Best Yoga Asanas for Back Pain

Yoga for back pain is immensely useful. It helps you to get rid of your back pain most naturally without using any medicines.

The lifestyle that we lead today makes our back quite vulnerable to pain. This happens due to the bad posture we sit in. But yoga for back pain can prove to be helpful. Yoga asanas will tighten the back muscles and thus make your back stronger.

The problem that most of us have is that we do not sit with a straight back. We also do not make any effort to improve our posture. The imbalance in the alignment results in back pain. Lack of exercise and maintaining a sedentary lifestyle are other reasons that cause back pain. 

The yoga asanas are highly effective and help in improving the blood circulation to the nerves and spine. It also strengthens your back muscles. If you want to know about the list of yoga asanas that will help in removing the back pain, you can go through the discussion below:

1. Cat/Cow Pose

This is one of the best yoga for back pain. You will have to start with a tabletop position on the hands and the knees. You should alternate it between arching the back and rounding it. You do this while pushing down towards the floor with your hands and tops of the feet. These also help you to massage the spine while stretching the torso and the back. These postures will help in keeping the back flexible and happy.

2. Spinal Twist

Spinal Twist Pose

When it comes to twisting the postures, there are several options available. The most basic and effective pose is Marichyasana C. You need to keep your left leg straight and you should be able to bend your right leg. Therefore, your foot stays flat. You will have to keep the right hand on the floor for support like a tripod and after that twist it in a way to hook in the left elbow over the right thigh.

If this is too difficult, you can simply hold the right knee, and then you need to twist over the right shoulder. You will then have to bend the left leg under you or you need to bend both your legs. 

There are also other options for this. If you want you can also bend the left leg under you or bend all the legs and then let them fall to one side. After that, you can twist in the direction in which the knees are facing.

3. Extended Triangle

Back pain can be reduced and at times can even be prevented by both strengthening and stretching. Triangle pose is something that can do both. You will have to stand with your feet, 3 feet apart, and standing parallel to each other. You will then have to rotate your right foot to ensure that the right heel is in line with the arch of the left foot. Your arms will have to be extended towards the side, then tilted at the hip to reach your right hand towards the sky. Now you will have to gaze at the left hand. You can do this but make sure that it does not hurt your neck.

When it comes to back pain, prevention is the most important thing. This helps you to get a pain free life. You also need to listen to your body. Therefore do not force any posture that might cause you an injury. If you feel that you have extreme pain, then you should get medical advice.

4. Downward Facing Dog

This name might sound a bit hazy, however, it will work exceptionally well. This is a posture that might be akin to your push-up posture as well. This can certainly be considered to be a mini version of the push-up posture. You need not lie down completely. Here your knees have to be under the hips and the hands should be under your wrist.

You will not have to press yourself back in your hands and after that, you will have to raise the knees. Keep repeating this till you sweat. This helps you to get strong muscles.

5. Pigeon Pose

This yoga pose might sound sweet but it is not. For a beginner, this might be a hurdle. But it is certainly worth doing this. You need to first start it in a downward-facing position that will be similar to the position of a dog. You need to hold this position for a period of at least 5 to 10 minutes. Then you will have to change the sides. While trying this posture, you need to keep in mind that slow and steady wins the race. Rushing might lead to harsh crashes.

6. Locust

Locust Position

This is also another yoga pose for back pain. This has a higher chance of warding off the back pain forever. But this will take some time. You will have to lift the torso as well as the legs gently off the mat. While inhaling each time, you need to keep your belly pressed to the floor. This way you can release the built-up tension quite easily.‍

7. Baby Cobra

After doing the locust, this can be a continuous exercise. This activates the lower back muscles. Therefore, the benefits will be double. For this asana, you need to first lift the torso with the support of your shoulders and arms. Try doing this using your back muscles but remember not to break the back.

8. Forward Bent

Forward Bent

For this, you will have to put your legs straight and then sit down. Now you need to bend forward with your hip. Then try to touch your feet straight. Initially, you might feel hazardous, however, later, it will relieve you of the back pain.

