Best exercises for the heart

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The heart is one of the most critical organs of the human body. It is a fact that a healthy heart determines the natural lifespan of a person. The heart pumps blood and is essential for all the organs of the circulatory system. The most important function is that the heart helps in maintaining the blood pressure of the body. Thus, it is of foremost importance to keep the heart healthy by doing certain exercises. Exercises have the potential to minimize the chances of a heart attack and prevent cardiac diseases. 

Objectives of heart exercises

To keep the heart healthy and free from diseases, exercises should be done to fulfill specific objectives. The most common objectives are to enhance the power of the heart muscles, simultaneously improve the functions of the lungs, check high pressure, and lower high amounts of cholesterol. Additionally, heart exercises can target and decrease the number of triglycerides and lower blood sugar levels for diabetics. It has also been found that regular heart exercises can reduce the levels of C-reactive protein which is notorious for causing inflammation. 

Best exercises for the heart


Heart risks can be substantially reduced by regular cycling. Legs can help in increasing the pulse rate. Bicycling can also help in burning fats thereby reducing the chances of heart blockages. Moreover, mental well-being and heart health are correlated and cycling improves them considerably. 

Walking or treadmill

Walking briskly is the simplest of all exercises and is good for the heart. It not only conditions the heart but also raises the pulse and is good for joint muscles. Walking is the least expensive of all exercises as one requires track pants and a pair of shoes. There is no hard and fast rule as to when one should walk. However, most people either choose morning or evening for walks. Speed walking can improve the condition of the heart.

A treadmill is a popular substitute for walking outside. It is convenient for many people who do not have enough time. With the help of a treadmill, one can easily adjust the pace according to one’s needs and keep proper track of it. In case of inclement weather conditions outside, a treadmill can be immensely beneficial. Most treadmills have meters that display the number of calories one has burnt. 

Weight training

Obesity and overweight are harmful to the heart. Therefore, weight training aimed at reducing extra kilos is helpful. The best weight training exercise helps in losing one’s body weight. Muscle building along with squats, push-ups, and pull-ups can be helpful for the heart. Weight training can improve the overall fitness of the heart and reduce the chances of cardiac ailments.


Heart health can be maintained well through dancing. Like walking, dancing requires proper footwear and needs less space. There are dancing exercises like Zumba which help retain inclination and ability. 

Interval training

High interval exercises shifting between the fourth and back helps in better cardiac exercises. Moreover, most of these interval training exercises require a shorter time. Interval training can include a combination of cycling and strolling. Pulses can be reduced with interval training. 

Elliptical exercises

Aerobic exercise is one of the best options to install elliptical machines. There are many fitness centers and these can also be bought for home. Lower and upper body exercises are helpful in elliptical exercises. These rhythmic movements can increase the blood flow in both muscles and shoulders. 


Yoga is incredibly good for the heart because there are postures especially suited to improve the health of the heart. Sukhasana is the best exercise because it can regulate the blood pressure of the heart muscles. It also has a calming effect on the heart and improves the functions of the brain. Moreover, it manages both anxiety and stress by involving bones and muscles. Tadasana is also beneficial as it improves posture and stance. It keeps the other accessory organs around the heart to boost heart health. In case one is suffering from high blood pressure then Nishpandabhava can be immensely helpful. It helps in checking blood pressure and soothes the mind. 


Swimming laps is an exercise that positively affects the entire body. It can also be enhanced to improve heart health by including certain water aerobic exercises that are helpful for joints. Swimming also helps in ensuring that the body uses the oxygen levels efficiently and stimulates faster blood flow by improving flexibility. Research conducted by Harvard Medical School states that different strokes such as butterflies, backstrokes, and freestyles can improve muscular movements. While swimming, the heart rate reduces substantially and it automatically lowers blood pressure. Improved blood circulation is the natural outcome of daily swimming.

Duration of heart exercises

The duration of heart exercises varies greatly due to the differences in the physical parameters. It is divided into three categories depending on the intensity. The most common light intensity heart exercises are light housework, walking, and cooking. Moderate intensity heart exercises include yoga, gardening, raking leaves, brisk walking, dancing, swimming, and cycling. Under the category of high or vigorous intensity, speed bicycling (exceeding 10 mph), fast running, weight lifting, swimming laps, running, jogging, climbing, etc. are included. It is also a fact that more exercises beyond the prescribed duration can be beneficial and reduce the risk of heart diseases. 

