Yoga vs Tai Chi: A Detailed Comparison

Do you know the difference between Yoga and Tai Chi? If not, go through this article and learn about their difference. Don’t stay confused.

Both Tai chi and yoga are low-intensity exercises. Both are similar to one another in many ways. People have practiced Tai Chi and yoga for ages. They benefit from the body in many ways. If you are confused about which form of exercise will suit you best, Tai Chi or Yoga, this article is for you to read. We have listed the benefits of Tai Chi and the advantages of Yoga, and the differences between the two to easily decide which one is your kind of sport.

Before we get into the differences between Tai Chi and Yoga, let us first examine how these sports are similar to one another.

Similarities between Tai Chi and Yoga

Similarities between Yoga and Tai Chi

Improve flexibility

Both Tai Chi and Yoga improve flexibility. So if your muscles are getting stiff due to lack of exercise or experiencing physical pain, you can either practice Tai Chi or Yoga. They work on the muscles to improve flexibility.   

Sends out positive vibes

Another common advantage of Tai Chi and Yoga is that both forms of exercise send out positive vibes to the people who practice it during practice, which heals both their bodies and minds. They start feeling good about themselves.

Improves quality of life

The biggest advantage of Tai Chi and Yoga is that they improve the overall quality of life. So if you wish to live a stress-free life, make sure you get into the practice of either practicing Tai Chi or Yoga.

4 major differences between Tai Chi and Yoga

Now that you know that both Tai Chi and Yoga can benefit the human mind and body, you must be wondering which one of these two would be beneficial for you. We have listed a few major differences between Tai Chi and Yoga for you.

Muscle Movements

Muscle Movements of Tai Chi and Yoga

Tai Chi

The muscle movements in Tai Chi are flowing, whereas, on the other hand, the muscle movements in Yoga are static. Tai Chi is like a dance that is filled with graceful movements. The movements are slow, which allows you to take deep breaths during the movements and focus on the sensations of the body. The purpose of these movements is to shift your weight from one pose to the other gradually.


Yoga, on the other hand, focuses on static movements. These movements are basically strengthening and stretching postures combined with breathing techniques.

Posture Involved

Difference between Yoga and Tai Chi in terms of Posture

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a sport that is generally performed standing. Even though there are postures in Tai Chi where the person involved in the art has the privilege to sit while performing, it generally involves postures and movements that require a person to stand.


Yoga is a sport that involves all kinds of movements, starting from standing to sitting to lying down. It is a much more variedly practiced sport that can be practiced anywhere. Unlike Tai Chi, you do not always need to stand while doing yoga.

Learning Process

Learning Process of Yoga and Tai Chi

Tai Chi

The process of learning Tai Chi involves difficult body movements and postures. Which is often difficult to learn and remember even though you can find instructors to train you Tai Chi. However, to simplify the learning process, many instructors have shortened the lesson plans wherein just a few repetitive movements of Tai Chi so that it is easy for them to grab and understand the lessons.


Yoga, on the other hand, is way simpler. It involves postures and body movements that can be easily remembered, and with a proper trainer, it can be easily practiced at home. Moreover, because yoga involves all kinds of body movements, including sleeping, standing, and sitting, it is far more effective than Tai Chi.

Different Uses

Difference use of Yoga and Tai Chi

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is generally practiced to improve balance. Research has proven that Tai Chi effectively reduces for 20 to 60% in falls. So if you have a nerve disorder because you face difficulties in balancing, Tai Chi can help you regain your balance.


Yoda aims at strengthening and stretching muscles. This helps reduce muscle pain, and it further helps to keep a check on people’s stress levels so if you are suffering from back or neck pain or any other type of musculoskeletal pain

Why is Yoga preferred over Tai Chi?

