Understanding The Benefits of Whole30 Diet

Following the Whole30 Diet for 30 days will help you to have a positive effect on your health. It focuses on having good quality food and lessens sugar intake.

The highly processed diet that we eat today triggers inflammation, subtle intolerances, and hormone imbalances. The combined effort of these three has a cascading effect on appetite, cravings, and health. This is the premise behind the Whole30 diet. It is a food reset that is mainly centred around eating only unprocessed or minimally processed whole foods.

What is a Whole30 Diet?

Whole30 Diet

Whole30 program is a way that helps you to put an end to the unhealthy cravings and habits and also help in restoring a healthy metabolism. It also helps in healing the digestive tract and balancing the immune system.

If you follow the Whole30 guidelines that include the cutting out of the foods, triggering inflammation, and the imbalances for 30 days, you will be able to calm your body. If you can eat clean for 30 days, you can either continue with the program or add restricted foods back to the diet. This way you will be able to find out which ones have subtle effects on your health.

Meals during the 30 days centres around vegetables, moderate amounts of proteins from poultry, seafood, eggs, meat, etc., healthy fats from foods like seeds, nuts, oil, olives, and avocados. Nut, glasses of milk and some kinds of butter are allowed along with herbs and spices. The foods that you should eliminate from your diet are as follows:

  • Alcohol
  • Dairy
  • Legumes, peas, and soy products
  • Grains (refined and whole)
  • Sugars and artificial sweeteners
  • Highly processed foods and foods with certain additives

In most cases, you will see that Whole30 is not marketed as a low carb diet, but if you eat following this plan, then the carbohydrate intake is certainly reduced. But eating certain fruits and starchy vegetables like sweet potatoes are encouraged during this period and therefore it is not as much scarce in carbs as the Keto diet or the Atkins diet. A typical Whole30 day can be broken up into something like 35% to 50% calories from carbs, 25% to 35% fat calories, and 25% to 35% calories from proteins.

Know the Benefits of Whole30 Diet

This is a plan that does not promise you weight loss outcomes. You will also not have to measure the number of calories. This diet plan simply encourages eating whole foods with certain ingredients most of which are unprocessed and natural.

When you are following the Whole30 diet, you will have to avoid the intake of processed food. Moreover, it is also necessary for you to read the labels when you are on this diet. Reading the labels will help you to know what you are eating. This program also encourages you to have meat, eggs, vegetables, seafood, nuts, oils, seeds, and also a very limited amount of fruits.

You need to avoid sugar and this includes both natural and artificial sugars. As per the Whole30 diet guide, sugar intake should not be more than 10% of your diet. These do not have much nutrient content and simply increase the number of calories in your diet. Fruit Juice, however, is an exception and you can include it in your diet plan.

There are several benefits of the Whole30 Diet and to know about it, you can go through the points mentioned below:

Will be Able to Sleep Longer

When sugar is out of your diet and protein is in, you can get a much more sound sleep.

Helps you to Get Consistent Energy

Benefits of Whole30 Diet

You will no longer have energy peaks and drops like a roller coaster. Once you start following this diet plan, you will become as energetic as a bullet train. Moreover, this energy will be consistent throughout.

Wake up Feeling much more Optimistic and Alert

There can be nothing better than waking up with a happy heart and a smiling face.

Problems Relating to the Digestive System Would Vanish

This Whole30 diet will make you completely forget about the tummy discomforts. Your gut will start feeling much better.

Will be able to Lead a Happier Life

When your blood sugar level drops and you no longer have health issues, you are certainly able to lead a much happier life.

Lead a Peaceful Life

When you consume a lot of sugar, the amount of anxiety and stress increases. But when sugar intake is reduced, the stress and the anxiety is certainly reduced. Thus, you can live a much calmer life.

You are Much More Clear Headed

By following the Whole30 diet, you can bid goodbye to brain fog and tip of the tongue syndrome.

Tend To Drink More Water

You do not drink sugary drinks anymore. You are thus able to drink much more water and this helps your body to function optimally.

Include More Vegetables In Your Diet

What is Whole30diet

When you are following this diet, you need to eat two to three cups of veggies each meal. So quite naturally, you can take in a lot of nutrients.

Savour Your Food Much More

If you have quality food, you will be able to appreciate its nutritive powers much more. You will also be able to enjoy its flavour. While eating you need to slow down a little and think how much nutrient is going into your body with each bite. This makes you feel stronger and it also tastes extremely good.