According to the American Heart Association, able-bodied adults should take part in either of the three activities. They should either do moderately intense physical workouts for around 2.5 hours or they can do vigorously intense physical workouts for 1 to 1.5 hours. They can also do any other type of exercise that combines the best of both moderately intense or vigorously intense workouts. 

Precautions for heart exercises

Exercises are good for hearts but adequate precaution should be taken too. If one is feeling excessively fatigued or is gasping for breath, then exercises should be stopped immediately. One must not do any exercise if one is experiencing muscle cramps, blurred vision, dizziness, nausea, general weaknesses, missed heartbeats etc. 

Diet for bodybuilders

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Bodybuilding becomes easier if one rigorously follows a certain diet regimen. It is imperative to understand that a bodybuilder’s diet must contain both macronutrients and micronutrients in adequate proportions. Usually, bodybuilding leads to changes in weight and such changes can only be induced if certain foods are consumed and certain foods are avoided altogether. Most bodybuilders choose a diet plan such that they do not face any confusion about food and calories. Here we are going to discuss the ideal diets for bodybuilders. 

Foods that should be consumed

Lean Meat

Bodybuilding is not possible without consuming an adequate quantity of proteins. Therefore, one should eat lean meat to gain muscles and reduce fat, simultaneously. Lean meats may include chicken, beef, turkey, pork, etc. Some fish are also rich in proteins which include cod, salmon, and tuna. However, one must be careful in consuming the required amount as an excessive amount of protein consumption can lead to kidney and liver impairments and failures. The amount can be determined by checking the different health parameters of the body. 

Dairy products

Except for butter, most dairy products like Greek Yogurt, cheese (especially cottage cheese), and milk are essential for bodybuilding. It not only helps in increasing the intake of proteins, but most dairy products are rich in calcium which is good for bones. 

Whole grains

Complex carbohydrates help in better bodybuilding. Therefore, it is recommended that a bodybuilder must include an adequate number of whole grains such as flour, millet, granola, quinoa, and even whole-grain pieces of bread. It is equally important for bodybuilders to avoid or minimize the consumption of simple carbohydrates such as Maida, white bread, confectionery items, etc. However, if one is diabetic then it is necessary to follow the dos and don’ts religiously. 

Fruit and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables should be consumed adequately, such that there is no shortage of vitamins and minerals in the body. The most recommended fruits include bananas, peaches, watermelons, grapes, oranges, berries, and apples. Out of vegetables, starchy vegetables are best suited for bodybuilding. The most common starchy vegetables include cassava, potatoes, green lima beans, peas, and corn. Leafy vegetables such as cucumber, spinach, broccoli, zucchini, mushrooms, tomatoes, green beans, etc.

Legumes and nuts

Nuts and legumes are essential for bodybuilding because they are rich in healthy fats, micro-nutrients, and proteins. Adequate consumption of nuts can lead to stronger muscles and improve overall health.

Foods that should be avoided

Fried foods

During bodybuilding, it is necessary to avoid fried foods. The reason is that it leads to inflammation and lead digestive issues. Moreover, fried foods are often rich in unhealthy fats which thwart the process of bodybuilding. The common fried foods that must be avoided include fried fish, chicken strips, fried onions, fried meat, etc. 


Research suggests that alcohol can inhibit muscular growth and plays a negative role by neutralizing vitamins in the body. Therefore, it should be avoided or should be consumed occasionally in small quantities. Regular consumption of alcohol may lead to weight gain and impair vital organs like the liver.

Processed foods

Processed foods should be avoided because most are high in carbohydrates and have low nutritional value. Additionally, processed foods spoil bodybuilding plans and are also harmful to overall health. Some preservatives found in processed foods are carcinogenic and should be avoided completely. The common processed foods include sugar candy, white bread, pasta, soda, fizzy cold drinks, and even processed meat. Many packaged sugary foods have no fiber and should be avoided. Bagels, pretzels, cakes, etc. should not be consumed. 

Sample diet plan for bodybuilders

It is worth noting that diet plans for bodybuilders will vary depending upon their physical parameters. However, certain diets are common for most bodybuilders. The following menu can be altered as per the requirements of an individual. 

