How to Figure Out How Much Weight Should You Lift

Lifting more weight than your body can resist can lead you to an injury. So, here’s how to figure out how much weight you should lift.

One common question that people who have never lifted weight ask their trainers is “How much weight should I lift?” When you step into your weight training session for the first time, your over-enthusiasm drives you towards lifting more weight than you should. This restricts you from maintaining the proper form of weight lifting and also increases your chances of getting injured.

First things first, limit your over-enthusiasm, when you enter the gym for the first time. Even if you are lured towards lifting more weight, it is advised that you restrain yourself until you consult with experts. Here, in this article, we are going to share few easy tips for girls and boys know how much weight should they lift.

Tips to know how much weight should you lift

Usually, when we are not aware of anything, we take the trial and error method, where we figure out how much weight should we lift by picking up different weights. But, if you wish to know, how much weight you can handle, and when your body is ready to lift heavier weights, you can follow a common strategy that has been developed by experts. This strategy involves three simple steps –

  • Make sure you are doing it right
  • Listen to what your body says
  • Make sure you keep to the allotted time

Make sure you are doing it right

Make sure you are doing it right

One common mistake that amateur weight-lifters make is not following the correct posture. When they lift weights, they land up swinging their bodies which makes it easier for them to lift heavier weights. Because, the back muscles help in lifting the weight; however, this is not the correct form.

Ideally, when you are lifting weight, you should focus on the movement of a single muscle, and restrict other muscles from supporting it.

Steps to assess how much weight should you lift

If you wish to assess correctly what is the ideal weight for you, you need to follow the steps mentioned below –

  • Make sure you do not lift a weight unsupported.
  • Stand straight against the wall, or post, with your back resting on the wall.
  • If you wish to develop your bicep, lift the weight focusing on the hand movement, keeping the body still.

This way, you restrict your back muscles from supporting your bicep muscles; you will observe that you are picking up lesser weight than your expectation. Try testing weights maintaining this posture, to figure out how much weight you can handle. It also prevents back pain by avoiding injuries.

Listen to what your body says

Listen to what your body says

Your body is the best indicator that tells you how much weight cans you handles, and it also tells you, when it is time to increase your sets. All you need to do is listen, and pay heed to what your body says.

Steps to test your strength

You must be wondering how to listen to your body right? Here, are a few indications that tell you how to test your strength.

  • When you are lifting a particular weight, analyze the strength you require while picking it up. Please remember, that the weight should not be too heavy or too light for you.
  • Make sure you lift the weight in sets of 5 to 10 in each hand, to understand whether you would be able to handle it comfortably or not.

How do you know it’s time to increase your capacity

Trying to lift a weight once, does not give you accurate results. It might seem easy for the first time, but if the weight you are lifting is not right for you, then you might feel the strain at a later stage. Therefore, to identify the correct weight lift a particular weight in sets of 5 or 10 in one set.

  • When you are testing the weight, ensure you are applying little effort in the first round. If you are applying a lot of effort while lifting the weight, or no effort at all, then you should know that the weight you are lifting is not right for you.
  • Once you lift a weight with little effort, and you see the effort is increasing with every set, until a time, you find it difficult to lift the weight; you will know that the weight is perfect for you.
  • To identify how many rounds should you do, and when is it time to stop.

It is important that you analyze your capacity. You should stop at a point, where you are not too stressed. For example, if doing 10 rounds of weight lifting tires you completely, and you are not able to pick up the weight, then we suggest, you limit your sets to 7 instead of 10, till the time you get so used to the 7 sets, that you can perform the sets effortlessly. You will know, it is time to increase your rounds of weight lifting when you start feeling effortless.

Make sure you keep to the allotted time

Make sure you keep to the allotted time

Taking long breaks in between sets increases your potential to lift heavier weights. Because your body is at rest; similarly, if you rush while exercising, you might end up decreasing your capacity to lift a weight.

Therefore, to analyze the correct weight you must keep to the allotted time. Neither do you rush, nor do you rest too much? Make sure you take a break of not less than 30 seconds and no more than 60 seconds in between the sets. This way you can figure out the exact weight you can handle, and the exact rounds of weight lifting you should do in each set. Remember to increase the round of sets when you feel you require little effort to complete the sets.


