Health benefits of treadmill

Treadmills are increasingly becoming the most bought exercise equipment in the world. This is because it provides a host of benefits and helps in fulfilling many types of fitness goals. A treadmill is one of the best substitutes for walking and one can begin his health journey with this. Most health experts opine that it is one of the best sources of exercise that puts less strain on the body than both running and walking on uneven lanes. Moreover, treadmills can also determine the amount of exercise one can manage to do every day.

Improvement in heart health

Cardiovascular exercises can be perfectly done with the help of treadmills. These treadmills can improve the health of the heart and resolve or minimize problems associated with cholesterol. Treadmills can also significantly improve heart rate and are most suitable for warm-up exercises. Weight training and cardio exercises can also be done with the help of treadmills. The most commendable aspect of a treadmill is that heart tests can be done on patients who are suffering from high cholesterol. Some of these heart tests may show false positives and therefore should be backed up with other major tests. The tests are cardiac catheterization, echo stress test, and nuclear stress test. Heart problems are often associated with faulty blood circulation. It can be improved by doing regular treadmills.

Treadmill exercises if done regularly can be the best affordable remedy to cardiovascular problems. Treadmills can increase the power of the heart and improve blood circulation in the body. It also essentially implies that muscles will get more oxygen if treadmills are done properly. More blood circulation means that one can work hard to get more results after every run. Blood pressure problems can also be curbed with the help of regular exercises on the treadmill.

Beneficial for diabetics

Diabetes is caused due to insufficient insulin production, and it worsens due to stress and anxiety. Additionally, excessive consumption of carbohydrates also heightens blood sugar levels. Treadmills help in burning calories rapidly and regular exercises on treadmills can control blood sugar levels and control insulin levels. However, it is advisable that diabetic patients must consult their doctors before starting their exercise routine. Excessive exercises on treadmills can be counterproductive and instead raise blood sugar levels. Similarly, doing exercises for less than 20 minutes can also be futile because the liver restores the stored glucose for fuel. This is the reason diabetics must regularly do treadmills such that they can lower their glucose levels enough. This can ensure that their medication levels are eliminated or adjusted.

Helps in good body shape

Regular exercises on treadmills help the body to reduce fats and keep the body in good shape. Unlike other heavy exercises, treadmills are light and put less stress on the body than other types of exercises. People can use treadmills at least five days a week and should work out for 20 to 60 minutes. Good body shape is incomplete without weight loss. Treadmills can reduce weight as one can easily burn more calories than other forms of aerobic exercises. Low-intensity treadmills are good for burning fats. However, one has to be patient since the results are not instantly perceivable. It is estimated that if one can run 6 miles on a treadmill then one can burn 600 calories in a single day.

Preparation for race exercises

Treadmills have the potential to train people for race competitions. The speed of the treadmill can easily be increased from walking to running. Treadmills can also help make people adjust to real race conditions.

Improves mental health and increases motivation

Since treadmill exercises are convenient and can be done even inside homes, it helps in saving time. One can also feel more content and healthier after running on a treadmill. For people who do not like to enter gymnasiums or work out for long hours, a treadmill can be a perfect substitute as one can walk, run and cycle with the help of a treadmill. Research suggests that treadmills can increase the release of endorphins in the brain. This is a chemical compound that helps in elevating mood and reducing stress. This in turn, automatically increases motivation levels. In the context of fitness education, runner’s high is a noteworthy phenomenon. Through this runner’s high, people feel delighted while exercising. Treadmill exercises also increase the release of endocannabinoids which increases the happiness levels of an individual.

Improves muscle building

Treadmills can improve muscle building considerably if one runs regularly on a treadmill. Running helps in strengthening muscles and one can increase one’s core strength. It also helps in building arm muscles and leg muscles. If treadmill exercises are done with stamina and cardio exercises then it can improve the muscular building. Muscle mass in the legs can be improved with the help of treadmills.

Bone density building becomes easier

Running on treadmills increases bone density. This essentially implies that minerals in the bones can be increased substantially by running on treadmills. A higher bone density prevents the occurrence of osteoporosis and prevents pain in the joints. Moreover, one can prevent joint injuries by running on the treadmill.

