Things to Keep in Mind Before Starting a Vegan Diet

When following a vegan diet, keep certain aspects in mind so that you can extract the most benefits out of it. Read about them from here.

Scientist Nikola Tesla was a strong proponent of the vegan diet. He felt that sunlight is the main source of energy. Plants synthesize the sunlight to form chlorophyll and that is the preferred source of energy.

 He was of the opinion that animal proteins were an inferior source of energy.The sages, the saints, and the spiritually oriented people have always followed the vegan diet for health and happiness.

Are Scientists and Saints the Only Vegan Diet Proponents?

No. In a recent video on YouTube, Arnold Schwarzenegger regrets the fact that he did not follow a vegan diet during his bodybuilding career. He also mentioned that the Olympic athletes of the ancient era were mostly vegetarians. Mr. Universe 1953 Bill Pearl has been vegan for a long time and celebrated his 90th birthday on this 31st of October 2020.

 In the 1953 IFBB Mr. Universe in London, Bill Pearl defeated a then-unknown bodybuilder from Scotland to emerge as the overall winner. The unknown bodybuilder from Scotland was Sean Connery who later went on to play the part of James Bond in the movies. There are many bodybuilders and strength athletes who are embracing the vegan diet after knowing its benefits.

Things to Keep in Mind Before Starting a Vegan Diet

When you are starting a vegan diet, you should keep some important things in mind. In order to know about those things, you can go through the discussion below:

1. Vegan Diets Can Make you Feel Happier

Vegan Diet

According to studies, following a vegan diet changes the psychology of a person and makes him or her go through deeper neurological changes which cause him or her to deal with life more effectively. Research on people who have switched to vegan diets has shown that they feel lighter and more spiritually awakened when they switch to a vegan diet. 

2. You Can Make the Switch a Gradual One 

An important aspect of any diet is not to feel deprived. You don’t need to go to sleep at night as a non-vegetarian and wake up vegan in the morning. Make the process a gradual one. You can start by adding more and more plant-based foods to your diet. Gradually you can make animal proteins your side dish. Slowly you can make small increments to the vegetarian portion of your diet and eliminate animal protein.

3. Get Creative. Learn About Great Vegetarian Recipes

Learn about vegetarian dishes from across the world and widen your choice of dishes which are healthy as well as vegan. Getting information is not at all difficult.

4. Get into Vegan Groups

Vegan Diet is Good for Your Health

Going vegan is presently a movement. Studies have shown that people listen to their peer groups more than anything else in the world. Getting into vegan groups is easier than you think. The fear of not being able to go out with your group of meat-eating friends will be quickly taken care of. 

5. Be Prepared to Read Food Labels

In case you are committed to being vegan, reading food labels and checking ingredients has to be inculcated into a habit. The reason is that animal protein and fats can lurk below the surface. Just because a food product is not openly non-vegan, it does not mean that it is vegan food. Gelatin is derived from meat. There are food colorings that are derived from insects and animals.

6. Be Mentally Prepared to Love Vegetables

You have to think positively. Think of the wider variety of vegetables that you will be eating. You have to make that paradigm shift towards savoring the color, shape, and aroma of exotic vegetables. Make the effort to let the taste of the vegetables grow on you. Remember that veggies are packed with Vitamins A, Vitamin K, minerals like potassium, calcium, etc. They keep your calories in check too. 

7. Make a 6-Month Commitment

Tasty Vegan Diet

Make a 6-month commitment to making your meals progressively more vegan. You will have to make sure that you get all the nutrients you need on a vegan diet. It is important to eat balanced meals that include a variety of healthy foods. You can get all your protein and fibre requirements from beans. Yellow vegetables are a good source of Vitamin B. Leafy green vegetables are a great source of Vitamins A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, etc. Make sure that you enjoy your meals and choose the products in different colours. Tomatoes are rich in Lycopene. It is good for the heart.

8. Finding Out What a Good Vegetarian Meal is

A good vegetarian meal would include assorted sautéed vegetables of different colors along with brown rice or quinoa with seasonings to make it taste great. This will give you all your protein and vitamin requirements without additional calories. The key here is to know about the benefits of various vegetables and create a recipe that is both healthy and tasty. 

9. You Will still be able to Eat at Your Favorite Restaurants

Fortunately, veganism is now a popular movement. The veganism movement is popular and is gaining ground rapidly. Almost every restaurant is adding to the choices in its vegan menu. 

10. Inform the Restaurant about your Vegan Status

  • You must inform the waiter about your vegan status. Many restaurants use common chicken stock to cook. Something non-vegan may be lurking under the surface of a vegan dish.
  • Replace bread with whole grains.
  • Limiting or cutting out refined grains such as white pasta, white bread for whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa is a smart choice you should make. This will add fiber, Vitamin B to your diet. The additional roughage will also smoothen bowel movements.

