Small Space Workouts

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Exercises are one of the best ways to keep your body healthy. It also helps in minimizing the chances of diseases by reducing the risk of occurrence. It primarily helps in weight control and also promotes psychological well-being, besides having a plethora of other benefits. However, many people cannot go to gymnasiums or join expensive health classes due to financial or time constraints. Therefore, many are choosing small space workouts in their own apartment to get similar benefits of exercises and workouts. Small spaces can indeed act as substitutes of gymnasiums, provided the number of people in a home are less. 

Jumping rope

Jumping rope is most suited for toning down lower and upper parts of the body. It is a major fat blaster for those who want to reduce their fat. In small spaces, daily jumping rope can be immensely beneficial for legs, stomach and heart. One leg, double leg and even double ditch are some of the ways of using the jumping rope. Jumping rope can be beneficial for heart because it can quickly raise heart beat and burn calories quicker. Muscle toning can be achieved with the help of jumping rope since stringent exercises can help in targeting lower body and build lean muscles. Additionally, jumping rope helps in improving coordination. Coordination in feet improves significantly after doing jumping rope exercises. Since jumping rope exercises are good for reducing weight, fat reduction becomes easier and faster.


Kettlebells can save both space and time, and are extremely good for workouts. According to a 2010 study, kettlebells have the capacity to burn 400 calories within just 20 minutes. In case you are interested in either full-body strength or any type of cardiovascular exercise, then kettlebells are the most suitable option. Additionally, kettlebells can also be helpful in reducing body fat and promoting body toning benefits. Unlike traditional weight lifting machines, kettlebells do not need large spaces and are also less expensive. However, one should not put too much weight on kettlebells, since it can lead to serious injuries. Conversely, one should not put less weight on kettlebells as it would be of no use. It is worth noting that kettlebell is not suitable for all types of cardio exercises. 


Yoga alone is capable of substituting almost every type of exercise that requires gymnasium. There are fat reducing yoga, breathing exercises, extended side angle and vinyasa which are performed by millions. You can easily do Yoga by watching YouTube videos and there is no need to go to any gymnasium. Most Yoga postures can be done at homes and are not time-taking either. The notable advantages of doing yoga are it improves balance, flexibility and strength. It has the capability to heal or provide pain at the back. The cat-cow pose especially is suited to get relief from such types of pain. Arthritis is another major disease that can be managed by doing yoga. It benefits cardiac health and helps in sleeping better. Yoga can also improve mood, increase more energy and bust stress for a large number of people. Though Yoga can be done at home, if done outside it can provide a supportive community, thereby, reducing loneliness. 

Body weight workouts

These types of workouts do not require dumb bells, barbells or any type of resistance bands. You can do such exercises at home in a small space by doing moves such as mountain climbers, push-ups, lunges, squats and planks. Push ups are beneficial for arms and chest.  Lunges and squats are beneficial for both buttocks and legs. In case one wants to tone down abs, then both mountain climbers and planks are suitable. These body weight workouts are suitable if one wants to burn calories. In such a scenario, it is advisable to take rests between 20 to 30 seconds. 

Suspension training

Most personal trainers and indoor fitness experts recommend suspension training. Suspension training are straps made up of nylon. These exercises are appropriate for homes having less space. There are over hundreds of types of training which comes under the classification of suspension. There are dozens of exercises of suspension circuit which includes 10-to-20-minute routines. Even in bedrooms, sturdy pole and beam suspension circuit do not require less than two pounds and are therefore quite compact. 

Indoor cycling

This is one of the most beneficial indoor exercises. A small bike can be bought and you can do exercises by watching a cinema or listening to music. Riding on a road can be simulated easily with the help of an indoor cycle. It is worth noting that a person by cycling for just 30 minutes can burn around 200-300 calories. 

Wall push ups

There is no need to hit the gymnasium if one does wall push ups. Wall push ups are helpful for better blood pumping in small spaces. Parallelly, the body can be rotated while raising hands into the air. This can be helpful for burning calories and can be useful for toning ankles, knees and buttocks.