Day 1

The daily calorie target should be around 2000 to 2500 calories.

One should have breakfast rich in citric fruit juices or milk. The main meal may include a bowl of oats and spinach. After breakfast, a gap of 2 hours is necessary for the morning snack. Morning snacks may include walnuts along with high protein shake and berries. Lunch may include bananas, a peanut butter sandwich, and whole milk. A protein bar can also be consumed during the afternoon. An evening snack may include consuming mousse along with protein powder and berries. Salmon, tuna, cod, or lean meat can be consumed during dinner. Lean meat should either be grilled or roasted. Brown rice should also be consumed for the main course. 

Day 2

Whole milk and omelet can be consumed together. If possible, then two slices of lean chicken meat or turkey meat can be consumed. During morning snack, antioxidants (preferably berries) along with protein is advisable. Lunch should be light as it may include chopped salad. Afternoon snacks may include peanut butter, yogurt (preferably Greek yogurt), and honey. 

Day 3

During breakfast blender pancakes along with Greek Yogurt should be consumed. This can be supplemented with cow’s milk (preferably skimmed) and almonds. For morning snack, protein powders can be used along with mangoes and bananas. During lunch, lentil soup, cow’s milk, and toasted sourdough can be eaten. Afternoon food should be light as far as possible. Peanut butter and milk can be consumed. An evening snack may include Greek yogurt and coconut granola. Loin meat (preferably pork or beef) can be consumed with broccoli during dinner. 

Pros and cons of diet plan


Nutrition is balanced and it helps in bodybuilding.

Diet plans are effective if most physical parameters of the body are alright. 

It helps in enforcing discipline and avoids overconsumption or underconsumption. If one follows the diet plan, then the success rate is significantly higher. 


Diet plans can be complicated and lack standardization. It is not easy to keep track of everything that one eats in a busy schedule. 

Certain food items are not available everywhere or may be very expensive.

In rare cases, it can be counterproductive and lead to unhealthy behavior.

Foods that help in building lean muscle

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The existence of lean muscles indicates a healthy body. However, in order to build lean muscles, the individuals need to consume a balanced diet comprising of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and minerals. It is also necessary that people eat a calorie surplus diet such that they can perform well even after heavy workouts. There are several types of food ranging from meat, eggs, fruits, fish, yogurt, soyabeans etc. which can help in building lean muscles. 


Eggs are one of the cheapest sources of protein and can help boost the lean muscles. Research suggests that eggs also have leucine which helps in synthesis of muscles. Moreover, eggs are rich sources of Vitamin B because it helps in producing energy. Egg yolks also contain cholesterol. 


Lean muscles can be built easily by consuming beef since beef contains zinc, cholesterol and B vitamins. However, what makes beef special is that it contains protein and it also has conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) if the cow is raised by feeding grass. Bodyfat can be reduced and lean muscles can be built easily because lean beef helps in gaining muscles without adding any calories. Beef is also rich in creatinine but overconsumption is not recommended as it can lead to heart diseases. 

Protein shake

While periodic workouts are necessary, a glass of protein shake can make a huge difference. This is because most protein shakes have the requisite combination that can improve the synthesis of proteins and energize the muscles. Moreover, nutritional usage helps in better muscular growth. Currently, Whey protein has the highest amount of protein which includes 3 scoops having 50 g. These kinds of shake are available in delicious flavours like chocolate, latte and can be consumed with either milk or water. 


High quality protein and relatively cheap, regular chicken consumption after workouts can build lean muscles. Moreover, vitamin B and minerals are abundant in this meat. Unlike red meat, chicken is good for heart. Out of all popular chicken dishes, rotisserie chicken is one of the best for building lean muscle. Ordinarily, this type of chicken dish helps in providing ready-to-eat dishes. Chicken breasts should also have adequate amount of protein that helps in fat loss.


Though most fish are rich in protein, salmon is special because it is good for both overall health and muscle building. The salmon fish is not just rich in protein but also has Omega-3 fatty acids. This muscle helps in faster muscle gain and is also beneficial for muscular health. Salmon also prevents muscle loss among older adults. However, it is worth noting that salmon can prevent muscular cramps.