High degree of customization

Fitness does not follow the “one size fits all” rule. The main reason is that human bodies are very different metabolically from each other and need different fitness prescriptions. The functioning of six vital organs brain, lungs, heart, liver, pancreas, and kidney are not dependent on individual human will. They are involuntary organs and their functioning plays a vital role in making the body healthy. Therefore, treadmills are useful because they can be customized according to the needs of a person. For instance, if one is not comfortable walking, then one can easily accelerate or decelerate accordingly. Treadmill speeds can be adjusted within a huge range that covers walking, jogging, marathon racing, cycling, racing, etc. Moreover, treadmills are also convenient for people belonging to different age groups.

Ideal diet for Weight Gain

There are millions of people in the world who struggle to have a perfect weight. Some underweight people face ridicule and are stigmatized for being skinny or thin. Although the cause of thinness might be genetic, some steps can be taken by the individual to gain weight healthily. There are specific foods that if consumed in proper quantities can increase the weight of an individual without any notable side effects.

Problems of being underweight

Underweight people usually have a low sense of self-esteem and have several risk factors than people having the correct weight and Body Mass Index. An underweight individual may become vulnerable to several health problems like infertility, osteoporosis, malnutrition, surgical complications, and generally have a weaker immune system. Therefore, it is important to gain weight and become a healthy individual and simultaneously reduce the chances of such ailments.


This is one of the cheapest weight-gaining food widely available on the market. Milk naturally has a balanced combination of fat, protein, carbohydrates, and calcium along with minerals and vitamins. There is a combination of milk products like milk smoothies which healthily increase weight. For instance, one can have a cup of protein in whole milk along with teaspoons of honey and vanilla. Both casein and whey protein are abundantly found in milk. Therefore, while training one can have a whole glass of milk with snacks and meals.

Protein shakes

Protein shakes not just help in weight gain but are also very nutritious. Moreover, it comes in several exciting flavors to suit the taste buds of various individuals. Chocolate banana nut shake includes the use of bananas, whey protein, and nut butter. The Vanilla berry shake includes both mixed berries, a high cup of protein, and Greek yogurt. Chocolate hazelnut shake, hazelnut butter, and avocado include chocolate milk. Similarly, there are vanilla blueberry shakes, super green shakes, and caramel apple shakes. There is a popular misconception about whey protein is unsafe and unhealthy. Research suggests otherwise, and it has been found that whey protein is rich in all kinds of essential amino acids.


This is perhaps the oldest and most convenient way to gain weight. If an underweight individual consumes just one cup of rice, then approximately 204 calories and 44 grams of carbohydrates can be gained. The combination of rice with cheese, butter, scrambled eggs, peanuts, cashews, etc. can also help increase the weight. There are several rice dishes if consumed regularly can increase weight. For example, chicken curry with wild rice, and certain Chinese delicacies such as vegetable tofu fried rice are known for increasing weight.

Nut butter and nuts

Almonds, cashews, and peanuts can help in gaining weight. It is estimated that only a small handful of almonds contain 170 calories. Nuts are extremely high in calorific value and if combined with any other meal are simply going to boost the weight of an individual. Peanut butter smoothie is a popular nut butter dish having over 270 calories. It is advisable to avoid mixing extra sugar and oil with nut butter and nuts.

Starches and potatoes

Starches and potatoes have a high amount of carbohydrates and are easily affordable to the masses. The other common sources of high-calorie carbohydrates include corn, quinoa, oats, sweet potatoes, potatoes, beans, winter root vegetables, buckwheat, and squash. These foods have a high amount of glycogen for gaining weight. These high-carb foods can be made more delicious by adding sour cream to potatoes. Healthy fats like avocado and olive oil can be used for roasting vegetables. Soya milk can also be used in oatmeal for increasing the content of carbohydrates.

Red meat consumption

Bovine meat and pork meat are the two most commonly available red meat in the world. Red meat is undoubtedly helpful in gaining weight and also contributes to building muscle. Red meat like pork and beef has large amounts of fat and protein that play an important role in building body mass. However, red meat should not be overconsumed as it leads to heart diseases.

Oily fish and salmon consumption

Fish especially those which are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids are ideal food for weight gain. This may include pomfret, salmon, tuna, and mackerel. For example, only 170 grams of fillet of salmon offer 250 calories and also has an abundant amount of fat and protein. The best thing about oily fish delicacies is that they can be baked, grilled, sauteed, smoked, and poached.