YouTube workouts

For indoor exercises, the world’s most popular online video platform YouTube has several thousand videos. Therefore, these videos can offer a range of exercises that can be done from home in a limited space. There are certain popular video channels such as Fitness Blender and Hasfit for different home exercise regimes. 

Ab crunches

In small homes, ab crunches can be used to perform exercises. It is one of the greatest exercises to increase main strength by using just a small area. Ab crunches can be done to perform the exercises by slightly bending the knees. Moreover, one can perform the exercise by lying on the floor. So, in case you want to do six pack abs, then these ab crunches can be useful.

Stair step ups

These stair steps up can be helpful for toning muscle groups which includes hamstrings and glutes. During the exercise, it is necessary to advance step up and increase weight during lifts. However, stair step ups are of limited benefits and needs to be complemented with other exercises too.

Should You Train When You Are Sick?

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Illnesses are inevitable and every person is bound to suffer from it in his or her lifetime. However, it is a matter of genuine debate as to whether sick persons can do exercises or not. The answer itself is not straightforward. It depends upon the prevailing health conditions as to whether exercises can improve health or worsen it. Thus, it is imperative for people to carefully analyse the illness itself before carrying out training. 

Avoid these workouts in all kinds of sicknesses

There are certain exercises that can worsen the symptoms of sickness. Team sports should be avoided if you are suffering from an infectious disease. Heavy weight lifting should be avoided as the body becomes weaker and more vulnerable during periods of illness. Avoid running for long distances as it can cause exhaustion and aggravate physical weakness. Spin classes, endurance training, Pilates, sprinting and hot yoga can be potentially harmful if it is done during illness periods.

Heavy weight lifting

When you are physically ill, then weight lifting is a strict no. Even during symptoms of cold, it is quite natural for people to poorly perform while lifting weights, because bodily weakness is a symptom of cold. Heavy weight lifting can cause sinus pressure and increase headaches. If your body permits, then you may try out light weight lifting. 

Swimming and biking

There is no question of either swimming or biking, if the sickness needs hospitalization. However, in the context of mild diseases, swimming can provide temporary relief. In case of cold, swimming can unblock nasal pathways. Biking can sometimes be counterproductive and aggravate the symptoms of cold and flu. However, it is worth noting that biking can be dangerous, if there are medications that cause drowsiness. 

Outdoor sports 

Playing sports that requires physical contact with many people should be avoided. It not only does aggravate symptoms but also facilitate its spread. People suffering from fever, cold, flu or any infectious disease must avoid all types of outdoor games. 

Workout in freezing temperatures

This can indeed turn out to be fatal if a person is battling cold symptoms. Cold dry air can irritate nasal airways and aggravate asthma symptoms. Freezing temperatures make the body susceptible to more diseases such as frost bite, asthma and pneumonia. 


Recommendations for workouts during sickness

Check and balance your electrolytes

The electrolytes balance plays a vital role during exercises. Always ensure that you drink enough liquids rich in electrolytes. This could include Oral Rehydration Solutions (ORS), soup, coconut water, sports drinks and fruit juices. 

Balanced diet consumption

Healthy diet is the key to illness recovery in most treatable diseases. Balanced diet essentially implies the right amount of carbohydrates, fat, protein, vitamins and minerals. It helps in improving the immune system and prevent infection. Eating a lot of fruits can be extremely beneficial during illnesses. 

Overexertion and over exhaustion must be avoided

The human body has limits to everything. During fever and extreme colds, the body generally fights off invading viruses or bacteria. The immune system’s response itself can wear you down and make you feel tired. Thus, it is always advisable to do light exercises and avoid straining your body. It is also noteworthy that overexertion can be fatal.

Listen to your inner voice

It is vital to listen to your inner voice while deciding on exercises. If you are sick and feeling tired, it is always advisable to take rest and not do heavy exercises. Conversely, if you feel that light exercises can be beneficial then do those with caution. 

Most suitable exercises during sickness

Most non-strenuous exercises include gardening, low intensity riding and walking. It may include practicing Tai Chi etc. These activities can help in strengthening immunity. 