You can easily figure out how much weight you should lift if you follow a simple three-step strategy.

Firstly, ensure you are lifting the weight in the correct form.

Secondly, your body is the best indicator that tells you, what the correct weight is for you. Make sure you pay heed to the signs it sends you.

And finally, you should not take a break of less than 30 seconds, and more than 60 seconds in between the rounds.

When you can complete your rounds effortlessly, you will know it’s time to increase your sets or increase the weight. If you follow these steps, we are sure you can easily figure out how much weight should you lift during your sessions of weight lifting.

5 Biggest Myths about weightlifting you should never believe in

They say weightlifting is a men’s sport. we are going to disclose the five biggest myths about weightlifting you should never believe in.

Who doesn’t want to have a well-toned body? But when it comes to building muscles, we hear a lot of theories from people around us. Not to mention, most of these theories are misconceptions and have no relation to reality. Here, in this article, we are going to bust the five biggest myths about weightlifting that you should never believe in.

5 Biggest Myths About Weightlifting

When we talk about weightlifting, most of us have a preconceived idea that it is a men’s sport. Women should stay away from it. This is not true at all. Similarly, listed below are the 5 biggest myths about weightlifting that you should never believe in.

Weightlifting is a men’s sport

Weightlifting is a men’s sport

We live in a patriarchal society. Here women are considered to be delicate and fragile, and men are supposed to be strong. So there is a common belief that all sports that require strength, like , are for men. And women should concentrate on doing housework and easy jobs. This mindset of people in India and some places abroad has given birth to a misconception that is a men’s sport. You would be rather surprised to know that  is much more beneficial for women than for men. Women are prone to osteoporosis post-menopause.  results in a considerable increase in muscle strength and bone density. This is why it is good for both men and women. With increased bone density, women can reduce the risk of getting osteoporosis post-menopause.

Makes you bulky

Makes you bulky

Unlike men who like having a bulky body, women prefer lean muscles. Among the myths about , a common misconception is that  makes you bulky. The reason women do not prefer lifting weights because they think that might make them bulky.  merely increases bone density, but the reason why men become bulky is that they have testosterone. It is a hormone that is responsible for bulking muscles. On the other hand, women have higher levels of estrogen and low amounts of testosterone, because of which they ever become bulky no matter how much weight they lift.

People prefer cardio over weightlifting when they wish to lose weight

People prefer cardio over weightlifting when they wish to lose weight

The majority of people believe cardio is better than weightlifting, when the intention is to lose weight. But very few people understand that the only way to lose weight is by burning calories. When we are lifting weight, we burn calories as well.  boosts metabolisms. The more mass you develop, the more calories you burn, and the process of burning calories continue even while you are at rest. This means after an intense  session; you burn calories even while you are resting.

Weightlifting sessions are the same for both men and women

Weightlifting sessions are the same for both men and women

The biggest myth about weightlifting myths is that the session is the same for both men and women.  sessions focus on building and developing body muscles. There are separate exercises for building muscles. So, depending on what kind of muscles you want to have, the sets are designed. For example, men prefer developing their biceps while women prefer having rounded shoulder muscles. Therefore the exercise that would be best suitable for men is completely different from that of women. The exercises also vary depending on the body weight and bone structure of the individual. Therefore if you want to reap benefits from , it is best to hire a professional instructor if you are a first-timer.

Concentrate on reps and lift lighter weights

Concentrate on reps and lift lighter weights

You must have heard some of your friends saying that you should not opt for heavyweights. It is better to lift light weights and do more reps. That means you should repeat the rounds multiple times but lift weights that are easy to lift. But this is another myth about. The fact is that if you are lifting lesser weight in multiple rounds, it is neither going to increase your body neither mass, nor is it going to help you lose weight. To build muscles, you need to introduce change in your regular schedule. Muscles tend to build faster when they are shocked.

Machines are better than free-hand

Machines are better than free-hand

People also believe that if you wish to build muscles faster, you need to use machines to lift weights instead of free-hand bodybuilding. This is a common myth about weightlifting. The fact is that machine lifting is good for beginners who are amateurs in. It lowers the risk of injuries. But if you really want to work on your muscles, you need to focus on free-hand. It helps you get better balance and stability. Once you are aware of the muscle movements, it is best if you lift weights without the help of machines.