11. Your Knowledge of Nutrients Will Count

Healthy Diet

Let us take the issue of getting calcium from vegan food sources as an example. The key to getting enough calcium is eating a variety of naturally calcium-rich foods such as kale, almonds, figs, dates, soya beans, oranges, etc. Knowledge is equated with power. This applies to your vegan meal-planning too.


It is difficult to break the usual response to the smells and flavors of non-vegetarian food. Studies have shown that people taste food with their eyes, followed by their nose and then with their tongues. It is easy to recreate the flavors and textures of meat in vegan food. You will be surprised to know that you might even be spoilt for choices. Even micro-waved watermelon has the same texture as meat.We suggest that ride the vegan bandwagon. Take it slow. Do it one step at a time. 

How Meditation Can Help You to Stay Fit?

Meditation has a number of benefits and it ensures that you stay fit and active throughout the day. So do practise meditation everyday.

Meditation is the journey inward. It is your journey towards your true inner self at the present moment. It is also about finding happiness inside you. 

Argument Against Meditation

The argument against meditation was that the studies did not use control groups or placebos. Therefore, participants had temporary relief. Moreover, this could have been provided by other techniques. These include relaxation, massage therapy, listening to humorous comedic speeches. These also induced laughter, working out, etc.

Human Beings are Social Animals

As human beings are social animals, therefore, rarely does a person in a group undergoing therapy of any kind give any negative feedback about any stress relief procedure. So, many sceptics argued about the lack of scientific proof that meditation is superior to any other relaxation technique. 

Arguments for Daily Meditation

According to a recent study published in Biological Psychiatry, it has been found that meditation has a permanent positive effect on a person. This is because it rewires the brain to be happy.

What do the Researchers say?

Man Meditating

The researchers concluded that the changes in the brain contributed to the subsequent reduction in inflammation. The study, therefore, concluded that general relaxation techniques do help reduce stress. But the relief is only temporary. The practice of meditation for three consecutive days permanently rewired the brain. This also helped in improving the cognitive function of reducing stress levels.

After 120 days of the core activity of the study, the group which had practised mindfulness meditation showed significantly lower levels of unhealthy stress-related inflammation. This is in comparison to the control group which was given relaxation therapy. Additionally, very few of the mindfulness meditation group were continuing the practice of mindfulness meditation. 

The Need to Meditate Daily

As aforesaid, the practice of meditation takes us closer to vibrating in the same frequency common to all living and non-living beings in the universe at large. The daily practice also enhances our meditative skills. This also rewires our brain towards health, wealth, as well as happiness.

Meditation Is a Skill That Improves with Practice

Meditation is a skill that unites a person’s mind, body, and soul to the mind, body, and soul of the universe. It, therefore, helps the person discover his or her true self. You can improve this skill with practice, like any other skill. Most people, however, tend to neglect it due to its simplicity. People normally associate problem-solving with expensive and complicated solutions.

Human Beings Are One with the Universe

Woman Meditating

All beings, living or non-living, vibrate at multiple frequencies. Traditional Yogis or teachers believe that a human being is capable of vibrating at a certain frequency. This is also common to all the living and non-living beings in the universe. That requires the great practice of meditation. Very few human beings are capable of achieving such levels of meditative powers.

There are a number of advantages to meditation. To know about them, you can go through the points below:

1. Meditation Makes the Person More Empathetic Towards the Environment

Once a person begins to feel that he or she is as much a part of the universe as much as the universe is a part of him. He or she realizes the frivolity of selfishness. Thus he or she responds to his environment with positivity and gets positivity in return from his environment.

The regular practice of meditation enhances this relationship and the human being and the universe at large begin to vibrate beautifully as one being. The human being realizes that whatever is happening is happening for the good. The bad situation that may have occurred now is temporary.

2. Enhances Problem Solving Ability and Reduces the Fear of Dealing with Adversities

Research on both transcendental and mindful meditation has shown that once a person realizes that whatever is happening is happening for the good, he or she can see positivity and opportunities even in both problems and also adversities. Most of you know that stress is the body’s response to unforeseen adversities. Meditation rewires the person to see that he or she has nothing to fear. Adversities do not exist in his or her book.

3. Allows a Person to Realize his Intrinsic Values

Meditation allows a person to travel inward towards his or her core spiritual being in the present moment and find happiness there. Research reports on meditation also point to the fact that meditation improves self-image. Additionally, it brings about a deep sense of self-worth. A 2015 study found that regular practice of meditation significantly decreases the likelihood of developing mental health issues. 