If you are afflicted with cold, then walking can provide some relief. Regular walking for twenty minutes can improve cold symptoms. In case your nose is blocked, then some deep breathing exercises can be of immense relief. However, there is little research as to how exercise can improve cold symptoms. It is undeniable that people feel less sick if they regularly walk. 


Jogging is the most suitable exercise during mild diseases such as cold. Many physicians opine that jogging and brisk running can help patients feel better. However, one should avoid jogging if there are symptoms like vomiting and nausea. Most people choose either morning or evening time for jogging. Pace of jogging however must not exceed six miles per hour. It should always remain less rigorous than walking. Cardio vascular fitness can be enhanced by jogging alone. During sickness not requiring hospitalization, jogging can help in regaining both flexibility and muscular strength. 

Qi Gong

This is a form of exercise which can be called a combination of meditation and martial arts. It is worth noting that if one is not willing to do heavy exercises then he or she can try out Qi Gong. This helps in increasing energy levels and improves blood flow. Moreover, stress and anxiety can be minimized considerably while performing Qi Gong. In a report published by the American Journal of Chinese Medicine, Qi Gong has the potential to reduce respiratory infections and diseases by around seventy percent.


It is a known fact that whenever a body is fighting viral or bacterial infections, it releases a stress hormone called cortisol. This particular hormone if excessively released can harm the human body. For instance, there are asanas such as Setu Bandhasana, which is effective against yoga. It helps in improving the immunity levels. Similarly, hastapadasana improves blood flow in the head and helps in clearing sinus. Dhanurasana also have proven benefits against cold. There are several Yoga postures that can improve immunity and help in faster healing. 

Zumba dance

Zumba dance can be of immense benefits because it helps in relieving stress. Dance music can lower down cortisol levels and it helps in boosting the immune system. Research has found that people who listened to Zumba or similar heart related dance classes could minimize their stress levels.

How to stop stress eating?

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In everyday life eating can sometimes become problematic, if the mind is undergoing stress. Stress can have multiple sources which includes family, work and social obligations. The two prominent signs of a disturbed mind are eating problems and sleep problems. Sleep problems can include sleep deprivation, wrong time sleeping, insomnia, sleep apnoea, narcolepsy etc. Eating problems can include bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, anorexia nervosa, restrictive food intake disorder etc. Therefore, it is vital to address stress eating otherwise if left untreated, it can be fatal. 

Stopping stressful eating

These are some of the steps that have the potential to stop stressful eating. 

  • Identify correctly the source of stress. It is necessary to understand the circumstances and emotions that is leading to stressful eating. Avoid the stressful circumstance altogether after recognizing it. 
  • It is crucial to do exercise to reduce stress. In case you are physically healthy yet facing some health problems, then it is advisable to consult a psychiatrist. There are chemical changes that inevitably occurs during stress. These can be reversed if one is doing enough exercises and taking prescribed psychiatric medicines. However, many people do not have adequate time for exercising due to a number of reasons. In such a situation, they should increase the amount of walking, cleaning, gardening and other less strenuous types of exercise and movement. 
  • Regular and fruitful communication with close friends and relatives can be refreshing for the stressed mind. In hard times, true friends can act like counsellors and can give fruitful advice which can resolve stress and stop stressful eating. There are some individuals who feel ashamed or unnecessarily express regret over their eating habits. 
  • Mindfulness can be practiced regularly to stop stress eating. All kinds of tai chi, yoga, meditation and other mental exercises can be done to relieve the mind from stress.
  • Elyse Resch and dietician Evelyn Tribole have devised a way to promote ‘intuitive eating’. Way back in the 1990s, this form of eating helped in focused, calm and mindful eating. In mindful eating attention needs to paid as to what kind of foods are worsening stressful situations. Stress eating can be caused due to impaired links between the guts and brain. 
  • Natural eating without dietary restrictions can lead to stress relief. In natural eating, one can have chocolates, vegetables, meat, milk products without any guilt or shame. 