9. Leg Extensions

This is another pose for which you will have to lie down on your stomach while you are on the floor. You need to firmly keep the pelvis, feet, and legs on the floor. Now you will have to lift the neck slowly and the chest and the head should be in an upward position.

You will also have to extend the forearms in front of you for supporting the weight of the torso. Make sure that you neither inhale nor exhale. This helps in improving the levels of blood circulation.

10. Legs up the Wall

Once you are done with all the hectic and the sweating postures, this is something that you will enjoy for sure. It releases the tension of both the body and the mind. You will have to keep the legs stretched up. This is a fun posture that helps you to stay relaxed. There is a possibility that you might also doze off. You will have a much more sound sleep.


Yoga for back pain will be immensely helpful. Trying the above-mentioned asanas will help you to stay fit and comfortable. This is the best way to remove back pain naturally.

Paleo Diet: A Comprehensive Guide

Paleo Diet will help you to stay healthy and energetic. Find out about its benefit in our comprehensive guide.

The paleo diet is an eating plan that is similar to the eating plan of the human beings of pre-historic times. This includes eating whole food that people could gather or hunt. The supporters of this diet do not support the modern diet. This is because they believe that eating what the hunter-gatherers ate would cause much lesser health issues.

There are several benefits of the paleo diet. But this is not safe for everyone. Doctors are still not sure about its effect on pregnant women, kids, and older adults. People who are suffering from certain chronic conditions should also speak to their doctor before starting this diet.

What is a Paleo Diet?

This is the diet that focuses on eating foods that were common in the Paleolithic age. This is also referred to as the stone age diet or the caveman diet. Before the development of modern agriculture, people only ate those foods that they could hunt together. These included lean meats, fish, vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts.

With the development of modern farming, the entire concept of diet changed. People started including legumes, grains, and dairy products. The proponents of this diet argue that the human body is not ready to process dairy, legumes, grains, etc. Therefore, eating these foods can increase the risks of certain health conditions like heart diseases, obesity, etc.

Benefits of Paleo Diet

If you have real foods in the right quantity, then it will help you to become more satisfied. They keep your blood sugar levels and hunger hormones balanced. The diets of most people across the world today consist of grains, sugars, and vegetable oils. But when you eat paleo, you avoid eating these foods. It is all about eating foods that are available naturally.

Can Paleo Diet Help You Lose Weight?

If you follow this diet, it will help you cut the extra fat. This diet is rich in protein. It has a lesser amount of carbohydrate. It may also reduce appetite. This lessens down the consumption of sugar and processed foods.

What You Can Eat in a Paleo Diet?

The question that might bother us is, “What foods should you eat throughout the day when you are following a paleo diet?”

Here is a list that can be included as a part of the paleo diet:

1. Lean meats

These include venison, beef, lamb, bison, chicken, etc. Try to eat the meats of grass-fed animals.

2. Fish

Fishes like tilapia, bass, salmon, etc, can be included as part of the paleo diet. Here you can also include seafood.

3. Eggs and Vegetables

Eggs are important

Eggs and vegetables can also be included as a part of your paleo diet.

4. Fruits

The fruits that you should eat are berries and less sugary fruits.

5. Nuts

You can also have nuts but it should be in moderation. Make sure you do not include peanuts in your diet.

6. Natural Oils

The natural oils including coconut, olive, and avocado can be a part of your paleo diet as well.

Why Opt for Paleo Diet?

The advocates of the paleo diet say that we should not eat what the hunters and the gatherers could not eat 10,000 years ago. So, no more oreo or twinkies or breakfast cereals. There are different paleo foods available and you can select the ones that you want to eat.

Foods That Can Be Included in Your Paleo Diet

Healthy Diet

There is not one set of rules you have to follow for the paleo diet. This is because it is more of a framework than an actual diet. The more processed the food is, the lesser paleo is the diet. For example, whole milk is better than 2% milk and again this 2% milk is better than skim milk. Lactose intolerance is spreading worldwide. But we continue eating high amounts of dairy products. Like carbohydrates, dairy also comes on a sliding scale.