Dried fruit

Dried fruits naturally have a high sugar content and are useful in weight gain. Many such dried fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fibers. Dates are nutritious and also mix well with other weight-gaining food products like yogurt. By consuming dried fruits regularly, one can rest assured of antioxidants. These can be supplemented with the help of cream cheese, butter, quinoa, and cooked rice.

Whole grain bread

Whole-grain bread is rich in carbohydrates and one can easily have a balanced meal by having eggs, cheese, and meat along with it. In case one is wanting a healthier variant, then Ezekiel bread can be tried out too. Sandwiches are one of the best and most versatile foods for weight gain and a large range of high-calorie foods can be added with them including veggies, avocado, cheese, meats, and more. Sourdough bread is also increasingly popular since it feeds gut bacteria. This bread is also good for strengthening the immune system.


Eggs are of the cheapest sources of protein and are ideal for weight gain. Chicken eggs, duck eggs, and quail eggs are not just rich in protein but also have adequate quantities of minerals and vitamins. These eggs can be used in several delicacies or can be consumed after boiling them. One duck raw egg contains approximately 74 calories and it is crucial to consume the whole egg including the yolk because it is rich in minerals. However, if one is allergic to eggs, then other safer alternatives can be tried out.

Exercises for pain relief

Pain affects millions of people around the world. Sometimes pain can be chronic and its treatment leads to high medical costs and lost productivity. Medicines like pain killers are often ineffective in the long run and tend to cause several side effects. Therefore, many people choose exercises to relieve pain. Most of these exercises can decrease inflammation and reduce overall pain. However, exercises often need to be done with the help of cardio, relaxation, strength, and stretching.


Stretching can be used for treating back pain. It can reduce muscular tension that can support the spine. Back pain can also minimize disability pain and improve the range of overall mobility and motion. The usual suggestion that is used to relieve back pain is that one first needs to wear comfortable clothing such that movements are not constricted. Long stretches lasting for around 30 seconds are essential for improving the range of motion and strengthening muscles. If one stretches at least 2 to 5 times then muscular elongation is guaranteed and it improves the range of motion.

Deep breathing and visualization

In deep breathing, you have to lie on the back and sit down comfortably on the floor or the bed. Relax your feet and shoulder and place your hands on the stomach. After these two steps, you need to shut your eyes and take a deep breath through your nose. Release all the air and take out the air from the mouth. It is vital to understand that you need to continue breathing with the nose. With each breath, you need to feel that belly rises with each breath. This exercise should be repeated before going to bed.

There are several types of shoulder stretches depending upon the location of neck and shoulder stretches. Lateral flexion stretches range from ear to shoulder. The neck can be bent on one side such that it touches the ear to the shoulder. Scapula stretch happens when one rests one arm against a doorjamb or a wall. Pulling the head forward and stretching the hand at the desired time is necessary. Flexion stretches range from chest to chin. Corner stretch is felt under the collarbone and it can be done by facing the corner of the room.

Lower pain back exercises

Lower back pain and chronic pain among adults can be minimized considerably with stretching exercises. There are partial pain relief crunches that can be beneficial for the back. Partial stomach crunch is very helpful in eliminating pain associated with spondylosis. In this exercise, just lie from the back and bend your knees. Tighten your stomach muscles and raise your arms and head around the chest. You need to lower your back towards the floor. However, while doing this exercise you must breathe out while raising your shoulders. It is also necessary that these moves should be repeated at least 8 to 12 times. It is essential to remain cautious that these exercises are done in a proper form otherwise results can be counterproductive.

Hamstring stretches

This form of exercise can relieve pain in the back of the leg. This stretch becomes beneficial if a fitness band is used. While doing hamstring stretches lie on the backside and bend your knees. The next thread is to use a towel below the ball on the unbent leg. Gently pull the towel or fitness band back and straighten your knees. Continue this stretch for at least 30 seconds and repeat the exercise at least 5 times.

Back extension press-ups

This exercise is suited for back pain. The first step is to lie on the stomach and move your hands below the shoulders. Lower your hands down and then feel the shoulder lift away from the floor. Once the step is complete, keep the hands below the shoulder by setting the elbows. Continue to do this for the next few seconds. The common back extension presses ups include the sphinx position. In this form of exercise, one has to start lying on the stomach and begin exercises by raising the upper body and keeping the pelvis on the floor.