Preventing or minimizing stress eating

  • Overeating is the direct consequence of stressful eating. In case you are eating too much due to stress, then first find out the reasons behind it. It can be due to nourishment, periodic hunger or just the desire to try out food by tasting it. In such a scenario, always focus on how you are feeling while eating food. The negative experiences can range from loneliness, boredom, anxiety or stress. Try to think as to why are you are experiencing such symptoms. Seek professional help if these experiences continue to recur. Early treatment can be greatly helpful and may avert the onset of major eating disorders. 
  • Control your temptation. There are certain objects which can increase hunger and finally lead to binge eating. For instance, a bucket of ice cream, jar filled with sweets or cookies, chocolate boxes etc. can suddenly increase the temptation to eat unnecessarily. Thus, remove those stimulants and objects from your home. This will surely reduce cravings and other acts of stressful eating. Moreover, this will also be helpful for both your mental and physical health. 
  • Undereating or overeating are often caused due to faulty meal schedules. Therefore, prepare a proper meal schedule and keep enough gaps between meals. This improves better digestion. Always maintain this schedule and count your calories per meal. Both undereating or overeating can be prevented if you can have two solid meals in a day. 
  • Excessive restriction of diets can be counterproductive and it can lead to malnutrition. During stressful times, it is advisable that restrictive dieting should be avoided since it can worsen the situation. Overeating or consuming too few calories can lead to stress. This is why restriction of diets should be avoided. 
  • In case you find it stressful to eat other people’s cooked foods, then you can try cooking at home yourself. Cooking itself can be stress relieving. It can improve overall health parameters. Always try to avoid or minimize red meat intake. Increase your consumption of vegetables and fruits as these can be both delicious and nutritious. 
  • Hydration levels can impact stress eating. Therefore, always maintain proper hydration to avoid stress. Research has found out that risks can be minimized if hydration is proper. Dehydration can be cured by drinking the right amount of water. Fruits can also resolve hydration problems by adding sugar and salt. 
  • Daily physical activity can minimize stressful eating. This often happens when one is stuck at home (due to Covid) and can lead to stress, increased snacking frequency and boredom. Thus, on YouTube you can watch and follow exercise videos and do those in homes. 
  • Boredom can often cause stress eating. When people are bored, they often resort to eating excessively at irregular intervals. Prolonging such behaviour can lead to lifestyle diseases like diabetes, cancer, obesity. Thus, it is vital to utilize time optimally by concentrating on hobbies that are put off due to busy schedules. You can come out of stressful eating by learning a new skill or managing a project. Living spaces can be organised to make oneself less stressful.
  • Stress eating can worsen if one is resorting to alcohol consumption. Alcohol consumption is injurious to health as it increases the probability of overeating and can lead to addiction. Thus, avoiding excessive alcohol can be helpful because it helps in relaxing the mind and does not alter brain chemicals that leads to stress.
  • The most glaring sign of stress eating is eating between meals. However, this too can be altered by eating healthy food instead of unhealthy food. Moreover, such focuses can bring positive changes in one’s mind.


These are the best ways to stop stress eating and lead a healthy lifestyle.

How to Improve Your Barbell Bench Press?

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Bench press includes the triceps, lats, shoulders, pecs and lats in the upper-body. There are many types of bench press that can increase your strength, power and size. By increasing the barbells, one needs to follow several rules, such that one can get the desired results. Bench press is also risky and therefore should be done carefully to avoid injuries. 

Ways to increase bench press

Warming up

It is worth noting that before increasing the barbell strength, it is necessary to warm up before adding weights. A good warm must essentially include the following:

  • Bending over ten times
  • Jogging in both directions (forward and backward)
  • Push up hold position
  • Windmill bending
  • Skipping either backwards or forwards
  • Band pull with straight arms (15 times preferably)

Concentrate on more overload

If you are truly interested in increasing your bench press, then always do it gradually and not suddenly. One must add more reps and weight every time one does a bench press. This particular method is called Progressive Overload. It helps in maximizing power and aids in better weight lifting. The other common overloading method is the double progression method where weights are increased just once and one can reach the rep sets more often. In progression method, if one is doing a workout for 2 to 3 reps, then ten pounds can be increased on both sides for the next set. Repeat the steps for each exercise. 

Pump yourself

There is enough research to suggest that heavier set is invariably going to have a better impact on the amount of weight. It is also essential to take around 15 to 20 seconds to concentrate on the exercise. Watching motivational videos and doing regular breathing exercise can also be of immense help. 