4. Reduces and Even Eliminates Diseases

Recent survey reports on meditation show that both adults and children who practice meditation have significantly fewer instances of physical and also mental disorders. A study by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health concluded that mindfulness meditation also significantly reduces the body’s pain sensations. 

5. Improves Relationships

Research has shown that couples who meditate have significantly fewer chances of separation or divorce. This is in comparison to couples who do not meditate. The feeling of unity between the couples is also greater. Moreover, there are fewer instances of arguments and resentful behaviour. They not only feel one with each other but also at one with the universe at large.

6. Helps You to Deal with ADHD

According to researchers, meditation improves attention and also focus. A recent study on ADHD patients showed that meditation practice significantly reduced their hyperactivity. It also enhanced the control of their impulses. Further brain examinations found that patients who meditated had more gyrification. This also helps the brain to process information faster and improve selective attention and focus.

7. Improves Sleep

Meditation is Important

Recent studies have shown that meditating at night helps people with insomnia and sleep disorders. According to a 2011 study by the University of Massachusetts Medical School, the quality of sleep of subjects who practised bedtime meditation was significantly much better than people who did not meditate. 


Meditation benefits us in an array of ways. We, therefore, suggest that you keep it simple. Try to allocate two 5 minute sessions per day. One session once you wake up and another session before you go to bed. Additionally, you will also have to remember to do it daily. It is important to keep your base requirement at two five minute sessions. If you want, keep total ten-minute commitment every day. This will keep you from stressing out about meditation and additionally, you will also end up doing it.

Best Kettlebell Exercises For Women

The best kettlebell exercises will ensure that you are in the best shape and so, you should start working out now without further delay.

Women usually train to get leaner and fitter. Kettlebell training offers the benefits of weight training along with cardiovascular training. 

Kettlebell Training Burns More Calories

The Kettlebell exercises engage the full body synergistically like cardio. Kettlebell training not only burns more calories than traditional barbell exercises but also burns almost the same amount of calories as high-intensity cardio. 

Here is a list of the best kettlebell exercises for women.

1.Kettlebell Farmers Carry Supersetted with Two Arms Overhead Kettlebell Lunge

Kettlebell Exercises for Women

A superset is a pair of two exercises done back to back to increase the intensity of the workout. Kettlebell farmers carry improves the grip strength and engages the trapezius muscles of the upper body strength. You can take a brief walk to warm up and then start your kettlebell workout with the kettlebell farmers carry as your first exercise. 

Muscles engaged: 

  • The kettlebell farmer’s walk is a full-body functional exercise primarily focusing on Trapezius, forearm flexors, quadriceps, and calves.
  • The two-arm overhead kettlebell lunge is a full-body movement but targets the shoulders, quadriceps, calves. It also engages the serratus muscles and increases mobility for the overhead squat.
  • These two exercises done back to back delivers a challenging workout for the cardiovascular system. 

Exercise execution: 

  • Stand with your feet hip-distance apart and hold one kettlebell in each hand at your sides. 
  • You can either walk with the kettlebell or you can do a stationary farmer’s walk by lifting one leg off the ground and bringing your knee to hip height. Then you can bring the leg down and lift the other leg to hip height and bring it down. This completes one repetition. 
  • Continue alternating sides. Ensure that you are standing tall with your chest and back upright.
  • After completing 15 repetitions for each leg start doing the two arms overhead kettlebell lunge.
  • Bend over slightly and snatch the two kettlebells first to shoulder level and then lift them up and overhead. 
  • Maintain that static position and take a big step forward while keeping the torso straight. 
  • Lunge down slowly. Push back up to the initial position and do the same on the opposite leg. Alternate between legs.
  • Do 15 repetitions with each leg.
  • Rest for 30 seconds and repeat the superset. 

2. The Turkish Get-Up

Know about Kettlebell exercises

The Turkish get-up engages the core muscles and is a movement that mimics getting up from lying in the ground. The ability to do the Turkish get-up movement carries over directly to getting up from a ground position in grappling sports. According to research, a hip fracture results in the most serious of all consequences. Therefore, getting up from a fall has an application in everyday life too.

Muscles Engaged: 

Engages the full anterior chain while primarily engaging the Rectus abdominis, serratus, obliques, quads, and shoulders.

Exercise execution: 

  • Lie on your back in a starfish position with your legs straight out at a 45-degree angle and arms out at a 45-degree angle.
  • Bend your right leg and place your right foot flat on the floor a few inches from your butt and outside your hip. 
  • Bring your right arm which is holding the kettlebell straight up toward the ceiling, keeping your knuckles pointing straight toward the ceiling.  
  • Raise the weight above the chest until the arm is straight but not locked at the elbow. Push into the left forearm to sit up. Rise onto left palm, lift hips off the floor, and slide left leg behind body until kneeling on the left knee with shin parallel to the top of the mat. 
  • Sweep left foot back behind the body to come into kneeling lunge with both legs bent at 90 degrees. Push through your feet to stand bringing feet together under hips. Reverse the entire movement to return to start. 
  • Repeat with the other side. 

