques, glutes hips, and legs. The secondary muscles include the chest and shoulders which give a tight impact on them. 

You need to start the exercise by positioning your body in a plank posture and hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Now, bring your knee up towards the right elbow and then alternate legs in a fast motion. Do it for 20 reps until the set is complete.

Final takeaway

Getting away from monotonous life is good for the soul and moving away from the old usual workout regime is beneficial for the body. However, a vacation can be a perfect time to try something new by freeing yourself from the same usual routine. Your mind and body will find new ways to have fun by keeping them fit and energetic on a vacation.

Best exercises for athletes

Athletes are different from other human professionals. This is because athletes compulsorily need to be fit and follow at least some fitness programs to remain healthy. Thus, exercises are a must for athletes and they may include either aerobic or anaerobic or a combination of both. However, the athletes are not a monolithic lot, as athletes have different needs and have different bodily parameters. Exercises, however, have the same objective of achieving speed, agility, power, and energy.


Athletes require body exercises. The athletes need to have power, especially in the upper built body and legs. There are types of squats which include core muscles and lower back. The most common squats include goblet squats, jump squats, Bulgarian split squats, air squats, and back squats. The abdominals, glutes, and thigh muscles are the main focus of squats.

Bench press

Athletes need to focus on the bench press to improve their triceps, abs, shoulders, chest, etc. to regenerate stability and power. In the context of athletes, the bench press is often compulsory because it offers the mainstay of their training. Both barbells and dumbbells are used in a bench press.

Power clean

Many athletic programs use spinal erectors, quads, hamstrings, calves, glutes, and deltoids. This power clean is going to help in stabilizing spinal movement. Power clean is vital for an athlete to do one exercise. This will probably help in achieving athletic build.

Core training

Core training includes buttocks, spines, and abdominals. This form of training helps in preventing injuries and strengthens the entire body. There are different postures of core training that include ab wheel rollouts, dead bugs, planks, and bird dogs. Athletes can improve their performance considerably by reducing the possibility of injuries.


Burpee is undoubtedly one of the most difficult exercises but is beneficial for athletes. It starts in a standing position with buttock and wideness apart. The hands touch the ground where the hands and arms are at one’s sides. A plank position is necessary to crouch down with the hands touching the ground. During a straight body jump, one can jump upwards.


Athletes need to have low-fat content and sprints help in achieving an appropriate physique with low body fat. While doing sprints, fat can be burnt two longer after exercise completion. Athletes may reap the benefits of doing this exercise even on treadmills.


The exercise is mainly done to improve pulling movements. The nice V-shape is often preferred by athletes commonly. Most do these pull-ups to get a nice V-shape within a few weeks.

One-Arm Rope Cable Row

In a one-arm rope cable row, one has to stand to face a cable stack with a rope attachment. One has to pull ropes hard and is aimed at the midsection. The best thing about this exercise is that one can perfect movement for the athletes. Postural stability, grip power, and single limb movement are helpful in one-arm rope. This form of exercise ordinarily needs 3 steps and 8 to 10 repetitions.

Sled Push

Athletes often suffer from lactic acid build-up. These sled pushes can help in reducing this build-up. This exercise is designed to improve speed, power development, acceleration mechanics, and overall conditioning. Sled push should be done rapidly for driving legs repeatedly. Most people do athletes to do 40-yard sled pushes which help perform sprints.

Medicine ball toss

The exercise is performed outdoors and the flight of the ball will not be stuck when the ball lands. Low body power exercise is necessary for this medicine ball toss and this helps hips, knees, and ankles all over. Athletes doing such exercises can improve their buttocks, ankles, and knees.


The posterior muscle mainly includes spinal erectors, traps, hamstrings, feet, and even cervical extensions. The foremost advantage of doing this exercise is that it gives athletes both flexibility and stability.


Athletes need to strengthen abdominal muscles such that they can run long distances without getting fatigued. Perfect plank can be done by keeping the spinal cord straight and neutral. The neck also has to be neutral to ensure that one is looking downwards. The body form needs to have a perfect line from head to toe. Ab muscles need to be pulled back towards the spine instead of allowed to push towards the ground.