Chest analysis

One has to know one’s chest properly to understand whether barbell bench press is suited to support the chest muscles. If one wants to add more weights, one should first examine as to whether his or her ligament and shoulder joints are strong or not. If they are not strong enough, then barbell bench press should not be increased, otherwise it can be fatal. Barbell bench is necessary for empowering the torso. 

Floor glute bridge

Energy transfer from one part of the body to the other is exceptionally important while doing barbell bench press. Thus, a rigid posture is essential such that power can transferred from the heels to the other body parts. This is why glute bridge is most appropriate for completing every rep while bench pressing. In floor glute press, do 4 to 15 reps and it is natural that the body weight will move more often within 3 to 4 days per week. 

Shoulder press

With palms turned towards each other, it is vital to keep the torso at 45 degrees angle. Shoulders and elbows need to be straightened and return the dumbbell overhead. 

Right muscles can be engaged

It is very necessary to understand that one has to stabilize the muscles and engage them properly to the full potential. The major portions that move the muscles include anterior deltoid, triceps, and pectoralis major. 

Per bench press session

It is important to note that press session per bench should not exceed five to ten lbs. While doing bench press it is worth noting that it is not too heavy for the person. Also, remember that the bench presses should be of the same weight or it can be slightly heavier. It is essential to understand while doing bench press, both the amount of weight targeted for lifting should be at par with the number of reps and sets. Per week always try to do chest exercises involving around 20 sets. The second step is to ensure that around 6 to 12 rep range and the remaining set should be around 12 to 15 rep ranges. 

Expert suggestion on bench press tips

Identify the weak area in exercise

Once you fail in the bottom, then always try to get the weight chest off. Explosive pressing is recommended. The lockout does not need to be finished. Therefore, extending triceps and close grip presses can limit the success. Therefore, it is vital to understand the priority in training and identify the weak spot in bench. 

Upper back strength

Barbell rowing and pull ups and seated rowing can strengthen the upper back. Both triceps and strong chest requires having a big bench. 

Effort training maximal

Lift as much as you possibly can after a number of trials. For instance, five repetitions with the good form can have the best impact on weight and effort session can be needed. 

Effort training dynamic

The traditional workout is opposed to dynamic forms of workout. In this form of workout, it is essential to move the weight as fast as possible. A large number of sets can be repeated in turns. Moreover, it is also important to increase the bar with more maximal force. 

Dynamic bench press

Link the chains to the ends as needed. The bands with heavy dumbbell should be kept under the rack. Against the bench, help in keeping the legs bent and keep the feet flat. Always try to reduce the bar at the chest’s bottom. It is essential to repeat the first three steps and keep elbows at the sides. Also try to speed up the bar as fast as feasible. 

Floor press with dumbbells

It is essential that dumbbells are held up the chest and is turned towards the feet. Contact the floor by lowering the dumbbell. It is important to briefly pause and above the chest press the dumbbells. One can also lift the dumbbells turned towards the body such that shoulder stress should be minimized and triceps are emphasized. 

Spotter is necessary

While doing heavy bench press, a spotter is essential. It helps in providing the comfort levels on one’s back. Moreover, spotters are known to motivate people to lift heavier loads and encouraging them to take more bench presses.

Best Stretches to Improve Flexibility

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Stretching daily is very useful for our muscles. Although stretching might sound boring it is not really hard to devote around 15 minutes for health. Stretch before workout can be beneficial for a number of reasons. It helps in preventing injuries and help in moving joints through full range of motion. Improving flexibility is important for soft tissue recovery, and it can provide power through range of motion. Moreover, flexibility is directly related to length and muscle tension and is a component of mobility. There are many different varieties of stretching and people are expected to focus on either static or dynamic type.

Best Stretches for Total Body Flexibility

These stretches can be helpful for maintaining the flexibility of the total body.

Quad stretch

  • Stand straight and bend one leg back to top of that foot.
  • Bring your foot near your buttocks and keep your bent knee in line with the other knee.
  • For deepened stretch put your buttocks forward
  • Touch the wall for balance if required and do the same with the other leg.

