Learn about Inverted Rows in detail before you get into a gym and start your strength training sessions. Know how to do inverted rows in a proper way.

Strength Training is a kind of physical exercise which specializes in the usage of resistance to induce in us muscle contraction to build anaerobic endurance, size of the skeletal muscles and most importantly strength.

We have often been awed by people in the gym who can do perfectly clean and effortless pull-ups. It takes a lot of time, persistence and inherent built strength to do that. Not a beginner’s cup of tea of course. But that should not stop us from strength enhancement training. After all, every small but steady step will bring us closer to our goal.

Perhaps the most suitable and rock-solid strength training exercise is Inverted Rows. Also called the Barbell Row, is an effective strength trainer which takes care of all that which could go wrong with a Barbell Row.

It’s a win-win on all sides. You can use all your body weight without added stress to your back and also achieve a decent core workout.


Now, why should one include Inverted Rows in their training regime?

Inverted Rows work on your back in such an effective manner and saves you from an injury that might astonish you. It works on your back muscles, your biceps, and traps and also on the stabilizer muscles in between. Bodyweight Rows are a must if you are an ardent fan and follower of push-ups and bench presses.

It also strengthens your grip movement and the key area of any strength program-midline stabilization. This is actually a superb procedure to build your core strength and lower back strength.


Enough of chit-chat. Now let’s get down to exercise. Let me teach you the most convenient way to do an Inverted Row.

Let’s begin with a rooted barbell fitted in a squat rack.

Lay on the floor on your back, beneath the bar. The bar should be positioned just at the place where you can extend from the ground.

After that, you need to grasp the bar with both hands, while your palms will be facing off from you.

Following that you have to contract your abs and pull your body towards the bar until your chest touches the bar. Keep in mind your entire body should be in a straight line, i.e. shoulders, your ears, hips, feet, and legs.

Then lower yourself down again. Repeat the procedure.

If you still find it too difficult, don’t panic. It’s not a day’s work. Simply lift yourself up to a convenient height. This is to ensure that when you have to lean backward, your body does not touch the ground, but stays in a mid-position which is comfortable for you at that moment.

Not that hard is it? Good luck fellas with your strength training!


If you don’t always have access to a gym but have an innate desire to do Bodyweight Inverted Rows, we are here for you. There are certain ways in which you can easily train yourself at home.

You can get hold of a really sturdy wooden fastener or pipe to lie across two kitchen chairs. Bear in mind that it should be able to support your weight or you might injure yourself in the process. Place yourself underneath the chairs and pull yourself up and repeat.

Another way to do this at home is you can use your desk or kitchen table. Just don’t break anything in the process. For that will be a pretty hard way to learn. Lie down on the floor, place yourself in such a way that your shoulders and head are sticking out of it. Then simply grab the edge of the table or desk with your hands and slowly pull yourself up and repeat.


  • Never let your butt sag: Remember to flex up your stomach, squeeze your butt cheeks and keep your body rigid from head to toe.
  • Don’t let your elbows flail: Keep your elbows at an angle while grabbing the bar and remember to grab the bar a little closer than you would while doing a bench press.
  • Pull the bar towards your chest, neither toward your throat nor downwards at your belly.
  • Keep your body rigid and abs tight.

If you want to be able to do those clean pull-ups that you envy today, start working on your Inverted Rows now! If you want reliable eyes to watch you over while you are practicing this complex workout, Starmark Fitness Studio is always there to supervise all your workouts and advise you the finest tricks and tips. Join our gym today to start your training.


Powerlifting not only bulks up your muscles but also comes with other great benefits. Know about the top health benefits of powerlifting and get healthy!

Among the most common and popular fitness workouts, Powerlifting is one of the inevitable ones in terms of benefits and intuitiveness. Powerlifting is also done at the biggest competitions across the globe and counted as one of the defining exercises to enhance your healthiness and strength. In this article, we are going to discuss the finest health benefits of Powerlifting which will help you make yourself stronger and healthier!