1. Grass-Fed Butter

This is considered to be paleo. It is a very good source of fat. This also has a solid omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acid ratio. Therefore, you can include this as a part of your diet. 

2. Yogurt

Whether yogurt can be included as a part of your diet is still a question that needs to be answered. Probiotics can indeed improve digestion. Moreover, yogurt also helps in improving the shelf life of the dairies. But the problem is that most modern-day yogurts contain a high amount of sugar.

3. Cheese

This is another safe dairy product. The process of fermentation removes a lot of lactose. These may bother those people suffering from lactose intolerance.

4. Ice cream

Ice cream is a strict no-no for a paleo diet. This contains too much sugar in it. It is for this reason that you cannot include ice cream as a paleo diet.

5. Legumes

The question that finally needs to be answered is whether legumes are paleo or not. 

Legume is a pod fruit. Some of the most popular legumes include beans, lentils, peas, alfalfa, peanuts, carob, soy, lupins, clover, etc. Legumes are not considered to be paleo.

Understanding which is a Paleo Diet and which is Not

Most of the time, you can clearly understand whether a diet is paleo or not. You can find beef naturally in this world. Therefore, it is paleo. On the other hand, ice cream is manufactured by humans. Therefore, it is not paleo. But at times the boundaries between the paleo and the non-paleo foods can be a little fuzzy. You might feel that peanuts are paleo. This is because nuts are paleo. But peanut is a legume. Legume is not paleo.

There are various ways to find out about the list of foods that are paleo. You can refer to different paleo apps. These will help you to find out about the list of foods that are paleo and the ones that are not.


Paleo Diet can be immensely helpful. It can improve your overall health and boost your energy. If you are, however, suffering from any chronic diseases, talk to your doctor before starting the paleo diet. Before you start the diet, make sure you understand which is a paleo diet and which is not. Diet and exercise together can help you to stay fit.

What Women Should Know Before They Start CrossFit?

CrossFit for women is quite popular because it improves their overall fitness and also helps in improving their cardiovascular health.

CrossFit is a training philosophy that trains people of all shapes and sizes and helps them in improving their cardiovascular health. It also improves their overall fitness in an encouraging but tough environment. It includes varied and high-intensity movements. Crossfit for women has been slowly gaining popularity.

Should Women Participate in CrossFit

Women CrossFit Exercises

If you are a woman, you will be happy to know that CrossFit attracts both men and women equally. The number is almost equal. Therefore you will also be able to get both male and female CrossFit coaches in equal numbers.

Understanding What Happens in a CrossFit Class

Before you start a CrossFit class, you should know what exactly happens in it. You can check out the discussion below to understand what happens in a CrossFit class.

Mobility Work and Warming up

The class will begin with a warm-up, followed by some stretching and mobility work. Mobility work is the movement that is done with the joints and also the ligaments. These help in ensuring that they are moving properly and also help you to understand the range of motion.

The warm-up session will be different each day. The coach will help you to get a clear understanding of the various exercises. They will guide you, instruct you, and will also provide you with proper feedback.

Skill Training and Strength Exercises

The CrossFit workout is divided into two parts – metcon portion and strength training. For the strength training part, the coach first talks about the right technique and might then provide you with a demo where you will understand how it is done. 

Here the coach will also explain the various scaling options as everyone will not be able to lift the same amount of weight. The trainer will also help you correct the exercise form when needed, and will also encourage and push you to do better. But they will ensure that you do not overdo the exercise.

Metcon or Metabolic Conditioning

Metabolic Conditioning might include several exercises. It could include anything starting from burpees to rowing, running, wall balls, air bikes, and others. Each day it is very different. Even for this, the coach will provide you with a demo.

Cooling Down

Once your group finishes, you will have a cool-down session and after that your workout for the day is over.

Things You Should Know Before You Start CrossFit

CrossFit is extremely important for both men and women. If you are a woman planning to start CrossFit, you should go through the points mentioned below:

Cross Fit is Everything 

The best part about CrossFit is that it is different every day and therefore this can never get boring. Here you will be challenged to perform certain movements that will get translated to real life and some others like handstand push-ups that will not get translated to real life. Doing this will help you to develop strength, endurance, aerobic capacity and you will also have a lot of fun with it.