However, when it comes to choosing between Tai Chi and Yoga, it mostly depends on two factors – the first is personal preference and the second is convenience. Most people prefer doing Yoga over Tai Chi because of the following reasons:

  • Yoga aims at reducing muscular pain, and it also reduces anxiety. Today, many people suffer from stress and anxiety due to high-pressing jobs or are dealing with old pain for too long. It increases muscle strength which, in turn, helps in reducing muscle pain. This is why most people prefer yoga.
  • Yoga is easy to practice and remember. It doesn’t require any special training or a big space. Since yoga involves different body movements, you have many choices when it comes to practicing yoga. It can be done sitting on a chair or lying on a bed. If you have a scarcity of space. Also, it’s easy compared to Tai Chi. If there are no yoga tutors available nearby, you can watch a tutorial on yoga and practice the steps with online tutors who teach online. On the other hand, you may face difficulties in finding a suitable Tai Chi trainer around you.

Final Takeaway

Therefore, if you are staying at home and you hardly have enough space to work out in your apartment, we prefer to choose yoga over Tai Chi. Exercises in yoga are going to help you remain stress-free and will also help reduce your muscle pain. Moreover, you don’t necessarily need an in-house trainer for yoga. You can easily learn yoga from online tutorials.

Best Yoga Asana for Shoulder and Neck Pain

Get relief from your neck and shoulder pain by trying out various Yoga poses. These will help you to get relief without any medication.

We live in an age where people spend most of the hours haunched over the screen. Neck and back issues have become the most common ailments that people deal with. The best approach to all of these is a better desk setup. There are also other things that you can do to get this sorted. Yoga brings in a host of new solutions to the various modern-day physiological issues.

Reasons Why Shoulder and Neck Hurts

Shoulder and Neck Pains mostly occur when the soft tissues on the upper part of the body get injured. This can result from several reasons that might include inflammation, physical stress, emotional stress, etc. 

These often lead to stiffness or arthritis. If the pain is too much, you can certainly take the help of the doctor. You also have the option of making certain changes to the lifestyle. These include taking plenty of rest, elevation and muscle relaxation, and also hot and cold compresses.

Another way that will allow you to relax your muscles is through yoga. This is because it is a physical activity that is too intense and will keep you moving. Moreover, these movements are also quite gentle and therefore there is no chance of causing a further strain.

Various Neck Injuries

Neck injuries

Most of you are sitting in front of the computer these days and therefore Neck Injury is quite common. You can go through the points below to know about the various Neck Injuries:

1. Cervicalgia

This happens because if sitting in the wrong posture and also taking stress for a longer period. This injury hurts the cervical spine. Stiffness and spasms are two symptoms. If you stress it in one way, this will help you to manage the Neck Pain.

2. Neck Sprain

This usually happens due to repeated physical strains and heavy physical activities. This is the reason why this strain is common with athletes. Symptoms include dizziness, fatigue, and stiffness.

3. Shoulder Pain from Sleeping

If you sleep in an uncomfortable position, you might get short term Shoulder Pain. It is true that in most cases it does not last for a long time. But treating this is important.

4. Pinched nerve in the neck

This is formally referred to as cervical radiculopathy. It includes symptoms like radiating pain as well as the weakness of the muscles. Physical therapy, stretching, and yoga can also help when there are any of these symptoms.

5. Torticollis

It results from the muscles that are extremely tight in comparison to the other side. This means that you tend to tilt your head on one side more than the other side. This can also be treated by doing the various yoga poses. This will help in exercising the muscles that are there on the other side of the neck.

Various Shoulder Injuries

Shoulder Injuries

Shoulder Injuries can be really painful. Yoga for Shoulder Pain will be helpful. The most common types of Shoulder Injuries are:

1. Shoulder Tendonitis

This happens when the rotator cuff gets inflamed when the muscles and the tendons are found on the shoulders. This normally happens when the shoulder is overused at the time of running or during other sports.

2. Shoulder Arthritis

When the cartilage within the shoulder joint gets affected, then shoulder arthritis occurs. This usually happens when the large ball and the socket joint or the glenohumeral joint is affected for some reason.

3.  Subacromial Impingement

This is a very common shoulder problem that occurs. This normally occurs when the tendons that are there around the shoulder cuff get irritated.