Balance exercises

Athletes benefit the most if they can maintain their physical balances properly. The most popular balance exercises include lower-body power training exercises. However, one should be careful because the number of repetitions during the exercises requires both professional supervision and assistance. The balance exercise for seniors is aimed to improve both coordination and balance such it can prevent falls and injuries. The common exercises include rock the boat, tightrope walk, flamingo stand, bean bag balance, heel-toe walking, and musical statues. There are balances in which elbows can be planked on a stability ball.

Reasons why athletes should do training

Training helps in building athletic endurance such that they can compete in longer events without getting tired. Training is necessary because it helps athletes to withstand fatigue for a longer time. It is an obvious fact that athletes who lose endurance often end up as repeated losers. Training helps in mentally preparing for games. Self-esteem among athletes can improve considerably because of training. Athletes need to be physically strong and only exercise is the way to increase their physical power. Training can help athletes to retain power and improve concentration for all the matches and games. Athletes are likely to get injuries if their training is not effective. Thus, highly intensive exercises are often recommended for these athletes.

In the context of balance exercises, the benefits are special. Athletes need to be upright while conducting daily physical activities like walking on stairs, lifting heavy things, and changing directions. The fitness levels of athletes can be helpful to prevent the risk of injury and falls. One has to understand that there is two types of balance exercises i.e., dynamic and static balance. Dynamic balance includes the balance in movement like a single leg deadlift. Static balance refers to maintaining steady balance even with one leg.

Best Exercises for Neck and Spine

The neck and spine are one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body. This is the reason, pain in either neck or spine can be extremely disturbing and, in some cases, can ruin the quality of life by making every movement painful. Therefore, many exercises can support the spine and reduce pain in the neck. However, it is worth remembering that not all exercises are appropriate for all, therefore these should be done only after formal recommendation or prescription.

Exercises for back

The neck exercises are incredibly beneficial for relieving pain. The objectives of neck exercise are to ease moments that cause pain due to lifting, twisting, and bending. It helps in reducing the stress that affects both joints and spinal discs. The physical therapy programs help in strengthening back with the help of dynamic stabilization and using the McKenzie method. The McKenzie method of centralizing neck pain is done by empowering muscles around the spine such that pressure is removed from spinal discs and joints. This method also concentrates on empowering muscles around the spine such that pressure is relevant to reducing pressure on nerve roots.

Superman holds

In superman holds, one needs to get on the floor by relying on the belly. Do squeeze on your glutes and raise your shoulder blades in an extended place. The lower back should not take the strain and the neck needs to be kept in a neutral position. While doing this superman hold, always avoid looking upwards.


In the cat-cow position, one has to stack hands beneath one’s shoulders such that knees are slightly broader than buttocks. One can spread shoulder blades and bend one’s neck such that the spines can become flexible. In spinal extension, one needs to slowly move towards one’s back. The process needs to be repeated such that extremes can be avoided deliberately.

Half-kneeling archer row

In this exercise posture, one can start in a half-kneeling position, and hold the two ends of the resistance band with one hand. Try to raise one’s right arm above one’s shoulder and the thumb should be pointed towards the ceiling. Stretch your back and pull the resistance band on the back of the chest just like striking an arrow and bow.

Pull up

This particular exercise is usually done to build muscles and increase body weight. However, there are benefits of pull-up exercises by stabilizing one’s body weight and ensuring muscles in one’s core. The muscles will respond to the heavy load which includes one’s body.

Renegade row

The main objective of renegade row is to maximize the utility of position to the highest degree. The pushup and plans are useful by taking two high buck moves. The dumbbells are often mentioned for preparing the proper spinal position. The light dumbbells require spaces to perform pushups. Always try to squeeze your glutes and maintain a good spinal alignment by looking at the floor. Keep the body balanced in the right position and use the lats to chest height and return the weight to the ground.

Exercises for neck

Partial crunches

There are exercises such as partial crunches which can empower muscles and help strengthen muscles. One has to lie by bending the knees and lying flat on the floor. Also, keep the chest and put hands behind the neck such that stomach muscles and raise shoulders on the floor. This exercise needs to be repeated almost 8 to 12 times. Excessive stress on the neck can be reduced considerably.