Feel the Difference Between Emotional Craving and Real Hunger

When you are distracted or stressed, you often tend to eat mindlessly. This is referred to as emotional appetite and this is quite junky. When you are on the Whole30 diet, your insulin level is very well managed and the level of sugar is much less. So, your appetite starts to diminish.

Your Favorite Food List Changes

Once you start with the Whole30 diet, then your list of favourites might change. There might be certain spices, vegetables, and meat preparations that would become your favourite. It is really exciting to think that you will have new taste sensations as certain food items like beans, dairy, grains will be completely diminished from your life. 


Whole30 Diet will help you to stay fit and healthy and the best part about this diet is that you no longer have to eat less to stay fit. You will simply have to eat good quality food.

Know About the Best Muscle Recovery Tips

Weight training only stimulates growth. Following the muscle recovery tips will help to speed up the muscle recovery process.

Training a muscle can only provide stimulation for it to grow but does not provide for growth. You should give adequate rest and nutrition to your trained muscles so that they can recover and grow. IFBB Mr.Olympia is the highest bodybuilding competition in the world. Therefore, you can safely consider Mr.Olympia winners to be the go-to person when it comes to training, muscle recovery, and muscle growth. Muscle recovery tips will help you recover your muscles.

Best Muscle Recovery Tips

Six times Mr. Olympia winner Dorian Yates, has compared the process of muscle building with the process of the skin thickening and forming calluses after rubbing it with sandpaper regularly. If you rub the sandpaper too lightly, it will not cause enough damage for the skin to respond by thickening itself. This is equivalent to your muscles not being stimulated enough due to a lack of intensity in your exercise regimen. 

If you rub it too hard, the skin might break and bleed. This can be equated to muscle injury rather than stimulation. Eight times Mr. Olympia Lee Haney has always preached that exercise should stimulate muscles and not annihilate them. So the idea of building muscles is to stimulate the muscle just enough for it to grow and let the muscle recover. Then stimulate the recovered muscles again with a higher level of intensity and let it recover again. 

Thus, this cycle of stimulating the muscles, letting the muscle recover, and then stimulating the muscle again and letting it recover is the path to muscle growth. This cycle repeated over months and years brings about significant changes in the body.

1. Controversial Thirty Minute Anabolic Window Theory

Muscle Recovery Tips

The anabolic window theory is based on replenishment of depleted glycogen stores in the muscle immediately after a workout. Research has shown that workouts use glycogen stores in the muscle. Glycogen stores are severely depleted after a workout. This theory claims that there is a thirty-minute anabolic window after a workout. Therefore, a combination of simple sugars should be ingested immediately after a workout. 

Additionally, proteins should also be included in the post-workout anabolic window replenishment to decrease muscle protein recovery. However, later research has shown that there is significant muscle protein breakdown and the body’s glycogen stores are extremely low if the person has trained in a fasted state. 

Training in a fasted state means training on an empty stomach before breakfast. Mr.Dorian Yates popularized fasted cardio to the bodybuilding world when his training video called Blood and Guts showed him at a bodyweight of almost 300 pounds of muscle walking his two boxer dogs for cardio. Further research showed that there is an increase in muscle protein synthesis up to 48 hours after a hard workout. 

So how do we use the controversial 30-minute anabolic window theory to speed up our muscle recovery?

Research has shown that the body is more conducive to the absorption of nutrients immediately after a workout. Therefore, make it a point to start replenishing immediately after a workout. Exactly what you have after a workout will depend on your goals.

Have a whey protein shake if your primary goal is muscle recovery and reduction of body fat. Extensive research on muscle recovery shows that drinking a whey protein shake will help. This is because it consists of fast-acting proteins after a workout helps reduce muscle protein breakdown. You can have the dual effect of enhancing your muscle recovery and starving your adiposity (body fat cells).

Protein also has a thermogenic effect on the body and helps to reduce body fat further. You can have slow-releasing carbohydrates like casein or oats with a few egg whites as your pre-workout meal about 2 hours before your workout. This will help you to fuel your workouts with the carbohydrate. 

Chug a mug chocolate milk immediately after your workout to speed up muscle recovery and to satisfy your cravings.