Need Not be in Shape

Cross Fit is substantially scalable. If you are unable to do a handstand push-up or a regular push-up, you will be asked to perform scaled-down movements by your trainer. This will help you to get prepared for the more difficult versions of the training. So if you are a woman who has never tried working out, then CrossFit is certainly the best option to start a fitness regime.

It Boils Down to your Coach

You should be aware that all cross gyms are not equal. We can take the example of a cross-fit lift called the snatch. Learning the correct Snatch technique is one of the hardest skills to master. A snatch is a combination of the squat and the overhead squat. Bodybuilders rarely do the overhead squat. The snatch requires the athleticism of gymnastic type movement and requires you to lift the weight overhead and hold the weight in position while your arms are almost straight overhead and pushed back slightly.

We Suggest Using the Jefferson Squat

CrossFit Training

The Jefferson was given some popularity of late by bodybuilder and Mr. Olympia competitor Kai Greene. According to Kai Greene, doing very lightweight Jefferson Squats at the beginning of his leg workout helps him to lift the weight from the bottom position of a squat.

Many promising bodybuilders like Jean Pierre Fux, Johnnie Jackson have got with weight more than 600 pounds in this position and have seriously hindered their careers. The reason for recommending champion bodybuilder, Kai Greene’s use of Jefferson squat is that his leg development is thicker than a tree trunk. The muscular definition is his legs are more detailed than a road map and he has remained free of injury despite handling weights over 450 pounds for repetitions. 

The Key is in the Progression

You have to keep a score of how many full rounds and the number of reps you completed in around. If you completed three rounds and you did six reps on the fourth round, you score 3+6. This is your AMRAP score. AMRAP is short for as many rounds as possible or as many reps as possible.

There is also an EMOM or every minute on the minute score. The EMOM workout challenges you to perform a given number of repetitions for a certain exercise within 1 minute. The remaining time within the minute is the time given to you for your recovery. Then you start again at the beginning of the next minute with a different exercise.

A round in CrossFit is a group of exercises that make a workout. RFT stands for rounds for time. Your RFT score is the amount of time it took you to complete the entire workout. 20 minutes and 12 seconds to complete the rounds means that your RFT score is 20:12.Use these parameters to track the progression of your workouts. Focus on making small improvements in your workouts.

Maintain a Training Diary

Rather than leaving your progression to the vagaries of your memory, we recommend that you keep a training and diet diary to keep track of the progress you make. Arnold Schwarzenegger used to maintain a training diary and also included how he felt, what he ate etc. and he is someone we can follow to reach our physique goals. Since the cross-fit workout is more of an athletic functional workout, we recommend that you spend 5 minutes after your workout to note the details of your workout in your training diary.

Work on your Grip Strength

We recommend that you use chalk as your palms will be used to grip the heavy pair of kettlebells, pull-up rigs, rowing machines, etc. apart from the heavy barbells and dumbells. Use chalk to help maintain friction as your hands get sweaty and slippery. However, chalking your hands can only get you as far as the other person. Almost every CrossFitter does it. We recommend that you work on your grip strength separately for 5 minutes at the end of your workout to give you a competitive advantage. 

Stimulate, Recover and then Stimulate Again

It is normal to get sore when you do a new workout. Make mental notes of your muscular imbalances and work on correcting them. Ensure that you do not get so caught up riding the weight-loss bandwagon that you do not feed your body adequately. Stay away from the mentality of torturing yourself. Get adequate sleep. Make smart food choices. Eat healthily but eat well. 


Your body is a resource. Have long term goals. Break them down to smaller goals. Building a palace takes time and effort. So stay away from things that abuse your body and build the palace of your dreams. Stay consistent and focus on making small improvements.   

Your Guide to a Mediterranean diet

Guide to a Mediterranean diet will help you understand the pros and cons of it and will also help you decide whether you should opt for it.

The Mediterranean diet is based on the eating habits of the people of Crete, Greece, southern Italy in the 1960’s. The diet was rich in the region’s traditional fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, seafood, olive oil, and dairy. If you consume alcohol, it should not be more than a glass or two of red wine.  