Therefore we can say that there are a lot of myths about weightlifting is not something that is based on sex. It is good for both men and women in some way or the other.  is a sport that works on the muscles to increase the density of the muscles. It is testosterone that makes the muscles bulky, not the exercise. So if you are a girl who wants to have a fit body, we suggest you can try a few exercises. It is best to get hold of a physical trainer and focus on doing free-hand exercises instead of using machines. This will help you get your desired physique in no time. All you need to do is follow a routine and a strict diet recommended for . We are sure you will see visible differences whether you aim to build muscles, tone your body or increase muscle mass through weightlifting. If done routinely and correctly, it can show magical results a week that normal exercises will take months to show.   

Lose the Extra Fat While Keeping Your Muscle Mass Intact

If you want to lose extra fat while keeping the muscle mass intact, you should eat the right diet, take proper rest, and do regular exercise.

If you are planning to trim down, then figuring out the secret of preserving muscles while losing fat can be quite tough. But the good news is that it is possible to do so. All that you need to do is to be a little patient and plan in the right way. Losing weight means the number on the scale is lowering. 

The total body weight is comprised of fat mass and also lean body mass. The lean body mass is made of muscle mass, bone mass, water mass, tissues, and organs. Therefore, when you lose weight there is a high possibility that you could be losing fat or lean body mass.

Losing body fat while gaining muscles can be a little conflicting at times. It needs somewhat conflicting approaches. The traditional way of losing fat is the deficit in calories versus exercise and diet. 

Gaining muscle needs a surplus in calories that helps in the development of new tissues. Muscle and fat are closely linked with each other. It is therefore a little difficult to lose one without impacting the other.

Best Way to Lose Fat

To lose fat, you will have to consume a lesser amount of calories in comparison to the number of calories you burn each day. You will have to exercise regularly. To get rid of fat, frequent physical activity is an absolute must. If you lose weight without any kind of exercise, you will lose both fat and muscles. It is not possible to lose fat in just certain areas of your body. But you will have to work on lowering the overall percentage of fat in the body. It is therefore important to go slowly. If you try to lose weight quickly, it might contribute to muscle mass. It is best to lose a small amount of weight each week for a longer period.

Ways to Maintain Muscles

If you want to keep the muscles while losing fat, it is very important to strike a balance between limiting yourself and also pushing yourself to the maximum. It is important to understand that each person will have a different set of results. Therefore, make sure that you listen to the body and also adjust the workout accordingly. It is also important to prepare a proper eating plan carefully.

To maintain muscles, you will have to follow the steps mentioned below:

Schedule The Time of Recovery

You must give yourself enough time to recover between the workouts. This is all the more true if you are consuming a lesser amount of calories. You should give enough time to yourself between the workouts. You should get plenty of sleep that will help you to get back the energy.

Make Sure That You Do Not Restrict Yourself

Make sure that you do not follow any eating plan that is too drastic or too restrictive. This will be difficult to follow in the long run. It is also important not to over-train. Stay away from all kinds of workout plans that might cause an injury or drain you out completely. If you push yourself too hard, then you might miss out on the workouts due to injury or fatigue. Understand those rest days are important.

Regular Exercise Is Important

Building Muscle Mass is Important

A very important aspect of maintaining muscle mass is exercise. Researchers say that the best way to fight obesity is to consumer a restricted amount of calories combined with resistance, endurance, or both types of training for older adults. When individuals follow a proper eating plan and also do a bit of exercise every day, they will be able to prevent the loss of muscles that may be caused due to the restrictions in the calories.

Most of the eating plans consist of about 55% carbohydrates, 30% fat, and 15% protein. More research is being conducted to find out the exercises that are more effective in preventing muscle loss.

Eating Healthy Is Essential

Healthy Diet

Make sure that you change your eating plan to include healthy proteins and a lesser amount of unhealthy fat sources. Researches prove that older adults have more lean mass and have also lost more fat when they have consumed high protein diets. If you eat healthy foods that help you to stay fit for a longer period, there will be much lesser chances of overeating. Before you start your workout, you should also stay well hydrated and therefore drink plenty of fluids. 

