Female Fitness Myths You Should Be Careful About

Take a sneak-peek into our journey as we breakdown some of the most common female fitness myths as we bounce them off with real facts.

There are several misconceptions and myths about the fitness of women. Due to the lack of awareness, many people have unrealistic expectations from their workout regimes. But the fact is that women do have the ability and the strength to achieve great heights even from their regular regime. Therefore today, we are going to bust all the myths associated with female fitness and help you get a rational understanding of the same.

The Most Common Fitness Myths

There are many self-appointed experts available who will provide you with completely unreliable information online. As a result, most people, especially women tend to get confused about whether resistance training is good for you. We will here differentiate between the facts and the fiction. This will help you to make good progress and achieve your fitness goals.

Myth 1: Strength Training will Make a Woman Bulkier

Female Fitness Myths

This is one of the biggest myths about women’s fitness. The fact, however, is quite different. Strength training will not make a woman bulky until she supplements herself with testosterone and the calorie intake is much higher than the calorie burning.

The body of a woman naturally produces some amount of testosterone but it is just 10% of the testosterone that is produced in the man’s body. So the amount is not high enough to get a bulkier body that of a man. On the other hand strength training builds and tones the muscles and also raises the metabolism rate. You will certainly find more definition in your muscles after strength training but it will not make you bulky.

There have also been some studies that show that if you train with heavy weights, then you will also be able to lose weight. Moreover, strength training prevents muscle loss and also increases bone density. So if you start lifting weights now, it will certainly have a positive impact on your health and mobility in the coming days. It will also help you to stay fit after menopause.

Myth 2: Running is Always A Better Option Than Walking

Biggest Myths about Women's Fitness

This is also another very popular myth and most people believe that if you run, you will stay fitter than if you walk. But the reality is a little different. Both walking as well as running work the same muscle groups and therefore the health benefits from both of them are more or less similar. The main difference lies in the intensity of the workout.

It takes more time to expend the same amount of energy at the time of walking rather than running. If you are going from a sedentary lifestyle to a more active lifestyle, then walking will be quite a good option for you. It will improve your cardio fitness slowly and steadily.

Moreover, walking is a much lower impact activity in comparison to running. Therefore walking is much easier on your joints. This is much easier for healthier and heavier bodies. It is true that in comparison to running, walking takes more time to provide you with the desired result, however, you can break it up into shorter and much more frequent walks.

Myth 3: Exercise Machines Are Much Better Than the Free Weights

Women's Fitness Myths

This is also one of the most common women’s fitness myths. The reality is something completely different than the existing myth. This is because most of the machines that are manufactured are engineered keeping the bodies of the men in mind. This makes it difficult for women when they are trying to find the right alignment. Moreover, these machines tend to target only certain specific muscles while you are seated and it burns fewer calories.

Therefore, instead of you relying on the exercise machines for strength training, it is always a better option to use free weights and resistance bands and perform bodyweight exercises. Moreover, you can also enjoy greater flexibility because there is a range of options available. You will thus be able to choose suitable equipment and will also be able to get a varied fitness time that will be more mobile for providing you with maximum effect.

Myth 4: Exercising Certain Muscles Helps in Fat Burning in Certain Areas

Women's Fitness Myths

The fact is that there is no wayyou can burn fat in specified areas. This is not possible even if you do certain exercises targeting specified areas. If you are exercising a group of muscles, even then the fat burns at a very constant rate throughout your body. 

Targeted workouts will not burn fats in those areas only. It will, on the other hand, tone the muscles which will start showing more definition as the workout routine reduces the overall amount of the body fat. Therefore, you should continue to attend the targeted fat-busting classes but the difference will not be seen in just one area of your body. It will be visible throughout your body.

Myth 5: You Shouldn’t Eat Right After a Workout

This is another female fitness myth and this can have a disastrous effect on the body of an individual. The reality is that after workout, nutrients are essential for your body. They help in healing your body and making, it stronger. So make sure that you do not deprive yourself. You should have a small healthy snack within 15 to 60 minutes after a workout.

This meal should not just contain sugar. It should also contain enough amount of carbohydrates and proteins. This will provide the necessary fuel to your body and make the workout a fruitful one.

Another very important fact that you will have to ensure is that you should not forget to stay hydrated before, during, and after the exercises. This will prevent the occurrence of dehydration and will also help the blood transport the necessary amount of nutrients and oxygen throughout your body. This will help you perform and recover better.

Myth 6: Stopping Your Exercises will Transform Muscles into Fat

Women's Fitness Myths

This statement is as false as the statement that gold will get transformed into silver. If you take the right kind of nutrition and do proper workouts, the muscle will surely grow as a response to the training program. So if you suddenly stop weight training, the muscles will start getting smaller which is known as atrophy The muscle tissues will not miraculously get transformed into fat cells, they will rather get smaller. 

Therefore, it is highly recommended that you should combine power training with healthy nutrition. In case of an injury where you suddenly have to stop training, then you should be cautious about the amount of food intake.


Just because you have watched something on TV or have read about something online does not necessarily mean that it is true. You will find information everywhere – from word of mouth to various publications. Therefore at times, it can be confusing. So you must do proper research about facts before jumping to any conclusion.