The Overlooked Emotional Aspect.

Apart from the dietary aspect of making fresh and wholesome food choices, sharing meals with others is another important emotional aspect of the Mediterranean diet that should not be overlooked. The combination of eating proportionally higher amounts of olive oil, legumes, fruits, vegetables, seafood, along with moderate consumption of dairy products, a glass or two of red wine plus the emotional aspect of sharing meals has a profound positive physical and mental health benefit. 

Mediterranean diet

Why is this Diet Recommended?

One of the key aspects of a Mediterranean diet is good fats. Studies have shown that olive oil is among the best choices for reducing all-cause mortality and the risk of chronic diseases. The Mediterranean diet includes fewer red meats and more plant-based foods and monounsaturated fats. Studies have shown that this diet stabilizes blood sugar, lowers cholesterol and triglycerides. This results in a lower risk of heart disease and other health problems.

Foods Included in this Diet

The vegetarian side of the Mediterranean diet must include large servings of fresh produce like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. The non-vegetarian side of the Mediterranean diet has to be dominated by fish and seafood.

The primary rule of this diet is that it should consist of a wide variety of vegetables, fruits and whole grain. Healthy fats such as nuts, seeds etc. should be consumed. You should choose olive oil for cooking. The choice of diet that will go well with a Mediterranean diet is a glass or two of red wine.Eggs can also be a good addition to this diet.

USP of this Diet

Use Olive Oil in this diet

The word diet usually brings up an image of deprivation and hunger pangs in our minds. 1 gram of fat contains 9 calories and a gram of protein or carbohydrate has only 4 calories. However, the consumption of healthy fats keep the blood sugar level stable and does make the dieter feel hungry. Therefore, the Mediterranean diet can be used for a longer duration as the dieter does not have to deal with the hunger pangs of a low carbohydrate diet. The problem with most diets is not the diet itself but the cheat meals dieters indulge in due to a feeling of deprivation.

Promotes Mental and Physical Health 

Additionally, the consumption of healthy fats is beneficial for the human heart. Research has shown that extremely low carbohydrate diets have often resulted in causing low emotional health, irritability, hair loss, etc. The inclusion of good fats in the Mediterranean diet stabilizes your blood sugar and also keeps you away from mood swings, hair loss, etc. which are the characteristics of following a low carbohydrate, low-fat diet.

Foods to Avoid in this Diet

The focus of the Mediterranean diet is on natural, unprocessed foods. Therefore, the dieter should stay away from refined grains such as white bread, white pasta, pizza dough containing white flour, etc. Refined sugar is said to be more addictive than cocaine. It is a strict no-no for the Mediterranean diet. Refined oils such as canola oil, refined soybean oil, refined sunflower oil, etc. should be avoided. Additionally, foods with added refined sugars such as pastries, sodas, candies, etc. should be strictly avoided. 

Red Meat and Hard liquor

Tasty Diet

Red meat consumption is not a big part of the Mediterranean diet. More importantly, processed red meats such as hot dogs, deli meats, and other processed and packaged meats should be avoided. Hard liquor should also be avoided when following a Mediterranean diet. The focus should be on fish and seafood. Satisfy your emotional needs to let go by sharing a meal with your friends and family. You can indulge in a glass or two of red wine rather than hard liquor.

How to get into a MediterraneanDiet ?

Replacing butter with olive oil does not mean that you put olive oil on your bread instead of butter. It simply means that you can use oil instead of butter for most of your recipes. You can also use good quality cheese in moderation. Be creative and you will thank us later. 

Think Vegan with Non-Vegetarian Food as a Side Dish

The Mediterranean diet is a predominantly vegetarian diet that uses mostly protein from seafood sources as a side dish or a compliment. You can limit your meat consumption to once per week. The idea is to get your protein from legumes, fish, few eggs, and once per week from meat. Choose brown rice over white rice and stay away from hard liquor. 