Shoulder stretch

  • Take one arm and extend it through your body.
  • Lightly press and with your extended arm deepen the stretch.

Hip stretch

  • Rest on your back and incline both knees with your feet flat on the floor.
  • Place your left knee which is closer to chest and bend it at a right angle such that it crosses over your body.
  • Make contacts with the chin or ankle of your left leg and bring the right knee towards chest and repeat it vice-versa.
  • Then wrap your hands around the right leg and pull it nearer to your body by deepening the stretch.

Triceps stretch

  • Raise one arm straight above you and bend your elbow such that your forearm is behind your head.
  • With the other hand carefully push your bent elbow.

Thigh stretch

  • Look up the ground with knees bent and soles on feet touching one another.
  • With your hands grasp your feet.
  • Also push down your knees with your elbows to make the stretch.

Hamstring stretch

  • Stand straight, bend one knee and extend the other straight in front of around five inches.
  • Ensure that are bending at the hips and keep back straight.
  • Bring your chest down until you can sense stretch at the back of extended leg.

Bicep stretches

  • Stretch your arms on your sides.
  • With both hands and rotate your thumbs down.
  • Back up until they are pointing to the back of you.

Side stretch

  • Hold your hands together and raise your arms in the straight direction.
  • Push your hands up and then over to each side of you.

Best stretch before workout

There are a large number of stretching exercises that can work wonders if carried out before workout. 

Shoulder roll

It is a fact that shoulders if heavy can carry a lot of tension. Due to ageing problems associated with shoulders usually increase.

  • Relax your shoulders and your arms at your sides by standing with feet hip-width apart.
  • Roll your shoulders forward, backward, upward and downward. 
  • Reverse all directions after 30 seconds.

Lunge walking

Stability is often challenged by lunge walking. This type of stretching exercise is vital for your legs and glutes. It will also stretch with hip flexors. Moreover, this type of exercise can be substituted with cardo exercise, strength-training compound moves with squat and lunge. It is necessary that stand tall with feet hip-width apart.

  • Lift your chest, brace your core, take back flat, and place your shoulders back. Place a large step forward with the right foot. It has lowered the body until your right thigh is concurrent with the floor. Bend both knees at 90 degrees. 
  • Return to a standing position after bringing a left foot forward.
  • With the help of left foot, place your lung forward again. Continue alternating legs and perform the same on both.

Lateral leg swing

  • With your feet together and stand tall. Extend your arms out to your sides or gripping a stable surface for balance.
  • Raise your right leg and shift your weight to your left leg out.
  • Lift your chest, brace your cores and back flat. Back and forth swing your left leg.
  • Continue to do this for 30 seconds, repeat and switch legs.


Cat cow is one of the best stretches to improve flexibility. This is because it is beneficial for neck, chest, core and hips.

  • With your back flat start on all four directions, under your shoulders and keep knees below the hips.
  • Bring your chin near your chest, turn back towards the ceiling and dodge your tailbones. After this exhale air.
  • Inhale air and incline your back towards downward direction. Lift your chest, chin and tailbone.
  • Between the two poses continue to alternate. This should flow with your breath.

Hip circle

Out of all stretch before work exercise, hip circle exercises are one of the best. It will help in loosening the buttocks, core and back. 

  • With knees slightly bent, stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Move your hips in a clockwise direction, forward, right, back and left. To warm up muscles wobble in large circles.
  • For 30 seconds continue to do this and then repeat the same in anticlockwise direction.

Forward leg swing

  • With your feet together stand tall and your arms at your sides. A stable surface is required for balance.
  • Move your left leg and then swing with your right leg and left arm in front of you.
  • Swap directions and swing with the left and right arm behind you. But do maintain the right arm in front.
  • Repeat these moves for the next 30 seconds, switch the legs and repeat.

Some stretching essentials

  • Stretching a warmup cannot be considered. Symmetry can be strived and focus on major muscle groups. 
  • One must not bounce his/her body while stretching.
  • It is necessary to hold the stretch for at least 30 seconds. In problem areas the stretch can last up to 60 seconds.