3.The Kettlebell Push Press 

Increases explosive shoulder strength with synergistic help from the hips and legs.

Muscles engaged:

Primarily front delt and traps with synergistic help from the lower body and core.

Exercise execution:

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a kettlebell with your palms facing in, arms bent, with the kettlebell in a rack position resting on your chest.
  • Bend your knees just a few inches and explode up from the ground to straighten the legs and press the weight straight up overhead.
  • Bring the kettlebell back to your chest in a rack position, bend your knees, and repeat.

4.The Kettlebell Thruster

Kettlebell Exercises

The Kettlebell thruster is a power exercise for legs and shoulders and challenges the cardiovascular system significantly if done for 15 repetitions and above.

Muscles engaged:

Builds balance and power from the ground up while primarily working the explosive strength and coordination of the legs, core, and the deltoid-trapezius complex. 

Exercise execution: 

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart in a stance which will enable you to explore.
  • Hold a kettlebell with the left hand in a rack position and focus on exploding the kettlebell upward using strength from the feet.
  • Extend the right arm in front of you while making a fist with your right hand. 
  • Keep your chest high, sit into your heels to get into a squat position. 
  • Explode back up using your legs and shoulders to press the kettlebell overhead. 
  • Complete 15 repetitions with one and repeat with the other arm.
  • This completes one set.

5. The Kettlebell Swing

The kettlebell swing is an explosive posterior chain movement and probably the most popular kettlebell exercise.

Muscles Engaged:

Primarily engages the posterior chain and the forearm flexors.

Exercise execution:

  • Start with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, hips back, knees slightly bent, leaning forward at 45 degrees holding the handle of a reasonably heavy kettlebell with both hands.
  • Your arms should be extended straight toward the floor and the kettlebell should be between your knees. 
  • In one fluid motion, power up the kettlebell keeping the arms straight.
  • The power should come from your posterior chain.
  • You can alternate the kettlebell swing with the kettlebell squatting and pressing movements even if it means doing the kettlebell swing for a very high number of sets in a workout.

6.The Curl to Squat and Press

Muscles Engaged:

The curl to squat and press works the biceps, quads, and shoulders in one exercise. This exercise requires a very patient and smooth execution.

Exercise execution:

  • Start by taking a kettlebell in each hand with arms extended toward the floor with the palms facing away from the body. 
  • Take a comfortable squat stance and squat down.
  • Sitting in the squat position, curl the kettlebells to shoulder level. 
  • Then squat up and press the pair of kettlebells up overhead in one smooth motion.
  • Doing 15 or more repetitions of this movement is a challenging aerobic workout too.

7. The One Arm Kettlebell Floor Press Supersetted with the Single-Leg Kettlebell Row

Muscles Engaged:

This superset of two exercises done back-to-back uses your arm extensor muscles in a lying position to press the kettlebell up and then requires you to get up, balance yourself on the leg and perform a row which engages your core and works your body’s pulling muscles i.e. your back, biceps and forearm flexors. 

The Kettlebell Floor Press Exercise Execution: 

  • Lie face-up with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. 
  • Hold a kettlebell with one hand with the bell above your elbow and place the other hand on the ground to the side with the palm facing down. 
  • Press the kettlebell above your chest and then bring it back down to the starting position. 
  • Complete 8 repetitions with one arm and repeat with the other arm.
  • Move to the next exercise in the superset

The Single-Leg Kettlebell Row Exercise Execution:

  • Start by standing up with feet shoulder-width apart while holding a kettlebell in each hand, palms facing the body. 
  • Transfer your body weight onto the left leg, extend your right leg behind body and lower your torso and weight toward the ground. 
  • Keep lowering yourself till you feel your upper body and right leg are parallel to the floor. 
  • Maintain this position and perform 15 repetitions of kettlebell rows with both arms.
  • Repeat the entire movement from the start while keeping your right leg on the floor.  
  • Catch your breath and move back to the kettlebell floor press.


So here is our list of the best Kettlebell exercises for women. The exercises done correctly will whip you into top shape in no time. So without further delay start with the kettlebell exercises now.

7 Reasons Why You Need a Personal Trainer

Getting a Personal Trainer will be immensely helpful. So make sure that you hire a personal trainer who will help you in your workouts.

Do you need an expert personal trainer?