Standing back exercise is one of the most common exercises which can be done in any place. It should ideally begin with press-ups on the floor. One needs to arch backward for three seconds and just repeat the first step with press-ups. Ideally, one should repeat the exercise five times.

Cat postures should begin by creating an arch in the lower back. Just raise the abdominal area towards the top but keep the head bowed down. This should be done for around half a minute. Repeat the first step multiple times.

Knee to chest exercises helps relieve muscular pains in the leg. It should begin by raising both legs together flat on the ground. Then, raise the knee in the upward direction and try to pull your chest with your hand. Continue doing this exercise for 30 seconds and repeat the starting position. However, while doing this exercise the right and left legs should be alternately moved.

Water exercises

Several types of water exercises can be effective in reducing pain. Knee to chest exercises is good for the lower back. Just bend one leg and outstretch it and hold one hand onto the other side of the pool. Leg raise exercises require stretching exercises with the help of one leg. This exercise is beneficial for muscles in the lower back, buttocks, and legs.

Wall-facing stretch exercises are often called the exercises requiring a posture where hands rest on the side of the pool and legs can be outstretched or supported by water. This is vital for relieving pain in the back. Even joints in the back can get pain relief if it is done correctly. Pool walking exercises are those exercises due in which leg muscles can get major pain relief. Moreover, it does not exert any strain on the buttocks and knees. People suffering from arthritis can get respite after doing these pool walking exercises.

Best exercises for the heart

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The heart is one of the most critical organs of the human body. It is a fact that a healthy heart determines the natural lifespan of a person. The heart pumps blood and is essential for all the organs of the circulatory system. The most important function is that the heart helps in maintaining the blood pressure of the body. Thus, it is of foremost importance to keep the heart healthy by doing certain exercises. Exercises have the potential to minimize the chances of a heart attack and prevent cardiac diseases. 

Objectives of heart exercises

To keep the heart healthy and free from diseases, exercises should be done to fulfill specific objectives. The most common objectives are to enhance the power of the heart muscles, simultaneously improve the functions of the lungs, check high pressure, and lower high amounts of cholesterol. Additionally, heart exercises can target and decrease the number of triglycerides and lower blood sugar levels for diabetics. It has also been found that regular heart exercises can reduce the levels of C-reactive protein which is notorious for causing inflammation. 

Best exercises for the heart


Heart risks can be substantially reduced by regular cycling. Legs can help in increasing the pulse rate. Bicycling can also help in burning fats thereby reducing the chances of heart blockages. Moreover, mental well-being and heart health are correlated and cycling improves them considerably. 

Walking or treadmill

Walking briskly is the simplest of all exercises and is good for the heart. It not only conditions the heart but also raises the pulse and is good for joint muscles. Walking is the least expensive of all exercises as one requires track pants and a pair of shoes. There is no hard and fast rule as to when one should walk. However, most people either choose morning or evening for walks. Speed walking can improve the condition of the heart.

A treadmill is a popular substitute for walking outside. It is convenient for many people who do not have enough time. With the help of a treadmill, one can easily adjust the pace according to one’s needs and keep proper track of it. In case of inclement weather conditions outside, a treadmill can be immensely beneficial. Most treadmills have meters that display the number of calories one has burnt. 

Weight training

Obesity and overweight are harmful to the heart. Therefore, weight training aimed at reducing extra kilos is helpful. The best weight training exercise helps in losing one’s body weight. Muscle building along with squats, push-ups, and pull-ups can be helpful for the heart. Weight training can improve the overall fitness of the heart and reduce the chances of cardiac ailments.


Heart health can be maintained well through dancing. Like walking, dancing requires proper footwear and needs less space. There are dancing exercises like Zumba which help retain inclination and ability. 

Interval training

High interval exercises shifting between the fourth and back helps in better cardiac exercises. Moreover, most of these interval training exercises require a shorter time. Interval training can include a combination of cycling and strolling. Pulses can be reduced with interval training. 

Elliptical exercises

Aerobic exercise is one of the best options to install elliptical machines. There are many fitness centers and these can also be bought for home. Lower and upper body exercises are helpful in elliptical exercises. These rhythmic movements can increase the blood flow in both muscles and shoulders. 