According to a path-breaking market research company called Brainjuicer, human beings are gloriously emotional and not rational decision-makers. The number one reason why people get morbidly obese is that humans overeat after emotional trauma. So how can we use this research? It is proven that we get an emotional boost when we have a tasty treat.

It is also proven that human beings have cravings. Thus the best time to give yourself an emotional boost and satisfying your cravings is the post-exercise meal. You can drink some chocolate milk. It will help your sugar cravings and also replenish the glycogen stores in your body to speed up your recovery. 

In case you are an athlete who trains twice a day, research has shown that drinking chocolate between two workouts is among the best ways to recover between two workouts. Dieting stresses the nervous system and including some delicious chocolate milk helps the psyche. You can also prepare your own home chocolate milk with milk, pure cocoa powder along with stevia or honey.

2. Be Sure to Keep your System Hydrated

Recovering your muscles

Muscle is 70 percent water. Our bodies are also about 70 percent water. Water is important. Be sure to keep your system hydrated. Drink plenty of water to flush off toxins and keep your system hydrated. Drink water before, during, and after your workouts.

3. Use Sports Drinks During your Workout

If you are a big fan of sports drinks then use it during your workout. Sports drinks like Gatorade art are enhanced with electrolytes. They will help fuel your workouts too.

4. Healthy Meal One Hour After Post Workout Drink

Eat a healthy meal of slow-acting carbohydrates like rice, oats, casein along with animal or vegetable protein or a protein powder to further speed up your recovery. Ensure that you stay away from fast-acting carbohydrates and sugar in this meal. You can add some curd or yogurt to add some good bacteria for enhanced gut health.

5. Sleep Plays an Important Role in the Recovery Process

Sleep reboots the system. A post-exercise sleep session releases a significant amount of growth hormone. Research shows that sleep interventions, such as sleep extension, play a critical role in an athletes’ recovery and performance. Therefore, getting seven to eight hours of sleep at night is more important than you think.

6. A Nap Contributes to your Recovery too

Try to schedule a nap. A 30-minute power nap speeds up recovery without disturbing your sleep at night.

7. Deep Tissue Massages Help in Muscle Recovery

Speeding up your muscle recovery

A deep tissue massage is considered to be one of the best muscle recovery tips. It breaks the buildup of scar tissue and adhesions. If you do not want to invest the time and money on a professional massage, you can trade massages with your spouse or significant other. You will thank us later for the relationship benefits. You can use a foam roller yourself to help the recovery process.

8. There are Other Recovery Aids Too

Sometimes you may find that you have bombed, blitzed, and killed it in your last workout. You are too sore to move and feel as flexible as a log of wood lying down. Using pop and aspirins or ice or foam roll your sore muscles. Drinking some cherry juice which is known to ease inflammations is a good idea. You can also stretch the sore body part slowly and carefully.


Olympic lifting champion and the only undefeated bodybuilder in history, John Grimek, has a great saying on muscle recovery tips. He said that trainees should end their workouts with something left to give. Therefore, it makes sense to end your exercise session with something left to give in your tank rather than overstretching and blowing yourself to bits.

This is What a Beginner Should Know When Starting a Keto Diet

Keto diet has many advantages, however, before you start it, you should know about the basic guidelines to avoid the negative side effects.

The diet that helps you to minimize carbs and increases fat to use it as a form of energy is referred to as a Keto diet. The diet needs for each individual are different, however, in general, you can sum it up as 60 to 75% of calories from the fats, about 15 to 20% of calories from protein, and about 5 to 10% of your calories from carbs. This means that if you are on a keto diet, you cannot have more than 50 grams of carbs in a day.

Beginner’s Guide to Keto Diet

If you follow this keto diet for about two to seven days, you go into something that is referred to as Ketosis. This is a state in which the body does not have the carbs required for the cells to convert it into energy. When your body is in this state, it starts producing ketones or organic compounds that are used in place of the carbs. At this point, the body also starts burning fat to produce energy.

1. Foods to Eat and Avoid When Following a Keto Diet

Keto Diet

When you follow a keto diet, you limit the amount of intake of carbohydrates in your body. You can start with having no more than 20 to 30 grams of carbs in a day. But here you need to know about the foods that have higher amounts of carbs and fats and the ones that have a higher amount of protein. This will help you to make the correct choices. 