To answer this question, let us take a look at what the expert advice of a personal trainer did to the greatest bodybuilder in the world. 

How Personal Trainers Can Prevent You from Over Reaching?

Personal Trainer

Lofty exercise goals can be a double-edged sword. A person can get more and more obsessed with their looks and can also begin to abuse their training and diet.A skinny person tends to see himself or herself as skinny long after he or she has gained adequate muscle to fill out his or her frame.

Another spectrum of this is thatpeople who were once overweight, tend to obsess over losing weight long after they have achieved a healthy body weight. A good personal trainer can provide the correct feedback regarding the body and design the correct exercise program for the person to achieve his or her goals.

Understanding Bigorexia or Anorexia

There are extreme cases of these two phenomenons which are known as Bigorexia or anorexia. Let’s take the example of a skinny kid, weighing 120 lb or 54.43 kg, who starts working out to gain some muscle. He puts on muscle after years of hard training and transforms himself into a 250 lb or 113.4 kg behemoth. However, he still continues to be mentally caught in a time warp. He feels small and skinny even at 250lb plus pounds of body weight and continues to force-feed himself. This condition is known as muscle dysmorphia or bigorexia.

It is an anxiety disorder that causes a person to see himself or herself as small, despite being very big and muscular. You can also refer to this condition as reverse anorexia. There is also the case of anorexia nervosa. Here you tend to have an intense fear that you might gain weight. To prevent weight gain or to continue losing weight, people with anorexia tend to severely restrict the amount of food they eat. 

Anorexics may go to the extent of inducing vomiting by putting their fingers inside their throats through their mouths after eating. They may also use laxatives, diet aids, diuretics, or enemas.

Benefits of Personal Trainer

Advantages of a Personal Trainer

When Arnold Schwarzenegger came to the United States in 1968 after becoming the youngest man to win the Amateur Mr.Universe, he expected to be known as Mr.Big arms or Mr.Universe. However, experts trainer like Joe Gold and Vince Gironda pointed out the lack of muscle definition in his body rather than appreciating his huge physique. 

Joe Gold gave Arnold the name, “Balloon Belly”. It was probably at this point that Arnold Schwarzenegger realized that he had a relatively short torso. His arms and legs are long. More importantly, he did not have a very narrow waist, and his relatively short torso only had a four-pack and not a six-pack. 

He developed a posing routine with twisting and lunging poses so that the judges saw only three-quarters of his waist in most of his poses. He worked with a ballet dancer to refine his movements on stage. Schwarzenegger did this to draw attention to his legendary chest and biceps and take the attention off his four-pack waist. 

1. A Personal Trainer is Your Expert Third Eye

Personal Trainer for your workout

Unfortunately, we are all caught in a time warp. Additionally, human beings are said to be a creature of habit. A human is unable to see his or her correct image as his or her emotional baggage comes in the way. This is where a personal trainer can help. A personal trainer can give you the correct feedback regarding your body. He or she can design the correct workout program to get you to your goals.

2. You Can Zero Out Your Life Goals

There is a famous movie star who lost his father in his teen years. He started his uphill struggle with his mother providing him with the emotional support. However, he received a jolt again when his mother passed away when he was in his twenties and the middle of his struggling days. He struggled on and emerged as one of the major stars. He also went to become one of the richest actors in the world. During his mid-thirties, he hired a personal trainer long before who took care of his workout goals. The actor is looking fitter in his mid-fifties than what he used to look like in his mid-thirties. 

The point is that a person of this caliber who struggled his way to the top to achieve stardom could have figured out his way to build his physique. However, he downloaded the responsibility of his physique goals to an expert trainer. He focused absolutely on his life goals of becoming one of the biggest movie stars in the world. This smart decision to hire an expert personal trainer, long before it was fashionable, might have contributed significantly to his super success.

3. You Can Work as a Team with a Personal Trainer

Get a personal trainer

Even champion bodybuilders like Dexter Jackson work under expert personal trainers. Dexter Jackson is a former Mr.Olympia winner. As aforesaid, Mr.Olympia is the highest professional bodybuilding competition. Dexter Jackson, of all people, should not need a personal trainer.

However, research has shown that every great achiever needs a great team. Personal trainers can be part of a team of supportive people who helps a person achieve his or her goals. Even Dexter Jackson, the oldest Mr.Olympia competitor works under Charles Glass and George Farah as trainers so that he is part of a great team.

4. Personal Trainers Can Help Fight Loneliness and Induced Depression

Research has shown that human beings naturally seek the companionship of others as part of their well being. This was said thousands of years ago by the famous Greek philosopher Aristotle that human beings are essentially social animals. It is true of human beings today as it was thousands of years ago.