Yoga is incredibly good for the heart because there are postures especially suited to improve the health of the heart. Sukhasana is the best exercise because it can regulate the blood pressure of the heart muscles. It also has a calming effect on the heart and improves the functions of the brain. Moreover, it manages both anxiety and stress by involving bones and muscles. Tadasana is also beneficial as it improves posture and stance. It keeps the other accessory organs around the heart to boost heart health. In case one is suffering from high blood pressure then Nishpandabhava can be immensely helpful. It helps in checking blood pressure and soothes the mind. 


Swimming laps is an exercise that positively affects the entire body. It can also be enhanced to improve heart health by including certain water aerobic exercises that are helpful for joints. Swimming also helps in ensuring that the body uses the oxygen levels efficiently and stimulates faster blood flow by improving flexibility. Research conducted by Harvard Medical School states that different strokes such as butterflies, backstrokes, and freestyles can improve muscular movements. While swimming, the heart rate reduces substantially and it automatically lowers blood pressure. Improved blood circulation is the natural outcome of daily swimming.

Duration of heart exercises

The duration of heart exercises varies greatly due to the differences in the physical parameters. It is divided into three categories depending on the intensity. The most common light intensity heart exercises are light housework, walking, and cooking. Moderate intensity heart exercises include yoga, gardening, raking leaves, brisk walking, dancing, swimming, and cycling. Under the category of high or vigorous intensity, speed bicycling (exceeding 10 mph), fast running, weight lifting, swimming laps, running, jogging, climbing, etc. are included. It is also a fact that more exercises beyond the prescribed duration can be beneficial and reduce the risk of heart diseases. 

According to the American Heart Association, able-bodied adults should take part in either of the three activities. They should either do moderately intense physical workouts for around 2.5 hours or they can do vigorously intense physical workouts for 1 to 1.5 hours. They can also do any other type of exercise that combines the best of both moderately intense or vigorously intense workouts. 

Precautions for heart exercises

Exercises are good for hearts but adequate precaution should be taken too. If one is feeling excessively fatigued or is gasping for breath, then exercises should be stopped immediately. One must not do any exercise if one is experiencing muscle cramps, blurred vision, dizziness, nausea, general weaknesses, missed heartbeats etc. 

Diet for bodybuilders

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Bodybuilding becomes easier if one rigorously follows a certain diet regimen. It is imperative to understand that a bodybuilder’s diet must contain both macronutrients and micronutrients in adequate proportions. Usually, bodybuilding leads to changes in weight and such changes can only be induced if certain foods are consumed and certain foods are avoided altogether. Most bodybuilders choose a diet plan such that they do not face any confusion about food and calories. Here we are going to discuss the ideal diets for bodybuilders. 

Foods that should be consumed

Lean Meat

Bodybuilding is not possible without consuming an adequate quantity of proteins. Therefore, one should eat lean meat to gain muscles and reduce fat, simultaneously. Lean meats may include chicken, beef, turkey, pork, etc. Some fish are also rich in proteins which include cod, salmon, and tuna. However, one must be careful in consuming the required amount as an excessive amount of protein consumption can lead to kidney and liver impairments and failures. The amount can be determined by checking the different health parameters of the body. 

Dairy products

Except for butter, most dairy products like Greek Yogurt, cheese (especially cottage cheese), and milk are essential for bodybuilding. It not only helps in increasing the intake of proteins, but most dairy products are rich in calcium which is good for bones. 

Whole grains

Complex carbohydrates help in better bodybuilding. Therefore, it is recommended that a bodybuilder must include an adequate number of whole grains such as flour, millet, granola, quinoa, and even whole-grain pieces of bread. It is equally important for bodybuilders to avoid or minimize the consumption of simple carbohydrates such as Maida, white bread, confectionery items, etc. However, if one is diabetic then it is necessary to follow the dos and don’ts religiously. 

Fruit and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables should be consumed adequately, such that there is no shortage of vitamins and minerals in the body. The most recommended fruits include bananas, peaches, watermelons, grapes, oranges, berries, and apples. Out of vegetables, starchy vegetables are best suited for bodybuilding. The most common starchy vegetables include cassava, potatoes, green lima beans, peas, and corn. Leafy vegetables such as cucumber, spinach, broccoli, zucchini, mushrooms, tomatoes, green beans, etc.