You can replace sugary beverages with drinks like coconut water, green tea, fresh vegetable juice, etc. You can also have a light meal that is rich in carbohydrates and easy to digest. Within 45 minutes of finishing a workout, you should eat a meal that contains carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats.

Including Carbohydrates After A Workout Will Help

Having Carbohydrates after a workout will help in boosting your energy levels. This helps in the process of recovery and also helps in speeding up the process. Carbohydrates also help in the process of recovery and also speeds it up. These carbohydrates also help in replacing glycogen stores that were used for energy at the time of exercise. The carbohydrates that should be eaten after a workout are given below:

  • Milk
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Whole wheat pasta
  • Fresh fruit legumes
  • Dark, leafy vegetables
  • Oatmeal
  • Grains
Make Sure That You Consume Enough Proteins

The best proteins that help you to gain lean muscles include:

  • Nuts
  • Lean meats, such as turkey and chicken
  • Eggs
  • Quinoa
  • Buckwheat
  • Low-fat dairy products
  • Beans
  • Brown rice
  • Protein shakes
  • Seafood
Include Healthy Fats In Your Diet

The best healthy fats that can be included in the post-workout meal are:

  • Nuts
  • Avocado
  • Chia seeds
  • Nut butter
  • Trail mix
  • Whole eggs
  • Dark chocolate
  • Cheese
  • Olive and coconut oil
  • Fatty fish


Regular Exercise is essential

We may end up losing a small amount of muscle mass along with the excess amount of fat. You can also manage it with a proper amount of eating and a proper exercise plan. To lose fat, maintain a calorie deficit diet while eating lots and lots of protein, fresh fruits, vegetables, and carbohydrates.

You must set a goal that is real and achievable. Also, keep proper track of your progress for months to come. You can challenge yourself to improve performance and also focus on building strength. Make sure that you are consistent in your approach and also continue to focus on the progress. Make sure that you appreciate the benefits of hard work.

Know How Weight Training Can be Beneficial for Women

There are a number of weight lifting Benefits for Women and therefore, make sure that you include strength training in your workout program.

Without strength training your exercise routine is incomplete. But unfortunately, a lot of women believe that if they lift weight, they would become muscular like men. This is not true because women do not produce as much testosterone as men. Testosterone is a hormone that helps in muscle growth. Since women do not produce this hormone as much as men, so there is no chance of them developing muscles like that of men.

Strength training will help in toning your body and will make you look 10 to 15 years younger. Research shows that adult women look and feel great when they weight train.

Why Women Should Lift Weight?

If you increase and maintain an adequate amount of muscle weight, it will keep your body fat at bay and improve your overall fitness. This fact is all the more true as you age. You can build muscle mass with these weight training programs. But even today, the number of women participating in the weight training program is quite low. Women who spend time in gyms spend more time on cardiovascular training and much lesser time on weight training. 

There are several physical and mental weight lifting benefits for womenassociated with weight training and if you are interested to know about these benefits in details, you can go through the discussion below:

Burns More Fat And Calories

Weight lifting benefits for women

Strength training should be added to your workout plan. This is because if you only do cardio with a diet, it might lead to fat as well as muscle loss. If you train with weight, you will be able to burn fat and calories within a very short period. When you strength train,your body remains in fat-burning mode for a very long time, even after you have left the gym. This is referred to as the Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC) effect. If you do low-intensity cardio, this does not happen.

Will Help in Toning your Body

If you lift a weight,you will be able to get a toned and a sleek body. Toned muscle is building lean muscle mass. Research says that if a person can do mixed training wherein she can do cardio and strength training, she will be able to burn more fat and will also be able to develop lean muscles. Weight training helps you to build lean muscle mass, irrespective of the shape of your body and you look fit and fabulous. You will be able to get excellent curves as you will have the right amount of fat and muscles as per your body shape, type, and age.

Reduces the Risks of Osteoporosis

Proper weight training can help in increasing spinal bone mineral density. If you couple this with an adequate amount of dietary calcium, it can certainly prove to be the best defence against osteoporosis.