Backward and forward tilt

The feet can be tilted in both directions and it starts by using the head squarely on one’s shoulders and keeping the back in the forward direction. Then you need to look downwards by bending your chin for nearly 30 seconds and gently lift the head. Then hold the start position for up to 10 seconds.

Shoulder roll

This is the easiest neck exercise in which one just needs to raise the shoulders straight and rotate them in the forward direction. This needs to be repeated 6 to 7 times. Then return to the original position and again make 6 to 7 rounds in the backward direction.

Side tilt

In this form of exercise just widen your buttocks and arms by your sides. Also, tilt one’s head towards the right shoulder and try to hold the ear. However, if you are not experiencing the stretch then do not raise your shoulder. This stretch needs to be held for 10-15 seconds and again needs to be resumed from the beginning position. Also, try to repeat the left side and continue doing the sets at most 10 times. In this scenario, one needs to lift the head and press the fingertips lightly.

Benefits of back exercises

Back exercises are not just useful in reducing back pain. These exercises ensure the healthy operations of the back to carry on continuously. The back is intricately connected with the Central Nervous System. This nervous system always needs to be protected such that the armor of the spinal cord. A neutral spine needs to have a natural curvature. This is the reason one can function and maintain balance. If back exercises are done regularly then it can prevent degenerative disorders. The common degenerative disorders include slipped disc, lumbar lordosis, postural problems, spondylosis, etc. The gym performance can improve considerably if back exercises are done regularly.

Benefits of neck exercises

The neck exercises are beneficial for multiple reasons. It helps in conditioning the muscles and thereby, reduces the chances of muscular stiffness. Exercises help in activating the neck muscles, otherwise if one is spending a lot of time inactive, then the neck muscles can become tight and movements can become painful. Neck exercises are tremendously beneficial for boosting blood circulation which can reach throughout the body. Exercises can get more blood pumping by releasing endorphins in the brain. Neck health is directly related to maintaining better posture. By maintaining better posture one can improve the neck’s health.

Risks in weightlifting

Bodybuilding has become very popular and fashionable nowadays as people have become more health-conscious than before. Bodybuilding however is neither easy nor free from risks. The main source of risk is weightlifting. Weightlifting risks are not entirely unavoidable because bodybuilding is incomplete without it. It is worth noting that some of these risks are due to human error while some are due to weightlifting itself. Lack of guidance is another major cause of increasing risks of weightlifting. Weightlifting injuries are fairly common as on average there is one injury per thousand hours of training.

Muscular imbalances

Weight training and weight lifting are risky because they can cause muscular imbalances. After all, it has limited rotational mobility. Unfavorable positioning and biased exercise selection lead to muscular imbalances and can create joint pains. Shoulder tightness and trapezius weaknesses are other risks of muscular imbalances. Muscular imbalances lead to external rotation and posterior shoulder tightness. There are mechanical factors that cause this imbalance because of spine overloading.

Insufficient Workout rests

Many people make the mistake of not letting their muscles rest between workouts. By pushing the muscles, one experiences soreness. Whenever a person is lifting weights, he is causing microscopic tears in his muscles and also damaging his tissues. Therefore, it is vital to give some tissues some time to rebuild themselves and then resume exercises. It is advisable to give 48 hours of rest to muscles to recover. For example, if one is doing a workout on Thursday, then the next workout should be on Saturday and not on Friday.

Unguided workouts

Weightlifting can be incredibly riskier if done without proper guidance and training. It can lead to spinal injuries and other forms of injuries that can permanently damage a person’s physique or can incapacitate a person for life. Thus, it is recommended that people should take proper guidance from professional fitness trainers. It is worth noting that weightlifting injuries give plenty of time to change course after heavy squats. Repetitive stress injuries are problems of every athlete and it is not possible to completely avoid them during weightlifting. Shoulder injuries are fairly common due to unguided workouts. Between 1990 and 2007, weightlifting injuries increased substantially (almost 50%) during weightlifting according to a research report.