 Feel Happy that your Food Choices are Broad

The Mediterranean diet allows a lot more food choices than Atkins Diet or a keto diet. Human beings are emotional beings. New research points to the fact that the more you deprive a person, the more he will overindulge. There is a popular Hollywood story. During the filming of Rocky 3 fight scenes, both Sylvester Stallone and Mr T had to follow severe diets to stay in the same shape over the two months of the filming of bare-bodied fighting scenes.

They only allowed themselves to cheat on their diets on rare occasions. The story is that Sylvester Stallone and Mr. T would run like kids to cheat foods due to the feeling of severe deprivation caused by their diets and a lot of these other diets.  

Not Feeling Deprived by your Diet is Important


The Hollywood story is relevant as Sylvester Stallone made over 3 and half-million US Dollars from Rocky 3 in the late ’80s. The amount is close to 8 million US Dollars in today’s terms. The point is that the psychological effect of a harsh diet is hard on a human being even if it leads to making him a top action star in the world. Therefore, the wide choice of food allowed in adds to the benefits of following a Mediterranean diet. 

Keep the Water or Sparkling Water Handy

A study by a major corporate found that employees reached for the drink nearest to them during breaks in the refreshment bar. When they placed the healthy drinks more conveniently, healthy drinks started getting chosen by the employees. So keep your water or sparkling water container handy which will make further additions to the benefit of your Mediterranean diet.


Remain consistent with your Mediterranean diet and your body will thank you for the enhanced health and wealth. The add-on-benefit of the Mediterranean diet is the happiness of not feeling deprived.

Best Yoga Asanas to Improve Digestion

Yoga for Digestion can be immensely helpful. Practicing yoga asanas will also help you to stay fit and active.

All of us do experience bloating, constipation, cramping, and indigestion at some time or the other. This feeling is certainly not a good one. Yoga asana helps in reducing back pain and it also helps in releasing stress. Yoga for digestion can be immensely helpful.

It improves the intake of oxygen and helps you to get exceptionally good mental health. But very few people are aware of the fact that Yoga asana also helps in improving the digestive functions of human beings.

Yoga for Digestion

Yoga poses

There are various postures for the yoga asanas. These help in stimulating, cleansing, and also in improving the digestive system. But you need to ensure that you do not practice these asanas after meals. In case you have bloating or indigestion a few hours after your meal, then practicing a few asanas can be helpful.

How Yoga Asanas Help in Improving Digestion?

Benefits of Yoga

If you want to know how yoga asanas help in improving digestion, you can go through the points mentioned below:

1. These asanas help in stimulating the Agni or the digestive fire. This, in turn, helps to balance metabolism and also helps in increasing the appetite. 

2. When you perform these asanas, it stretches the body. It also massages the abdominal muscles. This helps the food to move through the digestive tract quite easily.

3. These asanas also relieve you from constipation by regulating the bowel movements.

4. It helps in improving the blood circulation in the digestive system, thus helping in the process of digestion.

5. The yoga asanas ensure that your mind is both happy and active at the same time. You tend to eat a balanced diet. This makes digestion easier for you.

6. If you practice yoga regularly, it will also discourage the deposits of fat inside your body.

7. The body is free of all toxins. These toxins get accumulated when you consume the wrong diet and follow an unhealthy lifestyle.

Understanding the Digestive Process

Yoga will Help in Digestion

Let us compare the digestive system to that of a juicer and body toxins as the fruit waste, Agni as the blades of the juicer and the energy as the juice. If the juicer blades themselves are weak, quite obviously the digestive system will produce much lesser energy. If you want a strong digestive system, you will require a stronger Agni. Yoga will help in making your Agni stronger. It will thus improve your overall digestive system.

The Yoga asanas that will improve your digestive system are given below. 


This is referred to as the cat and cow pose. You have to use both your hands and legs to begin this asana. All that you need to do is to rotate your spine up and down. You will have to round your back ( the cat) and arch it ( the cow). You need to do this as you breathe. This position will massage the internal organs of the body including the intestines as well as the stomach.

It will help in easing the pain and bloating after you have a heavy meal. This will also provide you relief on the other issues related to your intestines. Make sure that you repeat each of the asanas at least 10 times. Continue this till the time you feel comfortable.