Best Yoga Asanas for Shoulder and Neck Pain

Child Pose

The most effective asanas for Shoulder and Neck Pain are given below:

1. Eagle Arms

This is a pose that stretches the muscles of the arms, upper back, shoulders, and neck. You will have to sit in a comfortable position with your neck properly elongated. Then reach out on both arms because they are at shoulder height and width. You need to then bend the right arm upwards towards the head. Then you need to sweep the left arm under the right.

Now you need to bend and wrap the left arm around the right one. The most important goal is to have the palms touch. If you want to gain that flexibility, it might take time. Therefore, if the palms are not ready to reach, then you need to grasp the wrist of the right arm with the left hand.

You will have to take a deep breath. Then you have to lower down the shoulders away from the ears. Now pull the hands away from the face. Then you need to turn the gaze over the left shoulder. You need to be in the same position for at least 5 breaths. Then work up to 10 breaths.

2. Ear to Shoulder Neck Rolls

This stretch will work the neck and also the shoulder muscles. You will have to sit on the floor comfortably. If you want, you can also sit on a chair with the shoulders relaxed and the spine straight. Now you have to draw the chin towards the chest. Then after that, you need to roll the right ear towards the right shoulder.

Now place the fingertips of the left hand on the left shoulder. Then place your right fingertips above the left ear. If you put pressure on both the touchpoint, it will determine the depth of the stretch. After completing about five breaths, you need to switch the sides and then repeat. You will have to then roll your head from side to side and then repeat it.

3. Child Pose

This is a good beginner yoga pose. This is a pose that will allow a nice back, shoulder, and neck stretch. You need to first get on the mat for all fours. After that, you need to lower your hips slowly on to the legs. Once you are there, you will have to lower the top of the body and put the forehead on the mat.

You can also add some extra stretch to the shoulder. To do this, you have to stretch your arms and shoulders in front of you. You can also bend the elbows and then rest the elbows on the mat. You need to hold this pose for at least five deep breaths. This will release stress from the shoulders as well as the back.


If you try out the various yoga asanas, then you will be able to relieve yourself from the Neck and Shoulder Pain in the most natural way. Yoga for Shoulder pain will treat your Shoulder Pain most naturally.

Best Yoga Asanas for Back Pain

Yoga for back pain is immensely useful. It helps you to get rid of your back pain most naturally without using any medicines.

The lifestyle that we lead today makes our back quite vulnerable to pain. This happens due to the bad posture we sit in. But yoga for back pain can prove to be helpful. Yoga asanas will tighten the back muscles and thus make your back stronger.

The problem that most of us have is that we do not sit with a straight back. We also do not make any effort to improve our posture. The imbalance in the alignment results in back pain. Lack of exercise and maintaining a sedentary lifestyle are other reasons that cause back pain. 

The yoga asanas are highly effective and help in improving the blood circulation to the nerves and spine. It also strengthens your back muscles. If you want to know about the list of yoga asanas that will help in removing the back pain, you can go through the discussion below:

1. Cat/Cow Pose

This is one of the best yoga for back pain. You will have to start with a tabletop position on the hands and the knees. You should alternate it between arching the back and rounding it. You do this while pushing down towards the floor with your hands and tops of the feet. These also help you to massage the spine while stretching the torso and the back. These postures will help in keeping the back flexible and happy.

2. Spinal Twist

Spinal Twist Pose

When it comes to twisting the postures, there are several options available. The most basic and effective pose is Marichyasana C. You need to keep your left leg straight and you should be able to bend your right leg. Therefore, your foot stays flat. You will have to keep the right hand on the floor for support like a tripod and after that twist it in a way to hook in the left elbow over the right thigh.

If this is too difficult, you can simply hold the right knee, and then you need to twist over the right shoulder. You will then have to bend the left leg under you or you need to bend both your legs. 

There are also other options for this. If you want you can also bend the left leg under you or bend all the legs and then let them fall to one side. After that, you can twist in the direction in which the knees are facing.