Inadequate knowledge about one’s body

Weightlifting should be done only by checking all the parameters of one’s body. This includes whether the body is externally and internally adequate to lift weight or not. The body’s capacity framework includes extending muscles, ligaments, tendons, and extending joints beyond natural range. The same muscles exist only due to alternative exercises. One can gain enough knowledge by doing warm exercises before weightlifting.

Risks for beginners

Weightlifting injuries are risky for beginners but it is often given rational justification by saying that ‘no risk means no gain’. The most common risk for beginners is muscle strain. In case, weights are not lifted correctly, then hernias can develop. Weightlifting should not be done by individuals below the age of 18. The deadliest risk of weightlifting is sudden death due to torn aorta. Weightlifting increases the blood pressure which strains the aorta and what makes it riskier is that the aortas can enlarge without detection. This disease is called an aneurysm. Therefore, to prevent such deadly risks one should avoid lifting weights which is more than half of the body weight.

Tips to minimize risks in weightlifting

The risks of weightlifting cannot be avoided completely, but necessary precautions and steps can be taken to minimize the incidence of weightlifting.

While lifting weights always try to keep the head straight as far as feasible. Also, keep the neck perfectly aligned while lifting. Try to make sure to reduce the weight behind the head such that the cervical spine area remains alright. The buttocks should be kept straight as the exercises for good mornings, cable rows, squats, and deadlifts are properly hinged. While leaning towards the front, always ensure to lean towards it in the straight direction and not in a curved direction.

Joints should not get locked while weightlifting. Knee joints and elbow straightening is important such that the load is not smashed hard. Bench pressers while powerlifting is needed to lockout elbows during competition.

While doing weightlifting it is necessary to forbid knees from bowing either too outward or inward. Similarly, while lifting one should concentrate on one’s elbows to reduce the risk of dropping the load mistakenly. Maximum support should be given to prevent any compromises with the joints.

Always ensure that the shoulder joints are not overloaded as it can lead to permanent damage. Once one is lifting weights one should not feel comfortable with it mentally. Lifting weights that shoulders cannot lift might lead to intolerable pain in the joints. While doing push exercises it is, therefore, necessary to reduce weight subsequently, otherwise, it will lead to needless risks.

Always do weightlifting exercises under professional guidance and assistance. There is no point in being overconfident as the risks involved in weightlifting can be deadly or lead to a permanent disability.

Resistance training is riskier and even doing normal movements beyond a normal range of motion can be injurious. Individuals having limited flexibility are prone to more injuries. The pectoral tendons can rupture doing bench press exercises, thus proper guidance is necessary.

Ignoring warnings can be riskier as one needs to take body signals seriously during weightlifting sessions. One should monitor one’s heart after weightlifting and also breathe while lifting. Always try to hold your breath while lifting otherwise health problems will become an inevitable thing.

Weightlifting needs to be accompanied by a proper diet, otherwise, it will be counterproductive. Adequate sleep and rest are compulsory for the well-being of an individual. Otherwise, muscles will not get enough time to rebuild themselves.

Always remember that overtraining can be fatal and medical emergencies can be the result of it. This can be prevented by having adequate first aid equipment. Remember that aggressive muscular building can strain muscles and not build them. Excessive breakdown of muscles during weightlifting can impair the kidneys and lead to their failure.

Safe Exercises for Lungs

Healthy lungs are the key to a healthy life. It is because of the lungs that we breathe and remain alive. Therefore, keeping lungs healthy extends one’s longevity under normal circumstances. Lungs mainly become impaired due to excessive smoking, pollution, or respiratory disorders. Asthma, pneumonia, and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD) are the main diseases that affect the lungs. Additionally, unhealthy lungs simply ruin the quality of life of an individual. For example, a person constantly suffering from breathing difficulties, cough, cold, and dust allergies may suffer from mental ailments too and sleep disorders.

How do exercises help your lungs?

The foremost commonality of lung exercises is that it helps in improving the oxygen utilizing the capacity of the lungs. This is particularly helpful because COPD people use more energy than others. Lung exercises also reduce blood pressure and help in improving cardiac health, thereby, improving blood circulation. Lung problems lead to many sleeping disorders that can be addressed by regular lung exercises. Lungs are dependent on bone health that can be strengthened only through exercise. The lower energy levels can be increased with the help of lung exercises.