Turkey is also rich in protein and is ideal for building lean muscles. It is estimated that only 25 grams of protein are found in just 3 ounces of turkey. Turkey also has the optimum amount of protein for supporting the exercising ability of body. 

Brown rice

In order to increase lean muscle growth, it is also necessary to have optimum amount of carbohydrates and fibres too. Moreover, brown rice boosts growth hormone levels and it encourages gaining strength and promotes fat loss. 

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is a rich source of protein that should be consumed before going to sleep. Though this type of protein is digested slowly it is nevertheless beneficial for muscles. This is because muscles are prevented from getting utilized. It is estimated that only half cup of cottage cheese contains 14g of proteins and also has substantial amount of calcium. Some variants of cottage cheese contain high content of fat which nevertheless should be avoided.

Greek Yogurt

High quality protein is found in Greek yogurt. Additionally, yogurt also contains both slowly digestible casein and easily digestible proteins. This combination according to some research helps in better build-up of proteins. This type of Greek yogurt is superior to regular yogurt because the protein content is twice more than that of regular yogurt. 


It is a well-established fact that shrimps have high content of leucine a type of amino acid. This type of acid is beneficial for muscle building. It is estimated that only 3-ounce shrimp contains 18 grams of protein. Since shrimps contain only protein, one does not need to worry about consuming additional fat and carbohydrates. 


Soybeans are the best alternatives for vegetarians who want to build lean muscles. The reason being that soybeans contain almost equal amount of protein like any type of meat. Around 14 grams are found in just half cup of soybeans. Some people can also choose edamame because it can be quickly cooked and is delicious. Additionally, soybeans are also rich in phosphorous, iron and Vitamin K. Soybeans are also available in the form of soy protein powder. This type of powder can be consumed with milk or fruit and is suitable for vegetarians since it is plant based.


Milk contains a large amount of protein. It is estimated that milk contains around 13 grams of protein if it is skimmed. Moreover, building lean muscles requires healthy bones which in turn requires calcium. These needs can be fulfilled by drinking milk every day. However, people with lactose intolerance should avoid milk.

Kidney beans

Kidney beans are rich in carbohydrates and are also fibrous. Since building lean muscles requires more amount of protein, for some people it can lead to digestive issues. Therefore, kidney beans should be consumed for faster digestion of proteins if they are taken with brown rice. Besides, these benefits, kidney beans are also rich in vitamin supplements and minerals.


Tuna is a cheap fish that has ample protein and is equally useful for muscle building. It is estimated that 3 ounce of tuna fish can have around 16 to 17 grams of protein. If tuna is canned in oil, then the protein content can rise up to 24.8 grams. Tuna will be especially beneficial for older adults since it is also rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. It can also recover muscle loss by increasing muscle mass.

How to Bench Press Safely?

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Bench press is the most popular move in any gymnasium nowadays. It is common for gym goers to start bench pressing the moment they enter the gymnasium. Bench pressing requires three major body parts that includes front shoulders, chest and the triceps. The bench press setup can include standard and basic bench variation. Bench press can be used to improve endurance, increase strength which includes toning the upper body such as shoulders, arms and chest. It helps in increasing bone density and is used in football, hockey and sprinting.

Bench pressing in the absence of a spotter

In the absence of a spotter, bench pressing needs to be carefully done. Bench press mistakes can be deadly, so you need to be cautious. 