Legumes and nuts

Nuts and legumes are essential for bodybuilding because they are rich in healthy fats, micro-nutrients, and proteins. Adequate consumption of nuts can lead to stronger muscles and improve overall health.

Foods that should be avoided

Fried foods

During bodybuilding, it is necessary to avoid fried foods. The reason is that it leads to inflammation and lead digestive issues. Moreover, fried foods are often rich in unhealthy fats which thwart the process of bodybuilding. The common fried foods that must be avoided include fried fish, chicken strips, fried onions, fried meat, etc. 


Research suggests that alcohol can inhibit muscular growth and plays a negative role by neutralizing vitamins in the body. Therefore, it should be avoided or should be consumed occasionally in small quantities. Regular consumption of alcohol may lead to weight gain and impair vital organs like the liver.

Processed foods

Processed foods should be avoided because most are high in carbohydrates and have low nutritional value. Additionally, processed foods spoil bodybuilding plans and are also harmful to overall health. Some preservatives found in processed foods are carcinogenic and should be avoided completely. The common processed foods include sugar candy, white bread, pasta, soda, fizzy cold drinks, and even processed meat. Many packaged sugary foods have no fiber and should be avoided. Bagels, pretzels, cakes, etc. should not be consumed. 

Sample diet plan for bodybuilders

It is worth noting that diet plans for bodybuilders will vary depending upon their physical parameters. However, certain diets are common for most bodybuilders. The following menu can be altered as per the requirements of an individual. 

Day 1

The daily calorie target should be around 2000 to 2500 calories.

One should have breakfast rich in citric fruit juices or milk. The main meal may include a bowl of oats and spinach. After breakfast, a gap of 2 hours is necessary for the morning snack. Morning snacks may include walnuts along with high protein shake and berries. Lunch may include bananas, a peanut butter sandwich, and whole milk. A protein bar can also be consumed during the afternoon. An evening snack may include consuming mousse along with protein powder and berries. Salmon, tuna, cod, or lean meat can be consumed during dinner. Lean meat should either be grilled or roasted. Brown rice should also be consumed for the main course. 

Day 2

Whole milk and omelet can be consumed together. If possible, then two slices of lean chicken meat or turkey meat can be consumed. During morning snack, antioxidants (preferably berries) along with protein is advisable. Lunch should be light as it may include chopped salad. Afternoon snacks may include peanut butter, yogurt (preferably Greek yogurt), and honey. 

Day 3

During breakfast blender pancakes along with Greek Yogurt should be consumed. This can be supplemented with cow’s milk (preferably skimmed) and almonds. For morning snack, protein powders can be used along with mangoes and bananas. During lunch, lentil soup, cow’s milk, and toasted sourdough can be eaten. Afternoon food should be light as far as possible. Peanut butter and milk can be consumed. An evening snack may include Greek yogurt and coconut granola. Loin meat (preferably pork or beef) can be consumed with broccoli during dinner. 

Pros and cons of diet plan


Nutrition is balanced and it helps in bodybuilding.

Diet plans are effective if most physical parameters of the body are alright. 

It helps in enforcing discipline and avoids overconsumption or underconsumption. If one follows the diet plan, then the success rate is significantly higher. 


Diet plans can be complicated and lack standardization. It is not easy to keep track of everything that one eats in a busy schedule. 

Certain food items are not available everywhere or may be very expensive.

In rare cases, it can be counterproductive and lead to unhealthy behavior.

Foods that help in building lean muscle

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The existence of lean muscles indicates a healthy body. However, in order to build lean muscles, the individuals need to consume a balanced diet comprising of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and minerals. It is also necessary that people eat a calorie surplus diet such that they can perform well even after heavy workouts. There are several types of food ranging from meat, eggs, fruits, fish, yogurt, soyabeans etc. which can help in building lean muscles. 


Eggs are one of the cheapest sources of protein and can help boost the lean muscles. Research suggests that eggs also have leucine which helps in synthesis of muscles. Moreover, eggs are rich sources of Vitamin B because it helps in producing energy. Egg yolks also contain cholesterol. 