3. Extended Triangle

Back pain can be reduced and at times can even be prevented by both strengthening and stretching. Triangle pose is something that can do both. You will have to stand with your feet, 3 feet apart, and standing parallel to each other. You will then have to rotate your right foot to ensure that the right heel is in line with the arch of the left foot. Your arms will have to be extended towards the side, then tilted at the hip to reach your right hand towards the sky. Now you will have to gaze at the left hand. You can do this but make sure that it does not hurt your neck.

When it comes to back pain, prevention is the most important thing. This helps you to get a pain free life. You also need to listen to your body. Therefore do not force any posture that might cause you an injury. If you feel that you have extreme pain, then you should get medical advice.

4. Downward Facing Dog

This name might sound a bit hazy, however, it will work exceptionally well. This is a posture that might be akin to your push-up posture as well. This can certainly be considered to be a mini version of the push-up posture. You need not lie down completely. Here your knees have to be under the hips and the hands should be under your wrist.

You will not have to press yourself back in your hands and after that, you will have to raise the knees. Keep repeating this till you sweat. This helps you to get strong muscles.

5. Pigeon Pose

This yoga pose might sound sweet but it is not. For a beginner, this might be a hurdle. But it is certainly worth doing this. You need to first start it in a downward-facing position that will be similar to the position of a dog. You need to hold this position for a period of at least 5 to 10 minutes. Then you will have to change the sides. While trying this posture, you need to keep in mind that slow and steady wins the race. Rushing might lead to harsh crashes.

6. Locust

Locust Position

This is also another yoga pose for back pain. This has a higher chance of warding off the back pain forever. But this will take some time. You will have to lift the torso as well as the legs gently off the mat. While inhaling each time, you need to keep your belly pressed to the floor. This way you can release the built-up tension quite easily.‍

7. Baby Cobra

After doing the locust, this can be a continuous exercise. This activates the lower back muscles. Therefore, the benefits will be double. For this asana, you need to first lift the torso with the support of your shoulders and arms. Try doing this using your back muscles but remember not to break the back.

8. Forward Bent

Forward Bent

For this, you will have to put your legs straight and then sit down. Now you need to bend forward with your hip. Then try to touch your feet straight. Initially, you might feel hazardous, however, later, it will relieve you of the back pain.

9. Leg Extensions

This is another pose for which you will have to lie down on your stomach while you are on the floor. You need to firmly keep the pelvis, feet, and legs on the floor. Now you will have to lift the neck slowly and the chest and the head should be in an upward position.

You will also have to extend the forearms in front of you for supporting the weight of the torso. Make sure that you neither inhale nor exhale. This helps in improving the levels of blood circulation.

10. Legs up the Wall

Once you are done with all the hectic and the sweating postures, this is something that you will enjoy for sure. It releases the tension of both the body and the mind. You will have to keep the legs stretched up. This is a fun posture that helps you to stay relaxed. There is a possibility that you might also doze off. You will have a much more sound sleep.


Yoga for back pain will be immensely helpful. Trying the above-mentioned asanas will help you to stay fit and comfortable. This is the best way to remove back pain naturally.

Best Yoga Asanas to Improve Digestion

Yoga for Digestion can be immensely helpful. Practicing yoga asanas will also help you to stay fit and active.

All of us do experience bloating, constipation, cramping, and indigestion at some time or the other. This feeling is certainly not a good one. Yoga asana helps in reducing back pain and it also helps in releasing stress. Yoga for digestion can be immensely helpful.

It improves the intake of oxygen and helps you to get exceptionally good mental health. But very few people are aware of the fact that Yoga asana also helps in improving the digestive functions of human beings.

Yoga for Digestion

Yoga poses

There are various postures for the yoga asanas. These help in stimulating, cleansing, and also in improving the digestive system. But you need to ensure that you do not practice these asanas after meals. In case you have bloating or indigestion a few hours after your meal, then practicing a few asanas can be helpful.

How Yoga Asanas Help in Improving Digestion?