Stretching exercises are not just easy. It can be safely said that performance in physical activities can be improved. Risk of injuries can be minimized and it is worth noting that such exercises can help joints move through the full-range of motion. Blood flow can increase considerably and muscular efficiency increases because of these exercises. Performing daily activities can be vastly improved with such exercises.

What BMI Has to Do with Health and Wellness

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Want to know about Body Mass Index? This blog will help you understand the Body Mass Index and how it is related to the health and wellness of people. It is the measure used for calculating body fat content based on weight with height. 

Is it necessary to know about BMI?

Yes, knowing your BMI is important because it can tell you how healthy you are and what actions to take. Knowing the BMI is very important it helps you determine how healthy a person is. It will tell you how much fat a person has and what actions he must take. Knowing one’s BMI matters because it tells how much fat someone has, which allows them to then work out their weight-loss options.

Maintaining a healthy weight will keep you healthy and allow you to lead a longer life Maintaining an appropriate weight will help prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, strokes, certain cancers, and arthritis. Obesity has been linked with depression, sleep apnea, and other serious health conditions.

Before the invention of the BMI scale, it was difficult to measure someone’s health based on their weight alone. These old methods were inadequate because they didn’t account for people that were taller than average for example. This meant that some people could have had a healthy weight but would still be labelled as overweight if they didn’t have an accurate way to measure their height.

The BMI was invented in the early 1800s as a way to classify people as underweight, overweight, or obese. However, people are not classified into these three categories solely based on their BMI. The main reason for this is that it does not take into account someone’s age, sex, and muscle mass. The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measure of total body fat, which is calculated by taking one’s weight.

Did you know that BMI helps in determining health and wellness?

Body Mass Index can Identify the below diseases that are directly related to the weight of the people and also help in improving their health and wellness:

  • Heart Deceases
  • Diabetes
  • Depression
  • Cancers
  • Immunity
  • Hair loss

Being over or underweight can have several life-threatening health consequences. With the help of BMI, it is easy to measure your weight and calculate your body fat percentage.

Body mass index is a way of measuring both the person’s height and weight to see if they are at an appropriate range for their height. This calculation allows people who are overweight or underweight to know which category they should be in.

The BMI was developed by Quetelet in 1832 and is based on the idea that human fat and muscle tissue add weight to the body. But even though it was accepted as a measure of health and fitness, many types of research found flaws in BMI. Knowing your BMI is important for your health and for knowing the best weight loss plan.

The standard BMI categories are:

  • Underweight (less than 18.5)
  • Normal (18.5-24.9)
  • Overweight (25-29.9) (Obese class 1 30-34.9, Obese class 2 35-39, Obese class 3 greater than 40)

Why use the Body Mass Index?

We know that BMI stands for body mass index. The BMI is a measurement of how body weight is distributed against height.

It Measures Obesity:

Body Mass index helps measure the obesity of a large group of people it measures if people are over or underweight and helps them know their health conditions. The Body Mass Index is mainly helpful to the researchers to find out the obesity in the selected group.

Less Expensive:

Body Mass Index is the less complicated and simplest way of finding obesity. It helps to find out how the dietary habits of people have impacted their health.

Helps In Comparison:

Body Mass Index is the universally accepted method for calculating body weight and helps people in comparing their weights with that of other populations.

There are various problems associated with BMI:


The Body mass index considers only the weight and height and ignores the body fat that changes with age.

Age and Gender:

There will be a change in body fat between men and women and also the fat content in youngsters and aged people will be different.


Body Mass Index is not suitable for Athletes to calculate their health condition as they have muscles and other dietary plans. And if the Body Mass Index is calculated for them then it would give the wrong result as their weight will be more.

Body Mass Index does not consider all the factors and it is not a good option for calculating health. It cannot be considered the only indicator for determining the health of individuals.

Final Takeaway

All of us want to be healthy for that, we cannot just rely on numbers. We already know what steps we need to take to move towards a healthy life. Drinking lots of water, reducing the intake of junk food, reducing stress, keeping a good relationship with others, and eating good and nutritious food when we do this we do not have to worry about weight and height or the BMI index numbers because we know by this, we are leading a very healthy life.