Reduces The Risks of Injuries

Strength training also reduces the risks of injuries and when you strength train, your bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments will all be strengthened. The production of collagen is also increased to a great extent. Collagen is the primary fiber of the connective tissue. When you lift weight,  it increases. This training makes your bones much less fragile and the muscles are much stronger. It, therefore, reduces the chances of injuries.

Makes You Physically Stronger

Weight lifting benefits for women

It increases the strength and reduces your dependence on others for assistance. Doing household chores will also be much easier. You will be able to lift kids, laundry, and groceries much easier. If your strength is increased to the maximum, routine exercises and daily tasks will be much less hectic.

Improves Bad Posture

Bad Posture is something that most of you feel very guilty about. If you lift weights, you will surely be able to improve your posture. You need to ensure that you follow the correct way to strength train. If you lift weights, it will help in building both the muscles and the bone strength. Thus you will no longer bend or slouch.

Reduces Your Chances of  Heart Diseases

Weight training helps in improving cardiovascular health in several ways. This includes lowering the LDL which is bad cholesterol and increasing the HDL which is good cholesterol. It also lowers blood pressure. If you add cardiovascular exercises to strength training, the benefits are certainly increased.

Helps you to increase Flexibility

Weight lifting benefits for women

If you lift weights, you will be able to improve the flexibility of the muscles. This is because the repeated contracting and stretching motion not only helps in building muscles and bone but also helps to improve flexibility. You should target the various parts of the body and strength training along with other stretching exercises to maximize the benefits of lifting the weights.

Improves Sports Fitness

Sports fitness depends on bone and muscle strength, endurance capability, and also quick reflex. If you want to be fit in a particular sport, it is necessary for you to strength train and also do cardio along with as it will help you to improve the level of performance. Weight lifting will also develop the overall stamina, muscle power and reflex.

Improves your Attitude and Fights Depression

Strength training and exercise decrease depression because exercise produces certain mood-improving neurotransmitters like dopamine, endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. The women who strength train feel more confident and are also much more capable. It helps in reducing the level of your stress and also fights depression.

Improves the Quality of Sleep

If you spend a lot of time in the gym working on your body, you will sleep like a baby. While you are sleeping the muscles will rebuild and rejuvenate themselves. Research also says that older men and women who find it difficult to sleep are able to sleep much better after weight training.


It is time that you get rid of the fact that you are a woman and therefore you should not lift weights. Nothing can be better than improving your mental and physical fitness over a considerable period than doing weight based training. It is time to start weight training now for a healthier future.

Best Strength Training Workouts for Fat Loss and Endurance

If you want to be fit and strong, know about different types of fat loss strength training workouts which help you increase your endurance too.

Strength training is not only practiced for losing weight and building muscles. It is also practiced for increasing body endurance and immunity power. Certified gym trainers in almost every multigym of Kolkata suggest learning the steps of each exercise properly before performing that because wrong workouts may lead to injury and even muscle or joint pain.

Remember, you have to pair the strength exercises by creating a proper fitness regime where a set of strength training workouts will be practiced.

How to Lose Fat & Build Muscles with the Strength Training Workouts?

Strength training workouts need a proper diet to follow, so that you can feel light. This will also help you in balancing your body and lifting dumbbell weight without any trouble. Experts recommend some fat loss strength training workouts that you can practice at early morning to cut out the extra flab from each part of your body.

1. Chest Exercises

Chest Exercises

You may ask, why it is needed to increase the strength of your chest by practicing strength training. The answer is simple: if you want to increase the flexibility and endurance of your body, strength training is needed. Moreover, strength training helps in balancing your upper body muscles and improves your posture by giving a good shape to your chest. Some exercises for chest are:

  • Bench Press – Bench Press is always a good fat loss strength training exercise that will help in cutting the fat from your arms, shaping your shoulder and arms, building muscles of the upper body and increase the strength of your chest portion.
  • Cable Crossovers – This exercise helps in defining the muscles of the upper body and strengthen the chest and arms. Practicing this workout will also help you boost up the energy of your body.
  • Inclined Dumbbell Press – This is one of the best strength training for fat loss that works on the sternocostal and clavicular head muscles. This dumbbell workout helps in building your posture and giving you the correct shape by lifting weight as per experts. This exercise also helps in developing the pectoral muscles of your upper portion.