Benefits of Yoga

If you want to know how yoga asanas help in improving digestion, you can go through the points mentioned below:

1. These asanas help in stimulating the Agni or the digestive fire. This, in turn, helps to balance metabolism and also helps in increasing the appetite. 

2. When you perform these asanas, it stretches the body. It also massages the abdominal muscles. This helps the food to move through the digestive tract quite easily.

3. These asanas also relieve you from constipation by regulating the bowel movements.

4. It helps in improving the blood circulation in the digestive system, thus helping in the process of digestion.

5. The yoga asanas ensure that your mind is both happy and active at the same time. You tend to eat a balanced diet. This makes digestion easier for you.

6. If you practice yoga regularly, it will also discourage the deposits of fat inside your body.

7. The body is free of all toxins. These toxins get accumulated when you consume the wrong diet and follow an unhealthy lifestyle.

Understanding the Digestive Process

Yoga will Help in Digestion

Let us compare the digestive system to that of a juicer and body toxins as the fruit waste, Agni as the blades of the juicer and the energy as the juice. If the juicer blades themselves are weak, quite obviously the digestive system will produce much lesser energy. If you want a strong digestive system, you will require a stronger Agni. Yoga will help in making your Agni stronger. It will thus improve your overall digestive system.

The Yoga asanas that will improve your digestive system are given below. 


This is referred to as the cat and cow pose. You have to use both your hands and legs to begin this asana. All that you need to do is to rotate your spine up and down. You will have to round your back ( the cat) and arch it ( the cow). You need to do this as you breathe. This position will massage the internal organs of the body including the intestines as well as the stomach.

It will help in easing the pain and bloating after you have a heavy meal. This will also provide you relief on the other issues related to your intestines. Make sure that you repeat each of the asanas at least 10 times. Continue this till the time you feel comfortable.

2Trikonasana (and Parivrtta Trikonasana)

This is a triangle pose and this is great for individuals who are suffering from IBS ( irritable bowel syndrome). When you perform this asana, it pressurizes your colon. It thus stimulates the movement. To begin, you will have to put the right foot in front of your body. You will now have to rotate the other foot outwards at about 45 degrees.

You will have to stretch both your arms. Put the right arm on the ground beside your foot. Raise the left-hand overhead. Now, try to twist the torso towards the left and then breathe. After that, you need to twist your torso towards the right and change the arm positions.

3. Uttana Shishona

This asana is a cross between the pose of the child and a dog facing downwards. All the yogis love the extended pose of puppies. This is an excellent way to remove stomach cramps. First, you need to kneel on your mat. After that, you need to fold the body forward. While doing this, your arms should be overstretched. 

This is similar to the child pose. But here, you will have to extend the rear till the sky instead of resting the thighs and rear on the calves and feet. Rest the head and the chest on the floor. Now breathe into the stretch.

4. Seated Forward Fold or Panchimottasana

This is most amazing for lengthening the back and also stretching. If you simply add a prop to this asana, it becomes an excellent digestive aid pose. You will have to place a pillow on the thighs. Then allow your belly to rest on it. When you fold it forward, you will create enough space for a digestive massage to take place. Whenever you breathe in, the pillow will start resisting against your belly. This will cause compression.

When you breathe out, you tend to release the compression. This creates a new flow to the area. You will have to repeat the breathing into the pillow till the time you start feeling comfortable.

5. Corpse Pose (Savasana)

This is the ultimate pose for all kinds of healing. When you are resting you need to tap the parasympathetic nervous system. This is also referred to as the “Rest and Digest” response. You will simply have to lie still. This allows you to melt away all the stresses. It thereby creates a healing environment.

The blood starts flowing away from your extremities and towards the digestive organs. Moreover, your heart rate will also slow down. Your breathing will start deepening. This increases the oxygenation to the digestive organs. It also helps in creating the most ideal environment for digestion, cleansing, and healing.



If you face these digestive issues next time, you can surely try out these yoga poses. These are sure to benefit you immensely. These poses are the best and the safest measures that will help you to keep your digestive system on track.