In the performance-driven and competitive world of today, loneliness induced depression is the fastest growing disease. Your peers and colleagues are also your competitors. Therefore, your peers cannot be your friend at all times. 

Your schedule might not match with friends who do not connect with you in the professional world. This can put unnecessary demands on your time and can hinder your professional goals. This is where professionals like personal trainers, life coaches, and image consultants can step in to act as your friend, philosopher, and guide.

5. Personal Trainers can Help You Push Harder

Get a personal trainer

Despite all the knowledge and resources in the world, people often do not see results because they are not able to push themselves hard when they are all by themselves. It is easy to back off or slack off. This is especially true on the days that you are feeling low or tired. A good personal trainer can remind you of your goals on a bad day and prevent you from procrastinating or missing a workout. 

Additionally, an expert personal trainer can step in to help you. They will help you to get forced repetitions or strip plates off the barbell to help you do drop sets. They can add to the intensity of the exercise program which is impossible to do by yourself.


All personal trainers are not equal. The personal trainers can have various specializations. It can range from CrossFit to callisthenics and from powerlifting to martial art and so on. Our advice is to choose a personal trainer whose specialization matches your goals and who you feel comfortable working with.   

Best Workout Drinks that will Keep you Hydrated and Energized

Workout drinks are extremely important as they keep you hydrated and help you to stay active and energetic throughout the day.

According to research, the human brain is over 70 per cent water, while the human skin is over 60 per cent water. Additionally, the human lungs are comprised of over 80 per cent water, the human muscles and kidneys are over 75 per cent water. Even the human bone has more than 30 per cent water. The body needs plenty of water to carry out many important functions. Today, we are going to learn about the same and how you can aid to that with the help of various workout drinks.

Why do we Need to Hydrate our Bodies?   

Health Drinks

The human body needs water to balance the internal temperature, producing saliva, lubricating joints, keeping cells alive, flushing out waste and toxins, etc. An average human being cannot survive more than 3 days without water. Water is of major importance to all living beings. After all, the human body consists of more than 60 per cent water.

Why do we Need to Hydrate our Bodies?   

Every day, an average human being must consume a certain amount of water to survive. As aforesaid, an average human being can only survive 72 hours without water. However, this minimum level of water consumption varies according to age, gender, climate, activity levels, season, temperature, etc.

An adult male needs about 3 liters of water per day while an adult female needs about 2.5 liters per day. All of the water that a person need does not have to come from health drinks and plain water as some of this water is contained in the food we eat. However, people who workout need much more water than sedentary individuals.

Best Workout Drinks for Your Body 

Here is a list of the best workout drinks for health, wellbeing, and fitness. Reach out for these 7 drinks after your workout and your fit and healthy body will thank you for it.  

1. Case for Chocolate Carbs

Hydrating Drinks

Hard workouts use glycogen stores in our bodies. According to nutritional research, chocolate milk has double the carbohydrates compared to its plain counterpart and is a great choice for replenishing the body’s glycogen stores. It is the perfect choice for a post-workout recovery drink.

Consuming carbs after exercise not only replenishes the muscles by replacing the glycogen stores but it also has a protein-sparing effect. This protein-sparing effect is mentioned in Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding. It is best to pair carbs with protein for the best post-workout drink. Chocolate milk is a smart choice for its high water content minerals such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

Chocolate milk is particularly helpful for endurance athletes. Research conducted in the year 2010 demonstrated clearly that chocolate milk improved recovery and performance in cyclists more than isocaloric carbohydrate drinks. Another 2011 study showed that chocolate milk consumers combated exercise-induced dehydration more effectively than those who drank water.

2. GreenTea for Antioxidants

Research has shown that drinking green tea enhances fat oxidation. It has also been observed that green tea has a calming effect on the nerves which are excited after a workout. Green tea is also rich in antioxidants.

Antioxidants help scavenge the free radicals which are produced by the human body. The relaxing cup of tea has more benefits than you may have perceived. The high levels of antioxidants in green tea also help reduce muscle soreness.

Research conducted on male athletes discovered deeper benefits of drinking tea after intense sprints. Their bloodwork done on the athletes showed that they had higher antioxidant levels and lower cortisol levels after consuming tea rich in the antioxidant. The cortisol hormone is associated with muscle breakdown and reducing cortisol levels is an important aspect of recovery from workouts. 

3. Sports Drinks to Replace Body Electrolytes

Avocado Drinks

It is well known that electrolytes are important for making the body function optimally. The electrolytes in the sports drinks go a long way in keeping the body functioning optimally. The sports drinks are tasty and can be used for intra workout nutrition.