2. Back Exercises

Back Exercises

Strength training increases the bone density, manage your weight and reduce the risk of osteoporosis and back pain. The bones, ligament and muscle pain can be relieved by back strength training exercises. Moreover, these workouts burn calories and increase metabolism. Here are a few strength training back exercises:

  • Hyperextension – If you are an athlete or a sportsman then Hyperextension is one of the best strength training workouts which provide you a strong back. Even this exercise can help you manage your back pain. Moreover, it will give support to your spine and will improve your posture.
  • Seated Cable Row – This is a pulling exercise which works on the forearm muscles and upper arm muscles like triceps and biceps. Moreover, stabilizes your body and increases dynamism to the back portion of your body like shoulder, neck and upper back portion. You will also able to cut fat from the back portion with the help of this workout.
  • Dumbbell Rows – This is one of the dumbbell exercises that strengthen the muscles of upper-back portion, rear deltoids, lats, forearm, and even biceps.
  • Lat Pulldowns – This strength training alleviates tension and pain in the back portion of your body. It also develops the muscle of your arms.

3. Shoulder Exercise

Shoulder Exercise

Strength training strengthens your muscle and enhances your posture in the shoulder area. It also increases the stability in the shoulder joint. You can try some strength training workouts for your shoulder:

  • Bent Over Laterals – If you don’t have a proper shape in your neck and extra fat on your shoulder then this exercise can really work. Along with posture correction, this workout adds upper body strength and reduces the problem of spondylosis.
  • Dumbbell Military Press – If you want a masculine body and wide shoulders then Dumbbell Military Press is an appropriate exercise. You can also emphasize your deltoids with the help of this exercise.
  • Cable Laterals – This is a good fat loss strength training exercise that helps you reduce your weight and reduce the shoulder muscle tension. Not only the upper portion, but this exercise also helps control the weight of your whole body.
  • Side Laterals – Side Laterals help in achieving muscle hypertrophy or growth. You can grow muscles of your lateral deltoid. This workout also helps in broadening your shoulder and the biceps.

4. Thigh Exercise

Thigh Exercise

The strength training workouts also help in strengthening your glutes, legs, and lower body. It also helps muscle mobility. Along with thigh, the core muscles are also endured if you practice strength training. Some exercises for thigh are:

  • Lunges – Lunges can strengthen the tissues of your legs and buttocks. Moreover, this workout helps in circulating the blood in your lower body properly.
  • Leg Extension – If you are affected by severe joint and knee pain then Leg Extension is a great therapy. This workout also focuses on strengthening your knee joint, patellar ligament and quadriceps.
  • Machine Hack Squats – This exercise helps in strengthening the lower foot, glutes, and quads. It also helps in cutting down the fat of the thigh.

5. Calves Exercise

Calves Exercise

A strong calf has multiple benefits. It will help you stabilize the feet and ankle. It also strengthens the hips and butts along with the entire calf. Practice these workouts to get a strong calf muscle:

  • Seated Calf Raise – This exercise prevents shin splints. Seated Calf Raise also cut out the fat of your calves.
  • Standing Calf Raise – This workout increases the ankle strength, reduce calf pain and also help in achieving bigger calves. If you’re prepping for the marathon and you want to run long start practicing Standing Calf raise regularly.

Bottom Line

If you practice all these strength training workouts every day then there will be no chance in increasing calorie. Moreover, these exercises will help you gain the power to succeed in every battlefield of life such as sports, athletic, media-related works, etc.

10 Healthiest Full Body Dumbbell Workouts for Beginners and Pros

Harness the power and boost up energy by practicing the best dumbbell workouts. Before starting your fitness regime, try to follow some expert instructions!

Many people have a concept that hitting the gyms for long hours and running for elongated time may help them build perfect muscles and strengthen their body. Do you think in the same way?