How Meditation Can Help You to Stay Fit?

Meditation has a number of benefits and it ensures that you stay fit and active throughout the day. So do practise meditation everyday.

Meditation is the journey inward. It is your journey towards your true inner self at the present moment. It is also about finding happiness inside you. 

Argument Against Meditation

The argument against meditation was that the studies did not use control groups or placebos. Therefore, participants had temporary relief. Moreover, this could have been provided by other techniques. These include relaxation, massage therapy, listening to humorous comedic speeches. These also induced laughter, working out, etc.

Human Beings are Social Animals

As human beings are social animals, therefore, rarely does a person in a group undergoing therapy of any kind give any negative feedback about any stress relief procedure. So, many sceptics argued about the lack of scientific proof that meditation is superior to any other relaxation technique. 

Arguments for Daily Meditation

According to a recent study published in Biological Psychiatry, it has been found that meditation has a permanent positive effect on a person. This is because it rewires the brain to be happy.

What do the Researchers say?

Man Meditating

The researchers concluded that the changes in the brain contributed to the subsequent reduction in inflammation. The study, therefore, concluded that general relaxation techniques do help reduce stress. But the relief is only temporary. The practice of meditation for three consecutive days permanently rewired the brain. This also helped in improving the cognitive function of reducing stress levels.

After 120 days of the core activity of the study, the group which had practised mindfulness meditation showed significantly lower levels of unhealthy stress-related inflammation. This is in comparison to the control group which was given relaxation therapy. Additionally, very few of the mindfulness meditation group were continuing the practice of mindfulness meditation. 

The Need to Meditate Daily

As aforesaid, the practice of meditation takes us closer to vibrating in the same frequency common to all living and non-living beings in the universe at large. The daily practice also enhances our meditative skills. This also rewires our brain towards health, wealth, as well as happiness.

Meditation Is a Skill That Improves with Practice

Meditation is a skill that unites a person’s mind, body, and soul to the mind, body, and soul of the universe. It, therefore, helps the person discover his or her true self. You can improve this skill with practice, like any other skill. Most people, however, tend to neglect it due to its simplicity. People normally associate problem-solving with expensive and complicated solutions.

Human Beings Are One with the Universe

Woman Meditating

All beings, living or non-living, vibrate at multiple frequencies. Traditional Yogis or teachers believe that a human being is capable of vibrating at a certain frequency. This is also common to all the living and non-living beings in the universe. That requires the great practice of meditation. Very few human beings are capable of achieving such levels of meditative powers.

There are a number of advantages to meditation. To know about them, you can go through the points below:

1. Meditation Makes the Person More Empathetic Towards the Environment

Once a person begins to feel that he or she is as much a part of the universe as much as the universe is a part of him. He or she realizes the frivolity of selfishness. Thus he or she responds to his environment with positivity and gets positivity in return from his environment.

The regular practice of meditation enhances this relationship and the human being and the universe at large begin to vibrate beautifully as one being. The human being realizes that whatever is happening is happening for the good. The bad situation that may have occurred now is temporary.

2. Enhances Problem Solving Ability and Reduces the Fear of Dealing with Adversities

Research on both transcendental and mindful meditation has shown that once a person realizes that whatever is happening is happening for the good, he or she can see positivity and opportunities even in both problems and also adversities. Most of you know that stress is the body’s response to unforeseen adversities. Meditation rewires the person to see that he or she has nothing to fear. Adversities do not exist in his or her book.

3. Allows a Person to Realize his Intrinsic Values

Meditation allows a person to travel inward towards his or her core spiritual being in the present moment and find happiness there. Research reports on meditation also point to the fact that meditation improves self-image. Additionally, it brings about a deep sense of self-worth. A 2015 study found that regular practice of meditation significantly decreases the likelihood of developing mental health issues. 

4. Reduces and Even Eliminates Diseases

Recent survey reports on meditation show that both adults and children who practice meditation have significantly fewer instances of physical and also mental disorders. A study by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health concluded that mindfulness meditation also significantly reduces the body’s pain sensations. 