Bodybuilder Milos Sarcev is a strong proponent of intra workout replenishment. He is still in great shape despite being over fifty and he knows what he is talking about when it comes to training and nutrition. However, it is advisable that you take a look at the sugar, carb, and calorie content of your sports drink before making your choice. 

4. Fresh Fruit Juice and Mocktails

If you are a person who has a special fondness for natural products, then fruit juice is the best option for you. Fruit juice contains more than 80 per cent water and that makes it a great hydrating option after a workout. If you use fruit juices for Intra workout replenishment, make sure that you add water as fruit juices like guava are thicker than sports drinks and might cause a feeling of heaviness when used as an intra-workout drink. However, you have to ensure that you are choosing 100 per cent fruit juice.

Keep in mind that juices may be packed with added sugar which not only adds calories but also inhibits hydration. You can also use your own kitchen’s freshly squeezed juices. Be mindful of the fact that freshly squeezed juices from your kitchen will spoil very quickly at room temperature. If you fancy yourself as a gourmet chef of sorts, you can also make a mocktail with your favorite juices.

5. Cherry Juice Solution for Your Tired Muscles

Energizing Drinks

Research has shown that cherry juice is not only rich in antioxidants but is also great for reducing inflammation. It is a great choice for countering your DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). A study on athletes concluded that using cherry juice as a pre-workout and a post-workout drink enabled faster muscle recovery compared to a placebo.

The study also found that cherry juice not only increased antioxidants but also enhanced lipid peroxidation. Make sure that you reach out for the unsweetened version of cherry juice to get all the benefits without the additional calories. 

6. Coconut Water as One of Your Best Workout Drinks

We all know the many benefits of coconut water, including its high level of antioxidants and nutrients. So, of course, it’s no shocker that it isone of the best post-workout beverage too. Like most popular workout drinks, coconut water contains high levels of electrolytes such as potassium and magnesium.

There are a lot of benefits that are not known about coconut water. A study found that coconut water was more beneficial than sports drinks for preventing muscle cramps due to its rich natural potassium and magnesium content. Coconut water also contains less sodium than regular sports drinks. Endurance athletes might consider adding a pinch of good high-quality salt to make up for the lack of sodium in coconut water.

The main reason for coconut water’s benefit in preventing muscle cramps is the naturally occurring potassium and magnesium. The potassium and magnesium content ratio has to be balanced to prevent cramps. In the case of coconut water, the potassium and magnesium ratio is balanced by mother nature.

It is common knowledge that there is no better nutritionist than mother nature herself. Natural drinks like fruit juices and coconut water tend to make the user a little heavy and bloated when used as an intro workout drink when compared to sports drinks. It is advisable to dilute it if you are using it for the first time as an intra workout drink.

7. Whey Protein Mixed with Fruit Juice and Water

Energizing Drinks

You can also consider a whey protein drink mixed with fruit juice and water. However, you should note that protein has a slightly dehydrating effect. To counter it, you can add fruit juice and water. This will give you a great mix of fast-acting proteins, fast carbs, vitamins, and minerals. This intra workout drink will not only readily replenish your glycogen stores but will also prevent muscle breakdown. This is a fantastic choice for an intro workout drink.


No matter what drink you choose for a pre-workout, Intra workout or post-workout drinks, keep in mind that your body is over 60 per cent water. Ensure that you always stay hydrated. Make your choice of hydration a healthy one.

The Best Breathing Exercises for Your Lungs

Exercises for Lungs are essential because if they are done with the right intensity, they will improve the capacity of your lungs.

The cells in our body need oxygen to function properly. Breathing is the function by which oxygen is fed to every cell in the body. Without sufficient oxygen supply, our bodies are prone to respiratory illnesses, heart disease, etc. Our lung capacity is the total amount of air that our body can hold. Our lungs operate at only 50 per cent of their capacity when we are at rest or during most of our daily activities. 

Why do we Need to Exercise our Lungs?

According to experts, our lungs thrive on movement, exercise, and activity. The human body is an amazing machine. Challenge it with a tough workout. Give it adequate rest and nutrition. It will not only adapt to the challenge but will soon be ready for a tougher challenge at a higher level of intensity. We need to challenge the lungs progressively intense activity. Then feed the body and give it time to adapt and excel beyond limits we thought was previously possible. Lung exercises counteract the build-up of toxins in the lungs caused by environmental pollutants, allergens, cigarette smoke, dust, etc. 

More importantly, exercise releases a chemical in the body known as endorphin. Endorphin is a natural chemical of the body which is structurally very similar to morphine. Endorphins cause mood elevation. Thus, exercise is a healthy addiction that helps the body. 

How do the Breathing Exercises Help our Lungs?