Why Should Women Opt for Deadlift?

There are a number of benefits of deadlift for women and the biggest advantages is that it provides strong muscles and helps you to get a beautiful body.

Deadlift is considered to be the best exercise that provides overall strength to a woman. But apart from providing you with strength, it also helps you to get a good physical appearance. There are a number of reasons as to why women should incorporate deadlifts in their programs. One of the most important deadlift benefits for women is the fact that it helps in making them realize their potential.

Some Important Points About Deadlift that You Should Know

  • The higher rep sets of deadlifts can burn fat and build endurance at the same time.
  • “Deadlifts thicken the waist” is an absolute myth. There is no truth to it at all.
  • Deadlifts reduce the negative impact of bad posture and wearing high heels.
  • It is a foundational movement and helps with some of the most advanced trainings that include Olympic lifts.
  • In order to get used to the exercise, you should learn the laddering training as well.

Benefits of Deadlift for Women

There are a number of deadlift benefits for womenand in order to know more about these, you can go through the points mentioned below:

1. Best Exercise For Butt and Rear Chain

Women's Fitness Myths

When you are deadlifting, some muscles are directly claimed. These include:

  • Rear thighs (leg biceps)
  • Adductors (Adductor Magnus)
  • Lower back (Erector spinae)
  • Front thighs (quadriceps)
  • Gluteus Maximus

Apart from these, there are also other muscles that does the auxiliary work. These muscles include the upper back muscles which again includes the neck, the abdominal muscles and also the calves. This exercise takes up as much as 70% of the total body musculature. It is for this reason that deadlift is considered to be the best form of weight training.

There are a number of women who want to build muscles in the areas that have been mentioned above. It is for this reason that it is considered to be a good idea to include deadlifts in your programs. It is true that other exercises also train the respective muscles, but deadlift is the only exercise that covers the entire body.

Strengthening of muscles, however, does not mean that you will get a six- pack. This simply means that it will provide you with stability while standing and walking. The best part about deadlifts is that it has a holistic nature and helps in increasing the muscle strength of the entire body.

2. Improves Back Health and Posture

Biggest Myths about Women's Fitness

Digitalization has provided several people the opportunity to sit back at home and work. But this has also increased the number of people suffering from back pain. Sitting in front of your computer throughout the day can have a very negative effect on your posture and also your back health in the coming days.

But deadlifting can certainly be considered to be the most perfect weapon against this. It strengthens those musclesthat get badly affected at the time of sitting. The important thinghowever, that you need to remember here is that you should execute this exercise correctly. This is true for any exercise that helps in strengthening the muscles but it is most true for deadlifting.

3. Strengthens Core Stabilizing Muscles

Deadlift basically trains and challenges all the muscles that help in keeping your body straight. After a certain point of time, it will be easier for you to do all the daily activities with a straight posture. This will be particularly valuable when you start calculating how many hours in a day you spent daily in stooped posture and how much muscles are atrophying. Deadlift is undoubtedly the perfect balance.

4. Works More Muscles Than Other Exercises

This is an exercise that involves the major muscle groups. So, you will not have to do different exercises for different muscles. You will simply need to do deadlifts and put a checkmark against most of the muscles.

5. More Calories Burnt and Body Fat Reduced

When it comes to reducing body fat, it is beyond doubt a  fact that weight training has a much bigger effect on our body as compared to a round of cycling or jogging. This is because at the time of lifting there are a number of muscles working together.

7. Hormone Production Improved

One of the best deadlift benefits for womenis that it helps in increasing the production of the growth hormones. These growth hormones have many advantages. If there is a proper release of these hormones in your body, it means that you will be able to recover faster after the training process. Apart from this, you will also be able to build muscles faster and increase the bone density.Other than this, it will also help to boost up the fat-burning process.

8. Gripping Power Improved

Other than the lower back, the limiting factor in deadlift is the grip. If you grab the snatch grip from the beginning, it will help in training your arms. Having more gripping power will certainly improve your strength. Each set trains the entire body and this also includes those muscles that are able to tightly hold you.

9. Improves Endurance

Biggest Myths about Women's Fitness

Whenever you are talking about deadlifts, you are talking about maximum muscle and strength building. Deadlifting also brings about a significant improvement on the stamina of an individual. This in turn has a positive impact on your working capability and endurance. Once you complete sets of more than 10 reps and heavy weight, you breathe in a way you would after a hill sprint.So it is necessary for the big muscle groups to get enough oxygen supply.

10. Prevents Pains and Injuries

One of the most important benefits of deadlift for Womenis the fact that it supports regular movements. If you are in a situation where you will have to lift something that is heavy, then deadlifts prepare you for it.It helps in balancing the disequilibrium of a one-sided daily life. It also helps in preventing the postural pain, overloading or unilateral wear.


Women, today are unfortunately still made to believe that they are not strong enough. They should pick just tiny dumbbells and nothing else. They are also made to believe that if they lift weights that are heavier than 10 pounds, they will become muscle bound beasts. But this is not  true. The actual fact is that, if you want to get a beautiful, well-toned body with strong muscles, then deadlift is undoubtedly the best option for you.