  • While doing bench press never put collars on your barbell. Collars prevent the weight plates while doing several types of lifts. These collars are also more efficient when it comes to weight lifting. It always advisable to put collars except when one is bench pressing. 
  • Around the barbell’s grip, take a thumbs always. Though thumbless grips can be comfortable, it is fraught with risks and hazards. There is a precise reason as to why these are called ‘suicide grip’ because it may slip from your hand and can just crash on your face or chest. 
  • It is always advisable to use pins or safety arms. To avoid bench press mistakes, it is vital to set the arms or safety pins slightly lower than where the barbell can be touch the chest. Moreover, it is also necessary to ensure that the pins and safety arms are set at a correct height prior to barbell loading. 
  • Smith machine should never be used while bench press. It is a common mistake that can lead to serious injuries. The main problem associated with this smith machine is that it can stop in a middle position between the slots. This can prevent racking it safely. If the barbell is fixed with vertical steel rails and can trap into another slide or slide in other type of weights. It may also incline towards another weight end. Thus, it can become a death trap.  
  • While doing bench press, always ensure that you have kept your feet on the floor. Once you drive your head, glutes and upper back over a bench, it is advisable that you do the same with your feet. It can create real body tightness because it allows your muscles the maximum potential. It is vital to remember that the body works in synergy. Thus, it is necessary to make the body as tight as possible. 
  • Lower back should be arched once you are lowering or lifting a weight. Always focus on maintaining the right position before even touching the bar. Ensure that your bench is in constant touch with your glutes to avoid any major accident. It is critical to ensure that arch is maintained in the lower back. The core areas should be properly embraced such that it stabilizes both lower and upper portions of the body. If the tightening of the body is not adequate, then it can lead to body aches and can be counterproductive.
  • It is also necessary to ensure that the head should be kept firm. At the back of the head, to avoid injuries, it is of paramount importance that the head back should touch the bench. Upper back and shoulders should also be in contact for the duration for stability purposes. Shoulder blades should be lowered for the purpose of stability. Always lower your chest while lowering the bar, otherwise an accidental slip can break the ribs and can lead to death or grievous injuries.
  • Accidents while bench presses are most common when you commit a genuine mistake in overestimating your body’s capacity to lift weights. Listen to your body whether it can cope up with the pressure that you are inflicting on it or not. Once you place your chest and try to lift up, but the muscles simply do not contract, then accept the fact you are taking more than you can cope. The easiest remedy to this common problem is just lighten your weight load. 
  • In case you are bench pressing then pay attention to your feet. Keep them rock steady just like your shoulder blades. But, if you are shaking your feet or pushing it backwards, then it can be seriously injurious. On the floor, ensure that your feet is flatly placed and you are not tiptoeing unnecessarily. 
  • Shoulder blades form the critical link between bench press safety and bench press disaster. Always try to ensure that your shoulder blades remain motionless while bench pressing or stabilizing the barbell. This can prevent all kinds of injuries even while lifting heavy weight loads.
  • In bench pressing, one needs to be careful while getting the chest touch. The bar should not bounce off the chest or should not be placed at a very high pedestal. It is also necessary that the bar must not approach the chest swiftly as it can lead to injuries. 
  • Although this problem should not arise if a spotter is present while bench pressing. Nevertheless, it is crucial to ensure that both re-racking and un-racking should be done carefully. 

Importance of wrist wraps for bench press safety

  • You can avoid life threatening injuries by wearing a wrist wrap while doing bench press. This is because it offers more support to wrist joints and prevents sudden jerking. Sprains are common while lifting bench press and can be minimized by wearing wrist wraps. Additionally, you can prevent bone and muscle tissue damages while exercising. 
  • Wristbands while doing bench press ensures superior grip and prevents slipping.  Both barbells and dumb bells can be lifted safely.
  • Muscular strains can be minimized with the help of wristbands. It is inevitable that during muscle training and weight lifting, strains can happen and it can make certain parts of the body numb.
  • In bench press it is vital to ensure that wristbands are used to move right. Sore muscles and less contraction of the target is inevitable due to this. Trainers and experts opine that bicep curls should compulsorily move while doing bench press.

Why Your Ab Workouts Don’t Work?

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There are many people who desire to have the best abs and work hard to achieve them. Abs are indicators of a healthy and attractive body. In addition, abs also add to the popularity levels of a person. There are several gymnasiums that promise abs after several weeks of workouts. However, despite these efforts and regular workouts, many people fail to develop abs. It is also worth noting that without identifying the flaws these workouts are doomed to fail. The reason is people sometimes focus on crunches or are perhaps not giving enough attention to these flaws.

Main reasons why ab workouts don’t work

Emphasis on isolated moves 

There is a muscle called TVA (transverse abdominus). Many people while doing ab workouts ignore this muscle and this muscle plays a pivotal role in preventing ab formation. The pelvic twists can however help in better ab formation. It is also worth noting that compound movements should include multiple muscles and multiple joints. In order to activate or affect the TVA, compound movements are compulsory. 