5. Improves Relationships

Research has shown that couples who meditate have significantly fewer chances of separation or divorce. This is in comparison to couples who do not meditate. The feeling of unity between the couples is also greater. Moreover, there are fewer instances of arguments and resentful behaviour. They not only feel one with each other but also at one with the universe at large.

6. Helps You to Deal with ADHD

According to researchers, meditation improves attention and also focus. A recent study on ADHD patients showed that meditation practice significantly reduced their hyperactivity. It also enhanced the control of their impulses. Further brain examinations found that patients who meditated had more gyrification. This also helps the brain to process information faster and improve selective attention and focus.

7. Improves Sleep

Meditation is Important

Recent studies have shown that meditating at night helps people with insomnia and sleep disorders. According to a 2011 study by the University of Massachusetts Medical School, the quality of sleep of subjects who practised bedtime meditation was significantly much better than people who did not meditate. 


Meditation benefits us in an array of ways. We, therefore, suggest that you keep it simple. Try to allocate two 5 minute sessions per day. One session once you wake up and another session before you go to bed. Additionally, you will also have to remember to do it daily. It is important to keep your base requirement at two five minute sessions. If you want, keep total ten-minute commitment every day. This will keep you from stressing out about meditation and additionally, you will also end up doing it.

Yoga for Headache: the Best Yoga Asanas to Get Rid of Headache

Trying to find the solution to your painful headache? Let us give you a guide on yoga for headache so that you can take care of it naturally.

For centuries, Yoga has been deemed as one of the healthiest and effective workout regimes. Although it has its roots in India, it has made its mark be felt all across the world in the past two to three decades. Probably the reason that appeals to people around the globe about Yoga is that it takes care of your entire body alongside your mental peace and soul-fulfilment. Not to mention the fact it has almost zero side-effects.

All in all, it has more potential than you can ever count.  Every single body part can benefit from the help of Yoga. Speaking of which, let us bring into attention one body part that affects nearly people on an everyday basis – your head. Very often, you will find yourself suffering from a headache that ranges from mild to severe. It should not surprise you that the magic of Yoga extends to taking care of this problem as well.

Today, we are going to take a look at some of the Yoga exercises for headache that you can perform at the comfort of your home. So, read on to live a headache-free life.

A Guide to Yoga for Headache

Migraine, which is one of the most common forms of headache, is essentially a neurological disorder. It causes recurring headaches that range from light to moderate to high intensity. Sometimes, it effects last for a couple of hours, while there are those atrocious times when it doesn’t give you respite for continuous days.

Of course, there are numerous medicines available, but don’t you want to take the natural route? Yoga can benefit you in getting rid of headaches on a long-term basis. Take a note of the following Yoga asanas for headache and be sure to practise them regularly and diligently.


The first one in our list of Yoga exercises for headache is Balasana. This is of great respite if your headache generates from the pain in your hips, back or torso that moves up your spine. This exercise helps in instilling a sense of calmness in you during the time of the headache.

To perform this exercise, you first need to lie on your back. Make sure your knees are raised and bent. Hold on to your thighs. If that is too uncomfortable for you, then you can even hold on to the outside edges of your legs.

You need to ensure that your spine is resting comfortably on the mat that you are lying on. Follow this up by gently rocking from side to side. This would help in increasing the stretch in your lower back and hips. Eventually, you will find yourself away from the headache as you will enter a state of relaxation.

Viparita Karanti

Next up is the Viparita Karanti, which is nothing but simply putting your legs up the wall. It is extremely beneficial since it helps in stretching your muscles in the neck and in relaxing you at the same time. Many Yoga practitioners around the world recommend this exercise to get instant relief from headache. Believe it or not, it works in just a few minutes.

For this exercise, you need to sit close to a wall and make sure that your right hip touches the wall. Next, you need to slowly lean back, turn and lie flat on your back. It should be noted that you must use a mat if you are performing this exercise on the mat to give your back the comfort it needs.