Let us tell you, that’s partially correct because if you want a full-body workout for gaining strength, reducing weight and building solid muscles by cutting fat then practicing a set of full body dumbbell workouts are necessary to accomplish your fitness targets. Just keep yourself dedicated towards your fitness goals, diet regime and daily routine without skipping any step.

According to BMJ Global Health, the dumbbell exercise is a therapy which not only maintains your weight and muscles but also reduces life-threatening breast cancer. You don’t need much equipment to practice the best dumbbell workouts, just a pair of dumbbells it enough as per the weight recommendation of health experts.

How to Do Full Body Dumbbell Workout?

You may practice crunches, pullups, jogging, and squats, but dumbbell workouts will help you fulfill all the fitness targets you want to accomplish. However, you need a proficient fitness trainer of the best gym in Kolkata who can teach you the exact ways to lift up dumbbells and do full-body exercises.

Remember, practicing wrong dumbbell workouts may lead to injury or stretch marks in your arms and other parts of your body.  So, health Experts suggest practicing some best dumbbell workouts for all-level gym-goers so that you don’t feel any confusion in practicing those steps.

Full Body Dumbbell Workouts for Beginners

Usually, novice fitness enthusiasts hold dumbbells in an unstable way because they have less experience in holding dumbbells and practicing workouts like a pro. So, their muscles need to work hard for getting stabilized. So, don’t start from intense workouts if you are just beginning a fitness regime. Have a look at some dumbbell workouts for beginners:

1. Lateral Raise

Lateral Raise

Lateral Raise targets the outer head-point of the deltoid muscles that are located on the uppermost part of the arm on the shoulders. Moreover, this dumbbell exercise will work on your entire hands and shoulders by toning up the extra flab. It brings flexibility by breaking the arduousness in your body and also works as a warm-up exercise for novice fitness lovers. Along with the hand, it is an upper-body dumbbell workout because it shapes up your arms and broadens your shoulders.


  • Choose dumbbell weight as per the direction of your fitness expert.
  • Stand straight by keeping shoulder-width distance apart.
  • Grab the dumbbells with your palms.
  • Start raising each arm out to both the sides with the shoulder level.
  • Keep the chest up by bending your elbows slightly.
  • Hold the dumbbells for 2-3 seconds.
  • Repeat it 5-10 times when you are a beginner.
  • Now, pause the lower weights back and relax.
  • Breathe normally while doing the exercise.

2. Lunge

Lunge - Full Body Dumbbell Workout

Do you want to build strength on the muscles of your legs? If yes, then definitely Lunges are great steps to tone down your legs and build solid muscles. Moreover, it will provide strength to your bones and help you win any kind of race.


  • Hold two dumbbells in your hands by both the sides.
  • Stand with your torso straight.
  • Now step forward with one leg around two feet and lower your upper part of the body down.
  • Maintain the balance of the body while keeping the torso upwards.
  • Don’t let your knees go beyond your toes because it will put stress on the knee joint.
  • Push up and go back to the beginning position with the help of the heel of your foot.
  • Inhale and exhale normally.
  • Repeat the steps as per the direction of your fitness trainer.

3. Dumbbell Bench Press

Dumbbell Bench Press

If you want to get a good shape of your chest and arms then Dumbbell Bench Press is one of the effect workouts. While practicing dumbbell bench press, always ask from proficient fitness coach about them that how much weight is needed to be lifted as per your height and weight.

Generally, this exercise is done to shape up the muscles of the arms and chest with solid muscles. Moreover, it also provides strength to the muscles of the entire body.


  • At first, lie on a bench and grab a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Keep your feet flat on the floor.
  • Now start pushing the dumbbells up and keep the arms over your shoulders.
  • Tilt your chin towards the chest portion.
  • Touch your tummy in while doing this workout.
  • Keep the dumbbells down and side your elbows slightly below your shoulders.
  • Now, roll up your shoulder blades up and down for 5-7 times.
  • Push up the weight and don’t lock your elbows.
  • Make a natural arch from your back and the bench.
  • Lift as much weight as possible, otherwise, you may feel tired.
  • After one set, you can repeat this dumbbell workout again.