Ignoring the back

Back muscles are important in building flawless abdominal muscles. Therefore, it is vital to put pressure on back muscles and failing to do it will render workouts futile. However, one has to exert a lot of pressure but inflict less injuries. 

Refraining from metabolic conditioning

For abs, it is necessary to understand that metabolic conditioning takes place. Metabolic conditioning will help in increasing the heart rate to maximize or accelerate the digestion process. Burnout however should be avoided. Metabolic conditioning should be done at the end of the workout with around ten burpees, ten push ups and ten jump squats. 

Daily repetition of same exercises 

It is a well-known fact that by doing the same exercises daily, ab workouts might not succeed. This is because the body eventually gets adjusted to those exercises. Gradually, the results become less apparent. Thus, it is imperative to suggest that the exercises should become faster and results should be improved. The body should get the maximum output because the exercises should repeat. 

Mobility improvement

Mobility improvement is directly related to better stability because it leads to abs care. It is vital to understand that superior stability is linked with fewer wounds and more power. Stability exercise is also directed at increasing tension during core stability. Half-kneeling, plank and side planks form the basis of mobility improvement. 

Lack of sleep

It is a matter of fact that weight and sleep are related with each other. It does not matter how hard you work in the gymnasium; lack of proper sleep can deprive you of good abs. Hunger hormones, daily sleeping hours and calorie burning are correlated with each other. Thus, ab workouts compulsorily should be complemented with adequate sleep for better results.

Core activation

The hip flexors hold the key for an effective ab workout. Most core work should be done in the hip flexors. It is a common struggle for many novices. Thus, the best way for core activation is to have an experienced coach or a physical fitness trainer. Hip flexors start working only when the core takes a back seat. 

Paying attention to diet

The diet is the most important aspect in case of workouts. The diet should essentially have a large protein content without which exercising is futile. Avoid all kinds of high carbohydrate and high fat products during ab workout. It is also important to stay hydrated. Moreover, there are many who make the mistake of taking steroids and choose shortcuts. In many instances, these can be counterproductive. 

Myth of spot reduction

Spot reduction during ab workouts is a misconception. Even while squatting it is necessary to understand that incorrect squatting does not lead to high cellulite. This is because it is not so easy to convert fat in the adipose tissue into muscles. Therefore, many develop muscles underneath the fatty portion. So, while targeting for abs, spot reduction must be avoided as it is of no use. 

Reasons why you cannot see your abs

Excessive body fat

Body fat should ideally be around 10 to 18 percent in case you want abs. However, if your fat percentage is lower than this threshold, then you cannot have visible abs. In such a situation, there is no point doing crunches all day long. With training, one can only make abdominal muscle and shape, but the foremost criteria are to have the required fat percentage.

Crunches and sit ups

Bodyweight crunches and sit ups are not always successful in reducing body fat. Prolonged crunches are also of no use if the body metabolism remains low. Therefore, body metabolism needs to be increased and calories need to be burnt faster for better abs. 

Unawareness on how to build body muscle

The ideal solution to this problem is to take fewer reps but with heavier steps. This essentially implies, that the resistance levels need to be added for better ab exercises. One should also do more reps with more sets. For instance, the number of reps for three sets should be between ten to twelve.

Ab area overtraining

Overtraining of just abs will not suffice. Thus, it is advisable that a daily routine of training abs should begin only at the end of training session. It is also crucial to know that other forms of training are vital for ab development as well. Importantly, sufficient time is needed to ensure that the legs and arms have toned down. 

Unsuitable genetic build up

This is one of the few constraints that cannot be overcome. Not all people are fortunate to have the ideal ab genes. For instance, the availability of ideal body fat (10 to 15 percent) is not inherited by everybody. Some are genetically more inclined to lose weight while others do not. 

Wrong intake of nutrients

Losing fat requires a compulsory alteration of nutritional intake. In most situations, a calorie deficit but a nutrient rich diet is necessary. Although certain fad diets can rapidly reduce weight, it is also necessary to regain it for the perfect abs.

The Right Way to Squat

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Squats are known to vary slightly and many people are simply unaware of the way to squat correctly. It is worth noting that squatting is a boon for improving posture and healthy joints. Squatting if done correctly helps in building and strengthening hamstrings, quads and glutes. However, many people do not know the difference between the right and wrong way to squat. Thus, it is important to make people aware of the mistakes they commit while squatting.