For example, most of you believe that foods like chips, bread, cookies, etc. have high carb content and beans are a rich source of protein. But the actual fact is a little different. Beans,though is a high source of protein, it is also rich in carbohydrate content. Fruits and vegetables also contain a lot of carbohydrates. The foods that do not contain carbs are pure fats like oils and butter, meat, etc.

2. Make Sure You Understand your Relationship with Fat

People are afraid of fats and the reason is that they have been told that fat will kill them. But the most confusing thing is that research today is somewhat mixed. Some studies say that if you replace saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats, it lowers the risks associated with heart diseases. 

On the other hand, some studies suggest that pure fat and its various types are not related to any kind of cardiovascular problems. So,now it becomes a little difficult to understand as towhat you should eat and what you should not eat. But the important thing that you need to remember here is that food is made of more than just a single nutrient. The quality of the diet is all that matters. Preparing for a high-fat diet can be a little uncomfortable in the beginning, but if you start making small adjustments every day, it should not be a big problem.

You should know about the beneficial and the harmful fats and the ones you should eat when you are on a ketogenic diet. Instead of having potato and rice, eat some veggies that do not contain starch in them. These veggies include avocado, olive, etc. Understand that your old diet habits like having grilled skinless chicken breast will not work on a keto diet because you are not getting enough fat. You will have to very slowly push out carbs and include fats in your diet. If you are afraid of having food with high-fat content, then the keto diet will not work for you.

3. Understand that this is a moderate-protein diet

Keto Diet

One of the most common misconceptions about the keto diet is that you can have as much protein as you want. But the real fact is that this is not a diet wherein you cut down your intake of carbs. You will also have to cut down your intake of proteins. You can have a moderate amount of protein. Protein can get converted into glucose and so if you overeat protein, it might take your body out of ketosis. You should eat a generous amount of fat with a small portion of protein and it should not be the other way round.

4. Try Having Bullet Proof Coffee

This is one of the best keto-friendly drinks. You will have to mix coconut oil and butter into your coffee. This will help in curbing your hunger pangs. Coconut oil, however, might increase the level of LDL or bad cholesterol in your body. It is therefore important to ensure that if you have heart disease or a family history of heart problems, you should avoid this drink. It is a good option to consult your doctor.

5. Talk to Your Doctor About Your Weight Loss Goals

When you are planning to move to a keto diet, it is highly recommended that you let your doctor know about your plans. You might not be able to eat what others in your family are eating. Therefore, it is also a good idea to prepare your family members about the new food habits that you will follow. This diet is only for a short period and therefore, you can assure them that you would get back to your normal diet after a few days.

6. Know About the Side Effects of a Keto Diet

Keto Diet

Apart from other side effects that a ketogenic diet might have, one side effect that you can be sure of is the keto flu. Keto Flu is the period when your body is trying to adjust to the new system wherein fat is being burnt for providing energy. Some people have no problems with it but others experience several side effects.

For the first week or the first 10 days, you might feel very tired. You might also find it difficult to walk upstairs. You might also have to deal with mental fog. There is a change in the intake of fiber in your body and therefore there is a possibility that you might either suffer from constipation or diarrhoea. Therefore, you should start this diet in a week where you do not have to go crazy with deadlines and obligations. Choose a time where you can take the much-needed rest.

7. Increase the Amount of Electrolyte Intake 

There are indeed a lot of benefits of a keto diet, however, during this time your kidney excretes more water and electrolytes. So you need to ensure that you increase the amount of sodium and potassium intake during this time. Your body needs to function well. You should take food with enough amount of salt sprinkled on it, drink bone broth with a high amount of salt in it, and also eat a lot of non-starchy veggies.


Keto diet has a lot of benefits but before starting it make sure that you go through the guidelines mentioned above. If you do not, then there are chances that you might experience a lot of side effects and might also fall sick.

Know How Weight Training Can be Beneficial for Women

There are a number of weight lifting Benefits for Women and therefore, make sure that you include strength training in your workout program.

Without strength training your exercise routine is incomplete. But unfortunately, a lot of women believe that if they lift weight, they would become muscular like men. This is not true because women do not produce as much testosterone as men. Testosterone is a hormone that helps in muscle growth. Since women do not produce this hormone as much as men, so there is no chance of them developing muscles like that of men.

Strength training will help in toning your body and will make you look 10 to 15 years younger. Research shows that adult women look and feel great when they weight train.

Why Women Should Lift Weight?