Powerlifting is capable of boosting your health to the extent. This exercise is way different from the regular weightlifting you do in your gym. While the regular weightlifting consists of lifting the weight on a large number of sets and repetitions without involving that much of weight, the powerlifting, on the other hand, is quite contrary to the exercise as powerlifting is a sport where you need to lift as heavy as it’s humanly possible. So, let’s jump into the benefits of Powerlifting without further ado.


Powerlifting is a weight-bearing exercise which is popularly practiced to make muscles stronger. However, there’s another aspect of powerlifting which is overlooked by most of the individuals! Well, with strong and bigger muscles, powerlifting also offers bigger bones!

The weight-bearing exercises are the ones that put an insane amount of weight on your body’s joints and bones. Weight-bearing workouts like powerlifting are extremely beneficial for your bones since your bones, like your muscles, are not static which means they can grow in size and strength. When you involve yourself into a weight-bearing exercise, it will force the osteoblasts in your bones to lay down new bone mass. The more you do powerlift, the more osteoblasts will lay down which means your bones will be thicker, stronger, denser with daily practice.


The strength of your muscles can grow exponentially if you are able to reap off some regular powerlifting. When you exercise through weightlifting and move to powerlifting eventually, your muscles develop the small tears which are termed as micro tears. Well, these micro tears are not necessarily good elements since they a little damage to your muscles and hurt but a little damage is always good for the greater good. Basically, things always get worse before they get better.

These micro-tears in your muscles heal or grow over a short while over with a scar tissue or more muscle tissue. This will result in your muscles growing stronger and bigger with time. Protein is something that plays a pivotal role in healing and growing your muscles after any harm. Thus, every powerlifter should ensure that they are getting enough protein for themselves in order to let their muscles grow fast.


The health benefits of powerlifting go beyond just strong bones and muscles! Powerlifting is considered to be one of the forefronts among the top calorie-intensive types of workouts owing to the amount of strength and energy required for performing this exercise that involves lifting hundreds of pounds at once. It’s quite simple – an exercise that requires a lot of energy will obviously be the exercise that will burn a great amount of calories on your body! The real powerlifting can burn calories beyond your imagination.

Researches prove that a single day of powerlifting can help grow the calorie intake requirements up to 15 percent! In simpler words, one little powerlifting session is capable of forcing your body to absorb 15% more calories a day just to stay in sync with the normal energy level. Powerlifting will gain you more weight but the weight will not be the result of your fat; rather it will be for your grown muscles.


Powerlifting can do wonders in terms of lifting up your confidence which can also be considered as one of the huge health benefits of the exercise. If you powerlift on a regular basis, it will surely make you feel more confident, hold you in greater repute, and boost your self-esteem because of a simple reason – you will be stronger and everybody has to feel confident when they are strong!

Moreover, there’s another aspect of powerlifting that takes your confidence to new heights! When you’ll find yourself with bigger, stronger muscles, and with a toned body, it will let you see yourself in new lights. Looking at the mirrors would feel way better when you will see the big biceps and abs on your body which are the beneficial health benefits of powerlifting exercise.


Powerlifting can help you run and jump better! One of the major lifts in Powerlifting is the squat which is an exercise that swells the muscle power of your legs (especially, your calves and thighs) which eventually helps in making you better at running and jumping. Moreover, the strong legs will come in handy for better balancing abilities because of having a more solid base to stand.

Exercise plays a pivotal role in the daily life of every human being because of the strength, durability, flexibility, and shape it offers. When it comes to powerlifting, the above health benefits of powerlifting are the ones that should induce you to get you going with the exercise. Moreover, you will also build stronger core and posture along with the above advantages if you do powerlift! Starmark, being the best multi gym in Kolkata, offers the paramount powerlifting exercises which will develop your bones, muscles, and confidence to the finest extent.