Wrong way to squat

Incorrect lowering towards 90 degrees

While squatting it is necessary to understand that the floor will help in engaging in glutes and no exercise is incomplete without any full range of motion. It is also important to understand if the buttocks barely touch the box, then it is good to do push ups and not deter them. 

Arching back

While arching back, many people make the mistake of putting the entire weight on lower back and increasing the chances of risk injury. It is natural to ensure a “S” shaped structure while arching back.

Repeatedly doing same squats

Many people unaware of squatting repeatedly do the same wrong squats. This is done by regularly switching the foot positions. By doing this many get deprived from the versatile benefits that squatting can offer.

Taking the knees behind the toes

Knees should not pass the toes while squatting. Many unknowingly try to put their whole weight on toes and knees. This also leads to problems in knees and instead of minimizing knee pain increases it. 

Right way to squat

It is extremely crucial to ensure that squatting is done in the right way. This will not only be beneficial to the human body and helps in preventing serious injuries.

Correct set up

Although there is no standardized way of correct set up since the stances vary for each individual. It is advisable to prevent risks of squat by ensuring that the toes are slightly turned out between. The turning range should vary between 5 and 15 degrees. It is natural to understand that the shoulder back and spine are neutral and chest remains open. It is also important to ensure that the hands are clasped in the chests for proper balance. 


The squat is moved and sent by the hips by sitting back on an invisible chair. It is essential to ensure that lower back is kept neutral. The controlled movement is possible only if the chest is lifted in a controlled movement. Try to press heels and stand back to a starting position. Additionally, also get thighs and help in leaning parallel to the floor. In case mobility allows, further lower your back. It is important to remember that the buttocks should be correctly placed under the rib cage. 

Correct squat form

  • With toes facing frontward, always try to stand in a manner such that the buttock width is narrower than the feet.
  • Try to press the knees open and always bend the knees such that the buttocks can be driven backwards.
  • While keeping the heels and toes on ground, please sit into a position of squats. 
  • Knees are inclined towards 90-degree angle in order to gradually reach parallel.
  • Return into a straight position and always press into the heels. 

Steps of squatting correctly

  • By keeping the hip width apart stand straight. Place your hands on buttocks and widen your feet and stand by keeping the feet distant from each other. Remember that buttocks should be narrower than the feet.
  • Keep your stomach muscles tight. Once you are standing then try to lift the chest lightly. It is vital to understand that one can exhale by trying to pull navel back. Gently try to pull the shoulders back and allow the abdominal muscles to pull back. Keep the pelvis and spine area stable. 
  • Try to sit in an invisible chair by lowering down. Thus, it is better to bend backwards by lowering onto a seat behind you. It is also essential to understand not to collapse your chest or move your shoulders forward. Do not put much pressure on your knees and avoid standing erectly. 
  • Pressing the knee outward but keeping oneself aligned is also the right way to squat.
  • While trying to lift your back, always keep your legs straight. Once you are glued to the floor then always try to squat and drive towards the ground. Return to the initial position as you rise up.
  • It is vital to repeat the three steps at least ten to fifteen times. Do remember to stretch the arms in front for extra balance.

Risks of squat

Undoubtedly squatting has many benefits if done correctly. However, at the same time there are certain risks faced by those who are squatting wrongly.

  • Knee aches- Squatting can sometimes be risky for those who are not concerned about the impact it brings on the knees. People who squat with improper positions such as moving the knees horizontally and vertically at the same time are calling for a major disaster. 
  • Shoulder injuries- Incorrect squatting can injure your shoulders. Therefore, one must be careful while trying to turn your back and rolling down. Moreover, one needs to raise the bar through padding. Balance the bar by keeping it in contact with the body. It is worth remembering that always pull your elbows downward and stretch your hands forward. 
  • Getting stuck is common while squatting. Always try to avoid using a squat cage or a power rack. It is also necessary to dump the bar level towards the back. Also try to keep the number of pins in the rack high such that they remain below the bar. 
  • Back injuries- Too much of bending forward and leaning might be injurious to the back. Never try to keep the barbell on the neck. There are fair chances of ankle extension while squatting, therefore it is necessary to reduce weight while squatting.