Lean muscles can be built easily by consuming beef since beef contains zinc, cholesterol and B vitamins. However, what makes beef special is that it contains protein and it also has conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) if the cow is raised by feeding grass. Bodyfat can be reduced and lean muscles can be built easily because lean beef helps in gaining muscles without adding any calories. Beef is also rich in creatinine but overconsumption is not recommended as it can lead to heart diseases. 

Protein shake

While periodic workouts are necessary, a glass of protein shake can make a huge difference. This is because most protein shakes have the requisite combination that can improve the synthesis of proteins and energize the muscles. Moreover, nutritional usage helps in better muscular growth. Currently, Whey protein has the highest amount of protein which includes 3 scoops having 50 g. These kinds of shake are available in delicious flavours like chocolate, latte and can be consumed with either milk or water. 


High quality protein and relatively cheap, regular chicken consumption after workouts can build lean muscles. Moreover, vitamin B and minerals are abundant in this meat. Unlike red meat, chicken is good for heart. Out of all popular chicken dishes, rotisserie chicken is one of the best for building lean muscle. Ordinarily, this type of chicken dish helps in providing ready-to-eat dishes. Chicken breasts should also have adequate amount of protein that helps in fat loss.


Though most fish are rich in protein, salmon is special because it is good for both overall health and muscle building. The salmon fish is not just rich in protein but also has Omega-3 fatty acids. This muscle helps in faster muscle gain and is also beneficial for muscular health. Salmon also prevents muscle loss among older adults. However, it is worth noting that salmon can prevent muscular cramps.


Turkey is also rich in protein and is ideal for building lean muscles. It is estimated that only 25 grams of protein are found in just 3 ounces of turkey. Turkey also has the optimum amount of protein for supporting the exercising ability of body. 

Brown rice

In order to increase lean muscle growth, it is also necessary to have optimum amount of carbohydrates and fibres too. Moreover, brown rice boosts growth hormone levels and it encourages gaining strength and promotes fat loss. 

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is a rich source of protein that should be consumed before going to sleep. Though this type of protein is digested slowly it is nevertheless beneficial for muscles. This is because muscles are prevented from getting utilized. It is estimated that only half cup of cottage cheese contains 14g of proteins and also has substantial amount of calcium. Some variants of cottage cheese contain high content of fat which nevertheless should be avoided.

Greek Yogurt

High quality protein is found in Greek yogurt. Additionally, yogurt also contains both slowly digestible casein and easily digestible proteins. This combination according to some research helps in better build-up of proteins. This type of Greek yogurt is superior to regular yogurt because the protein content is twice more than that of regular yogurt. 


It is a well-established fact that shrimps have high content of leucine a type of amino acid. This type of acid is beneficial for muscle building. It is estimated that only 3-ounce shrimp contains 18 grams of protein. Since shrimps contain only protein, one does not need to worry about consuming additional fat and carbohydrates. 


Soybeans are the best alternatives for vegetarians who want to build lean muscles. The reason being that soybeans contain almost equal amount of protein like any type of meat. Around 14 grams are found in just half cup of soybeans. Some people can also choose edamame because it can be quickly cooked and is delicious. Additionally, soybeans are also rich in phosphorous, iron and Vitamin K. Soybeans are also available in the form of soy protein powder. This type of powder can be consumed with milk or fruit and is suitable for vegetarians since it is plant based.


Milk contains a large amount of protein. It is estimated that milk contains around 13 grams of protein if it is skimmed. Moreover, building lean muscles requires healthy bones which in turn requires calcium. These needs can be fulfilled by drinking milk every day. However, people with lactose intolerance should avoid milk.

Kidney beans

Kidney beans are rich in carbohydrates and are also fibrous. Since building lean muscles requires more amount of protein, for some people it can lead to digestive issues. Therefore, kidney beans should be consumed for faster digestion of proteins if they are taken with brown rice. Besides, these benefits, kidney beans are also rich in vitamin supplements and minerals.


Tuna is a cheap fish that has ample protein and is equally useful for muscle building. It is estimated that 3 ounce of tuna fish can have around 16 to 17 grams of protein. If tuna is canned in oil, then the protein content can rise up to 24.8 grams. Tuna will be especially beneficial for older adults since it is also rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. It can also recover muscle loss by increasing muscle mass.