If you increase and maintain an adequate amount of muscle weight, it will keep your body fat at bay and improve your overall fitness. This fact is all the more true as you age. You can build muscle mass with these weight training programs. But even today, the number of women participating in the weight training program is quite low. Women who spend time in gyms spend more time on cardiovascular training and much lesser time on weight training. 

There are several physical and mental weight lifting benefits for womenassociated with weight training and if you are interested to know about these benefits in details, you can go through the discussion below:

Burns More Fat And Calories

Weight lifting benefits for women

Strength training should be added to your workout plan. This is because if you only do cardio with a diet, it might lead to fat as well as muscle loss. If you train with weight, you will be able to burn fat and calories within a very short period. When you strength train,your body remains in fat-burning mode for a very long time, even after you have left the gym. This is referred to as the Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC) effect. If you do low-intensity cardio, this does not happen.

Will Help in Toning your Body

If you lift a weight,you will be able to get a toned and a sleek body. Toned muscle is building lean muscle mass. Research says that if a person can do mixed training wherein she can do cardio and strength training, she will be able to burn more fat and will also be able to develop lean muscles. Weight training helps you to build lean muscle mass, irrespective of the shape of your body and you look fit and fabulous. You will be able to get excellent curves as you will have the right amount of fat and muscles as per your body shape, type, and age.

Reduces the Risks of Osteoporosis

Proper weight training can help in increasing spinal bone mineral density. If you couple this with an adequate amount of dietary calcium, it can certainly prove to be the best defence against osteoporosis.

Reduces The Risks of Injuries

Strength training also reduces the risks of injuries and when you strength train, your bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments will all be strengthened. The production of collagen is also increased to a great extent. Collagen is the primary fiber of the connective tissue. When you lift weight,  it increases. This training makes your bones much less fragile and the muscles are much stronger. It, therefore, reduces the chances of injuries.

Makes You Physically Stronger

Weight lifting benefits for women

It increases the strength and reduces your dependence on others for assistance. Doing household chores will also be much easier. You will be able to lift kids, laundry, and groceries much easier. If your strength is increased to the maximum, routine exercises and daily tasks will be much less hectic.

Improves Bad Posture

Bad Posture is something that most of you feel very guilty about. If you lift weights, you will surely be able to improve your posture. You need to ensure that you follow the correct way to strength train. If you lift weights, it will help in building both the muscles and the bone strength. Thus you will no longer bend or slouch.

Reduces Your Chances of  Heart Diseases

Weight training helps in improving cardiovascular health in several ways. This includes lowering the LDL which is bad cholesterol and increasing the HDL which is good cholesterol. It also lowers blood pressure. If you add cardiovascular exercises to strength training, the benefits are certainly increased.

Helps you to increase Flexibility

Weight lifting benefits for women

If you lift weights, you will be able to improve the flexibility of the muscles. This is because the repeated contracting and stretching motion not only helps in building muscles and bone but also helps to improve flexibility. You should target the various parts of the body and strength training along with other stretching exercises to maximize the benefits of lifting the weights.

Improves Sports Fitness

Sports fitness depends on bone and muscle strength, endurance capability, and also quick reflex. If you want to be fit in a particular sport, it is necessary for you to strength train and also do cardio along with as it will help you to improve the level of performance. Weight lifting will also develop the overall stamina, muscle power and reflex.

Improves your Attitude and Fights Depression

Strength training and exercise decrease depression because exercise produces certain mood-improving neurotransmitters like dopamine, endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. The women who strength train feel more confident and are also much more capable. It helps in reducing the level of your stress and also fights depression.

Improves the Quality of Sleep

If you spend a lot of time in the gym working on your body, you will sleep like a baby. While you are sleeping the muscles will rebuild and rejuvenate themselves. Research also says that older men and women who find it difficult to sleep are able to sleep much better after weight training.


It is time that you get rid of the fact that you are a woman and therefore you should not lift weights. Nothing can be better than improving your mental and physical fitness over a considerable period than doing weight based training. It is time to start weight training now for a healthier future.

Positive Habits of Successful Gym-Goers That You Need to Adopt ASAP

Imbibe a healthy lifestyle by adopting these habits of successful gym-goers and see for yourself the positivity that they bring in your life.