2Trikonasana (and Parivrtta Trikonasana)

This is a triangle pose and this is great for individuals who are suffering from IBS ( irritable bowel syndrome). When you perform this asana, it pressurizes your colon. It thus stimulates the movement. To begin, you will have to put the right foot in front of your body. You will now have to rotate the other foot outwards at about 45 degrees.

You will have to stretch both your arms. Put the right arm on the ground beside your foot. Raise the left-hand overhead. Now, try to twist the torso towards the left and then breathe. After that, you need to twist your torso towards the right and change the arm positions.

3. Uttana Shishona

This asana is a cross between the pose of the child and a dog facing downwards. All the yogis love the extended pose of puppies. This is an excellent way to remove stomach cramps. First, you need to kneel on your mat. After that, you need to fold the body forward. While doing this, your arms should be overstretched. 

This is similar to the child pose. But here, you will have to extend the rear till the sky instead of resting the thighs and rear on the calves and feet. Rest the head and the chest on the floor. Now breathe into the stretch.

4. Seated Forward Fold or Panchimottasana

This is most amazing for lengthening the back and also stretching. If you simply add a prop to this asana, it becomes an excellent digestive aid pose. You will have to place a pillow on the thighs. Then allow your belly to rest on it. When you fold it forward, you will create enough space for a digestive massage to take place. Whenever you breathe in, the pillow will start resisting against your belly. This will cause compression.

When you breathe out, you tend to release the compression. This creates a new flow to the area. You will have to repeat the breathing into the pillow till the time you start feeling comfortable.

5. Corpse Pose (Savasana)

This is the ultimate pose for all kinds of healing. When you are resting you need to tap the parasympathetic nervous system. This is also referred to as the “Rest and Digest” response. You will simply have to lie still. This allows you to melt away all the stresses. It thereby creates a healing environment.

The blood starts flowing away from your extremities and towards the digestive organs. Moreover, your heart rate will also slow down. Your breathing will start deepening. This increases the oxygenation to the digestive organs. It also helps in creating the most ideal environment for digestion, cleansing, and healing.



If you face these digestive issues next time, you can surely try out these yoga poses. These are sure to benefit you immensely. These poses are the best and the safest measures that will help you to keep your digestive system on track.

How to Pick the Right Workout Clothes

Clothes play a very important role during your work out. Therefore, make sure that you choose the right workout clothes for yourself.

Clothes are part of the equipment you use to get a job done. Your workout clothes are no exception. The physical culture movement was spearheaded by the emergence of a Prussian bodybuilder. He was Eugen Sandow who was both a strongman and a Showman. Sandow gained worldwide fame as a strongman.

In the year 1901, he organized the world’s first bodybuilding competition. The event was set at London’s Royal Albert Hall and was reported by Arthur Conan Doyle, the author of Sherlock Holmes novels. Workout clothes were not always tailored for the sport.

Can you believe that in the early 1900s tennis players wore the same outfit as test match cricketers? The men tennis players dressed in full-length trousers and white shirts.

Evolution of Workout Gear

In the early 1930s, the physical culture movement was gaining ground. A major change in sportswear took place in the early 1930s. This was the time when an English tennis player by the name of Henry Austin wore shorts for the first time at Wimbledon. The practice of dressing for the sport rather than trying to qualify as a gentleman or a gentlewoman started in the 1930s.

Work Out Gear

The Fitness Culture and Workout Clothes

According to research, over 25 per cent of the globe’s adult population workout either at gyms or health clubs or dance fitness centers or wellness centers.  Workout clothes have also evolved as a major accessory of this workout culture and is considered to be an essential part of healthy gym habits.

The points to keep in mind for choosing your workout gear

  • Ditch the 100 per cent cotton wear from your gym gear.
  • 100 percent cotton wear absorb the sweat during your workouts. Therefore, they tend to get heavy as your workout progresses. The heaviness of the workout wear impedes movement. Thus 100 percent cotton wear is a strict no-no when it comes to workout clothes. Additionally, you do not want to be the one who smells in a gym.
  • Always use fabrics that breathe as your work out gear.
  • It is almost a rule of thumb that your workout will involve stretching and contracting your muscles. Thus you should always make it a point to choose stretchable fabrics for your workout clothes.