Full Body Dumbbell Workouts for Intermediates

After the beginner stage, let’s learn about the best dumbbell workouts for intermediate fitness enthusiasts who have a basic knowledge about dumbbell exercises. Have a look at a few of them:

1. Chest Flye

Chest Flye - Full Body Dumbbell Workout

Not only on chest, but this workout also works on the shoulders, biceps, and triceps to create a perfect shape. It also strengthens up the upper-most portion of your body. So, it is one of the best strength training programs. This exercise is good for releasing stress, spondylosis and back pain. However, practice it after taking proper guidance from health experts.


  • Lie on your back straight.
  • Bent your knees and feet on the floor and hold dumbbells straight just over your chest.
  • Open your arms wide to both the side with a slight bend in the elbows.
  • When you bring out the weight, just squeeze your chest.
  • Repeat the steps 5-10 times as per your capacity and relax.

2. Front Squat

Front Squat

According to ‘Strength and Conditioning Journal’, Front Squat plays a great role in athletic development by strengthening the muscles and joints of athletes or sportsperson.

Front Squat is a full body dumbbell workout that works on your shoulders, elbows, hands, chest, tummy, legs and knees. This exercise also cuts down the extra fat from each portion of your body, reduce body pain, helps in forming a good posture, brings balance in your body and strengthen the muscles of your body.


  • Firstly, load bars with weight.
  • Stand straight inside the squat rack after setting the bar.
  • Now position yourself just under the bar.
  • Rest the bar on the top of the shoulders but lift that much weight which is possible.
  • Stabilize the bar by using your hands.
  • Take one step backward and place your feet on both sides.
  • Now, sit down between the knees and lookup.
  • Sit as low as you can and make sure that your elbows are pointing upwards.

Note: This is an intense exercise, so take the help of fitness experts while practicing this.

3. Bent-Over Row

Bent-Over Row

This dumbbell workout will work on your waist, tummy, legs, neckline, shoulders, and spine. It brings balance in your body and also brings flexibility.


  • Grab dumbbells or barbells on your palm with a shoulder-width grip.
  • Bent your waist down towards your knees.
  • Hang down the arms
  • Pull the bar to the chest and lower your back down.
  • Again, pull up the dumbbells or barbells.
  • Do this set for 5-8 times by inhaling and exhaling well.

Full Body Dumbbell Workouts for Advanced Fitness Lovers

After becoming a dedicated fitness enthusiast, you can easily step up with any kind of dumbbell workout. Even fitness pros also practice these kinds of workouts to build their body.

1. Renegade Row

Renegade Row

If you want to strengthen the bottom part of your body then Renegade row is one of the best dumbbell workouts. Moreover, it helps you in shaping up the upper portion of your body and arms.


  • Position the dumbbells or kettlebells on the floor and keep shoulder-width apart.
  • Keep your body straight and extended.
  • Support your upper body by handling the handles of the kettlebells.
  • Push one kettlebell or dumbbell into the floor when you are rowing it.
  • Now, lower the dumbbell to the floor and repeat the steps in the same way with other hands.
  • Breathe in and out and then relax.

2. Thruster


This workout helps you burn lots of fats and unwanted muscles of your body. This full-body dumbbell workout will help you balance your body and strengthening the core muscles.


  • Stand straight by holding dumbbells with your palms facing the shoulder height.
  • Keep shoulder-width apart your toes pointing slightly outwards.
  • Now start squatting down slowly and explode up thrusting the dumbbells above your head.
  • Repeat these steps ten times or less than that.
  • You can adjust weight as per your capacity.

3. Split Squat

 Split Squat 10

This is a multi-squat dumbbell workout that helps in conditioning your lower body, strengthen your bottom part and bringing balance in your legs.


  • Stand with the open space with your feet and shoulder-width apart.
  • Tuck your elbows and place both of your hands on your hips if you are just practicing bodyweight split squats.
  • You can also use dumbbells and hang them by your sides facing palms inwards.
  • Now raise the heel of your back foot and see that your toes should touch the floor.
  • Keep your back heels and hips straight.
  • You can repeat the steps once more as per your limit.

Bottom Line

Hope these full-body dumbbell workouts will help you shape up your body, build muscles and strengthen both your muscles and joints. However, try to follow the steps and levels of exercises as per aforesaid guidelines to get a better result.