The difference between a successful and an unsuccessful person lies in the act of discipline, or the lack of it. And getting into a disciplined lifestyle takes place when you imbibe healthy and positive habits. The same is true in the world of fitness. Today, we are going to discuss some of the highly-effective habits of successful gym-goers that are not only going to elevate your fitness level but are also going to bring an overall upliftment to your whole persona. Let’s get to know what they are.

5 Healthy Habits of Successful Gym-Goers

We are certain that almost all of us have faced the situation of hitting a gym and getting intimidated by the perfect bodies and envious determination of the people around us. Well, you need to understand that the people, who you are getting overwhelmed from, also started from scratch. There is no magic elixir that people drink to get the body that they are in. All of these come by adopting positive changes.

These habits of successful gym-goers are simpler to execute than you probably think them to be. At the same time, their effectiveness are endless. So, without any further ado, let’s imbibe them into our lifestyle.

Set up Your Goals

Habits of successful gym-goers - Set up Goals

Before we explain this, we just want to say that there is nothing wrong about joining a gym out of impulse. One doesn’t need to have diary-maintained goals and schedules like that of an Olympic athlete. However, having a framework would accelerate the rate of your success.

Therefore, our list of healthy habits of successful gym-goers has to start with setting up of individual goals. Ask yourself what you want to achieve from the workout sessions you are doing. What is your goal, why is it your goal and how do you plan to achieve it. The answers to ‘what’ and ‘why’ will be answered by you and answer to ‘how’ can be answered by speaking to your gym trainer.

Alongside that, it will be helpful if you chart out a schedule for your workout. This way, a sense of regularity will be instilled in your biological clock and you will be more successful.

Understand the Limits of Your Body

No to Overtraining

Next up on our list of healthy habits of successful gym-goers is the ability to understand your body. Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is acceptable and is needed to strengthen your body but overtraining can have disastrous results.

Therefore, do not overestimate the capabilities of your body. There’s only so much that you can do. In the same line of thought, don’t compare yourself with others. Everyone’s body is different and their goals might also be different. What has worked for them might not work for you. When your body demands rest, give it the rest it needs. You don’t want to end up in the emergency room by training too much or overestimating your power.

Take Adequate Rest

Healthy Sleeping Habits

This is very much in line with our previous point. No matter how much you train yourself, you would not be able to see the results if you don’t provide your body with the rest it needs.

Your muscles need adequate rest to grow and develop. Thus, make sure that you sleep for eight hours a day. Stop binge-watching programmes too late at night. Don’t expose yourself to blue-light (TV, computer, mobile) at least an hour before bed. Make sure your bed is clean and sorted. Have a slow-digesting meal at night. All these would help you sleep better.

Instead of sleeping for a few hours twice or thrice in a day, aim for having a long sleep at night.

Pay Attention to Your Nutritional Intake

Eat Healthy

Speaking of food, it is of utmost importance what you eat before a workout and after a workout session. Many people misconstrue the term diet. They feel that in order to lose weight and gain muscle, they either have to starve themselves and eat too much respectively. Well, they can’t be any more wrong.

Having a healthy and nutrition-filled diet is one of the significant habits of successful gym-goers. If you want to have a fit body, you need to watch what you put in your mouth. Your diet has to be rich in protein, vitamins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Furthermore, having long breaks between two meals can have a negative impact on your ability to perform. This is why you need to crunch on healthy snacks between two meals. Speak to a nutritionist or your personal trainer if you are confused as to how to eat healthily

In addition, don’t forget to hydrate yourself throughout the day. You need to drink around 2-3 litres of water every day since a lot of moisture is anyways lost in the form of urine and sweat.

Have Fun with Your Workout Regime

Habits of successful gym-goers - Have fun

Last but certainly not least, it is very important that you have fun with your workout session. No matter how intense they are, have a positive attitude while hitting the gym. Instead of pressurising yourself by constantly comparing yourself to others and trying to mirror them, try to improve from your current self.

Listen to music and have a positive thought process while working out. This will invariably contribute towards your happiness. And we all know that a happy soul is a guide to a healthy lifestyle. Enjoy your workout session and look forward to them instead of dreading them. Remember to workout not because you hate your body, but because you love it.


As you see, fitness freaks are not rocket scientists. They just incorporate positive changes in their lives which give them the immense success needed to reach the zenith of fitness. By adopting the aforementioned healthy habits of successful gym-goers in your lifestyle, you increase your chances of success in the arena of fitness and you will find yourself to be healthier and fitter than before.