Try to Dress in Layers When it Comes to Your Workout Clothes

Working Out with the Right Dress

You are the most susceptible to an injury at the beginning of your workout. Avoid putting on a heavy top. Try to dress in layers so that you can take your jacket off after your warm-ups. Remember that you sweat during your workouts and there are many instances of cramps after the workout. These happen due to getting too cold when the sweat is exposed to air. Ensure that you slip back into your jacket after the workout. This is especially applicable if you are working out outdoors.

Your Workout Clothes Have to Match with the Season

This is more applicable to you if you play seasonal sports. Your workout clothes have to match with the season.

Choose Light Fabrics For the Hot Summer Months

It is a good idea for you to choose not only light breathable fabrics but also light colors for the summer months. Dress in clothes that are comfortable and allow freedom of movement. Additionally, light colors are considered the appropriate fashion for the summer months.

You Can Also Choose Workout Gear which Can Hold a Bottle

Hydration is important in the summer months. You can choose a workout gear that allows you to carry a bottle of water. This is especially relevant in the summer months.

Do Not Let Your Workout Clothes Stifle You in Winter

You need to keep in mind that you will be getting your heart rate up during the exercise session. The body will generate more and more heat as the exercise session progresses.  Dress in layers and remove the layers as you get warmer. Do not get so warm that you get afflicted with hyperthermia. Also remember to put your outer layers on, once your exercise session is over. Remember to cover your ears and head, if the weather is that cold.

Your Workout Gear Should Protect You From the Elements

Work out gear for winter

If the weather is wet and windy, your workout gear should be able to protect you. Ensure that you shop for workout appropriate gear. This is especially if you run outdoors as part of your workout.

Your Gym Gear Should be Able to Wick Away Sweat

You have a wide choice of breathable fabrics that are capable of wicking away sweat from your body. Fabrics that wick away sweat help it to evaporate quickly. This keeps your body cool. Avoiding hyperthermia during exercise is more important than you think.

Pay Attention to the Fit and Comfort of Your Gym Gear

You should feel like working out in your gym gear. Your workout clothes should be comfortable. Choose colors and fit according to your body image and personal style. You may prefer workout clothes that are comfortable and covers your body. You may choose to allow you to show the shape and contour of your muscles.

When Arnold Schwarzenegger realized that he had weak calves, he cut the bottom off his sweat pants to expose his weakness and embarrass himself. This motivated him to train his calves hard and make them his strong point. This is also a route you can take. It depends on your personal choice.

If You are a Woman, Take the Time to Choose Your Sports Bra

Studies have shown that over 40 percent of women wear the wrong size bra. Women should look for a good sports bra. These provide great support and freedom of movement.

If You are a Man, Pay Attention to Choose the Right Cup Size Undergarment

You should look for an appropriate protective cup size for your workout. This is more relevant if your workout involves a contact sport. This is not uncommon with the increasing popularity of MMA as a sport and as a workout.

Differentiate BetweenComfortable Form Fit and the Feeling of Asphyxiation

Bodybuilder Johnnie Jackson severely injured himself when he attempted a 900-pound power- lifting squat wearing tight clothing. This was designed to help his squat. The clothing was so tight that he lost feeling in his legs at the bottom of the squat.

There are tight stretchable fabrics that are designed to help you get additional leverage. However, they can also get too tight and cut off circulation. You should be able to feel the difference between what is appropriately tight and what is too tight and asphyxiating.

Your Gym Gear Should Include the Right Footwear

Your gym footwear should be flexible and should not break when bent. Studies have shown that people who have worn boots with rigid metal-supported soles for six months or more have lost more than 20 percent of their ankle flexibility. Make sure you wear comfortable athletic footwear that is flexible and support your feet and ankles.


Keep the saying in mind that health is wealth. Keep these tips in mind while shopping for your workout gear. Stay consistent with the workout program. You are on your way to health, wealth, and happiness.