Safe exercises for people with lung diseases


It is one of the safest exercises for patients suffering from COPD. Since walking is a low-impact exercise one can easily improve the body’s ability to utilize oxygen, empower muscles and have better endurance. Regular walking can be beneficial for people suffering from COPD especially if it is done during the morning time. High blood pressure and hypertension are common symptoms of COPD. People can reduce or manage their high blood pressure by regularly walking. It is advisable to walk for around 40 minutes every day to combat COPD.


Swimming enhances the capacity of the lungs and improves its efficiency. The breath-holding capacity of individuals can increase substantially. The effects of cardiovascular training have a positive impact on the breath. Asthmatic symptoms of the lungs reduce substantially. Wheezing and common breathing difficulties can be addressed through regular swimming. Young children also suffer from asthma due to pollution. Therefore, swimming helps in keeping the lungs more flexible and opens airways.


Bicycling is extremely helpful for people suffering from lung ailments. This is because lung capacity increases each time one cycles. During cycling, the lung volume increases by around 15%. The metabolic demands of the body also can be met due to riding. Cycling helps diaphragms to function better. This helps in improved exhalation and causes relaxation and the diaphragm contracts considerably due to pulling down. The power of respiratory muscles and cycling are positively correlated. Cycling substantially improves the strength of the muscles by separating oxygen from the air. However, cycling on heavily congested roads may be counterproductive and people should try to cycle in empty places with higher speeds.


Compared to walking, running is more beneficial for the lungs. It improves lung capacity and helps in carrying oxygen efficiently through the body. By either running or jogging for at least 5 to 6 days a week lung health improves considerably. Running also improves the stamina of the body by increasing the breathing capacity and clearing it. However, one has to be aware of the pollution levels in the area, since running in polluted vicinities can turn out to be harmful. Running should be done in empty areas and if it is not possible, then running on a treadmill indoors or in a gymnasium can also be helpful. It is noteworthy to remember that running may be less beneficial if one is a chain smoker.

Cardio exercises

The lung capacity can be elevated with the help of cardio exercises. For this, it is essential to do exercises for around 30 minutes. Lungs can work harder after routine cardio exercises.

Belly breathing and diaphragmic breathing

Belly breathing and diaphragmic breathing are one of the safest and best exercises for the lungs. In this exercise, the stomach is filled with air. This can be done by placing hands on the stomach such that one can be aware during breathing in and breathing out. Always relax one’s shoulders and neck such that the diaphragm can help in emptying and filling the lungs continuously. However, belly breathing is directly linked with regular practice. In rolling the shoulders forward and backward, the exercises should not contribute to any kind of tension in the upper body. According to the American Lung Association, belly breathing can be useful in strengthening the diaphragm muscles because it improves the rate at which both lungs can expand and contract.


Rowing through is not as popular as walking and swimming are nevertheless equally helpful for combating lung diseases. The oxygen flow of the lungs improves because of rowing. The respiratory muscles can be strengthened by both speed and endurance. The core body muscles can become powerful due to rowing. A higher anaerobic threshold can be achieved with rowing and even dyspnea can be healed. To popularize rowing in virtual situations, there are many rowing machines available. These help in ensuring quick and deep breathing. It is recommended that 30 minutes of rowing every day improve lung health.

Pursed lip breathing and deep breathing exercises

Lip breathing reduces the number of breaths to widen and lengthen airways. Physically active helps in increasing the flow of oxygen inside and outside the lungs. Deep breathing exercises are very helpful in increasing lung capacity too. According to the British Lung Foundation, these exercises are good since they can clear mucus from the lungs from pneumonia and asthma. Breathlessness can be minimized considerably with the help of breathing exercises.

Things to avoid while doing lung exercises

Lung exercises undoubtedly improve the health of the lungs, only if people avoid or refrain from certain things. To improve lung health, smoking should be avoided at all costs. The high nicotine and tar content of cigarettes, pipes, and cigars are always known for causing lung diseases, including cancer. Many patients suffering from COPD happen to be smokers. One should also drink plenty of water to preserve lung health. It is essential to remain physically active to relieve lung ailments.