Controlled Breathing

When our lungs are healthy, breathing is natural and easy. We breathe in and out with our diaphragm doing a major share of the work to expand and fill our lungs and then contracting to send the waste gas out. Lung rehabilitation experts compare the process to a screen door with a spring that opens wide, then closes and the process keeps repeating itself. The lung function has been compared to the springy door’s function of opening and closing. However, our springy door lungs tend to lose that springiness. 

As the lungs lose their springiness, they are unable to expand to the same level when we breathe in and there is a build-up of stale air which leaves less space for the diaphragm to contract and bring in fresh oxygen. When the diaphragm does not work to its full capacity, our body starts to compensate by using other muscles in the neck, back, and chest for breathing. This creates a situation where we have lower than optimal oxygen levels in the body. 

With regular and progressive breathing exercises, we can not only get rid the lungs of accumulated stale air, but we can also increase oxygen levels and get the diaphragm to function at greater levels. 

Why you Should Start your Breathing Exercises Today?

The function and the capacity of our lungs typically decrease slowly as we age. Additionally, pollution and stress levels tend to speed up the process of decreasing lung functions. Lung conditions like Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) can significantly speed up these reductions in lung capacity and functioning. This leads to trouble in breathing and shortness of breath. The sooner you start arresting this negative development, the easier it will be for you to get your lungs in great shape. Realize the power of Breathing Exercises now. 

Some exercises can help maintain and increase lung capacity. Remember that when your breathing is difficult, your life becomes difficult. When you stop breathing, you stop living. Here is a list of exercises to do to improve it. Apart from the staple exercises, we have also listed breathing exercises for lungs borrowed from activities as Tabata cardio training and yoga.

1. Diaphragmatic Breathing

Exercises for your lungs

You should start by breathing in through your nose. Pay close attention to how your belly fills up with air. You have the option of putting your hands lightly on your stomach or placing a tissue box on it. This will enable you to be aware of your belly rising and falling. After breathing in your full capacity of air, breathe out through your mouth to empty your lungs. 

Repeat the process. Ensure that you keep your neck and shoulders relaxed during the exercise. Diaphragmatic breathing or belly breathing works the diaphragm, which does the heavy brick and mortar work when it comes to the process of breathing. 

This procedure is particularly helpful in people with COPD. The technique is best used when your body is in a resting posture.

2. Pursed-Lips Breathing

Pursed-lips breathing enables you to slow down your breathing, makes you aware of your body’s breathing mechanism, and also keeps your airways open for a longer duration. This makes it easier for your lungs to function. It also improves the process of exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your body. Pursed-lips breathing exercise is easier than diaphragmatic breathing exercises.

This exercise also reduces tension and anxiety. The pursed lips breathing exercise can also be done anywhere and at any time. It is advisable not to do this exercise in a polluted environment. To execute the pursed-lips breathing exercise, you have to start by inhaling slowly through your nostrils. Then you have to purse your lips as if you are pouting and breathe out as slowly as possible through pursed lips. 

The process of breathing out should take at least twice as long as the process of breathing. Repeat. As aforesaid, this exercise reduces the number of breaths you take and keeps your airways open longer. This enables more air to flow in and out of your lungs. In short, it is simply the process of breathing in through your nose and breathe out slowly through your mouth with pursed lips.

3.Interval Training

Lung Exercises

Since a person cannot operate at peak levels of exercise intensity for a long duration, interval training may be a better alternative to steady exercise. Interval training involves one bout of intense training and another bout of Low-Intensity training. Tabata is a form of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) that has not only been shown to increase lung capacity but has also been proved to give very good fat loss results.

In a Tabata workout, each round lasts four minutes. It requires 20 seconds of all-out intense exercise, followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated eight times. The name Tabata comes from a Japanese physician by the name of Dr. Izumi Tabata, who is credited with the invention of the Tabata system. However, we recommend that you exercise intensely for 20 to 30 seconds and lower your intensity for the next 40 to 60 seconds and repeat the cycle as many times as you want. 

4.Matsyasana/Fish Pose

This is a yoga exercise. Matsyasana can help in the balancing and distribution of oxygen in the body. It also enhances blood circulation and stimulates deep respiratory organs by stretching the lungs. The pose encourages deep breathing. 

The Matsyasana not only provides relief from respiratory disorders but also helps to relieve tension in the neck and shoulders. To execute the Matsyasana, you have to lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Then you have to lift your hips slightly and slide your hands under your hips. 

After this, you have to inhale deeply, bend your elbows, and push your upper body upward. Then you have to lower your head backwards while keeping the chest elevated. You can maintain the pose as long as you want while breathing in and out deeply. 


These exercises, if done progressively both in terms of time and intensity will enable you to push the capacity of your lungs beyond the limits you had thought possible.