Proceed to extend your legs up the wall. Your butt must touch the wall as well. Please ensure that your feet are relaxed and placed together.

Next up, keep your hands on your stomach. If that is an issue for you, then you can also rest them on the mat.  Slowly close your eyes, drop your chin and relax your jaws. Stay in this position for three to ten minutes (depending on your comfort). While in the position, be sure to breathe in and out slowly and deeply.


Uttanasana is another very popular Yoga asana for headache. Some even regard this forward-fold pose as the most basic way to get rid of painful headaches.

This asana aims at providing strength to your nervous system by increasing the supply of blood to the brain. As a result, your mind calms down easily and quickly, which adds to the reason why you should put your faith in yoga for headache.

To perform this Yoga, you need to start by standing with your legs at a hip-width distance from each other. Next up, relax your head towards the ground. If you are unable to touch the ground with your hands, then you can “bring the ground up” to you. You can do this by taking the help of any object or prop so that your body can relax.

You can even do it in the ‘ragdoll’ style wherein you need to grab opposite elbows and soften your knees. Your head and neck should be relaxed so that you can derive the most benefit from this exercise.

Adho Mukho Svanasana

Next up on our list of Yoga asanas for headache is the Adho Mukho Svanasana, which is also popularly known as the ‘Downward Facing Dog Pose’.

The reason we recommend this exercise to you is that it does a tremendous job in providing an extra flow of blood to your head. This simple action can give you the relief you need. As a result, you end up feeling energized. Let us tell you how you can perform this.

First of all, you need to start on your knees and hands. You then need to put your arms forward and push your hips upward. Essentially, this is about creating a V-like shape with your inverted body.

Proceed to let your head hang between your shoulders. Take deep breaths while you practise this pose. Stay in this position for a few minutes, depending on the level of your comfort. Don’t push yourself to the limit. Remember, these exercises are meant to comfort you, not cause you additional pain.

It is worth mentioning that this yoga exercise also helps in getting rid of back pain, stiffness, and fatigue. It does so by stretching your chest and hamstrings while also lengthening your spine.


When it comes to Yoga for headache, you must try the Marjaryasana since it is very beginner-friendly and almost anyone can do this because of its easy nature.

It helps in providing relief to the tension in your neck, shoulders and spine. Besides, it also helps in boosting circulation in your upper body.

To perform this exercise, start with your knees and hands on the ground in a table-top position. Gently round the spine up as you exhale. While inhaling, return to a neutral spine.

The basic idea is to move up all the way through your spine and spreading the disks in the process, which usually gets compressed from all the long hours of sitting in from of our computers or in a car. As such, you will find yourself relieved from those excruciating pain that comes from a headache.

Ardha Matsyendrasana

Yoga experts recommend spinal twists to people suffering from body pain since these poses help in awakening different parts of their bodies, energizing their spines, and in stimulating their digestive system. Ardha Matsyendrasana is one such exercise that helps you in those regards.

To perform this exercise, you need to keep your bottom leg either straight or bent. Your top knee must be bent and crossed over. Next, you need to try to extend your opposite arm to the outside of your foot and gently and slowly twist the back.

Repeat the same on the other side. This is one of the many Yoga exercises for headache that aims at giving a twist to your lower back which eventually helps in providing a release and in giving you the relief you are looking for.


Headaches might sound trivial but the impacts left behind by them can be devastating. Not only you are in extreme physical pain, but your personal and professional life can also hamper because of how bad your mood and temper would be due to it. Many people gulp down numerous pills to get rid of their headache. But, are they really worth it?

This is why Yoga for headache is the route that you should go for. Not only they are highly effective, but they don’t bring the side-effects of medicines or surgeries. The Yoga asanas that we have mentioned on our list are going to benefit you in more ways than you are imagining. However, we still recommend you to talk to your doctor, physical therapist and a certified Yoga trainer before performing them. As they say, you can never be too sure.

Let them know of your medical history and injuries if you have any.   Get into the calm and relaxing world of Yoga and give yourself the respite that you deserve.