5 Biggest Myths about weightlifting you should never believe in

They say weightlifting is a men’s sport. we are going to disclose the five biggest myths about weightlifting you should never believe in.

Who doesn’t want to have a well-toned body? But when it comes to building muscles, we hear a lot of theories from people around us. Not to mention, most of these theories are misconceptions and have no relation to reality. Here, in this article, we are going to bust the five biggest myths about weightlifting that you should never believe in.

5 Biggest Myths About Weightlifting

When we talk about weightlifting, most of us have a preconceived idea that it is a men’s sport. Women should stay away from it. This is not true at all. Similarly, listed below are the 5 biggest myths about weightlifting that you should never believe in.

Weightlifting is a men’s sport

Weightlifting is a men’s sport

We live in a patriarchal society. Here women are considered to be delicate and fragile, and men are supposed to be strong. So there is a common belief that all sports that require strength, like , are for men. And women should concentrate on doing housework and easy jobs. This mindset of people in India and some places abroad has given birth to a misconception that is a men’s sport. You would be rather surprised to know that  is much more beneficial for women than for men. Women are prone to osteoporosis post-menopause.  results in a considerable increase in muscle strength and bone density. This is why it is good for both men and women. With increased bone density, women can reduce the risk of getting osteoporosis post-menopause.

Makes you bulky

Makes you bulky

Unlike men who like having a bulky body, women prefer lean muscles. Among the myths about , a common misconception is that  makes you bulky. The reason women do not prefer lifting weights because they think that might make them bulky.  merely increases bone density, but the reason why men become bulky is that they have testosterone. It is a hormone that is responsible for bulking muscles. On the other hand, women have higher levels of estrogen and low amounts of testosterone, because of which they ever become bulky no matter how much weight they lift.

People prefer cardio over weightlifting when they wish to lose weight

People prefer cardio over weightlifting when they wish to lose weight

The majority of people believe cardio is better than weightlifting, when the intention is to lose weight. But very few people understand that the only way to lose weight is by burning calories. When we are lifting weight, we burn calories as well.  boosts metabolisms. The more mass you develop, the more calories you burn, and the process of burning calories continue even while you are at rest. This means after an intense  session; you burn calories even while you are resting.

Weightlifting sessions are the same for both men and women

Weightlifting sessions are the same for both men and women

The biggest myth about weightlifting myths is that the session is the same for both men and women.  sessions focus on building and developing body muscles. There are separate exercises for building muscles. So, depending on what kind of muscles you want to have, the sets are designed. For example, men prefer developing their biceps while women prefer having rounded shoulder muscles. Therefore the exercise that would be best suitable for men is completely different from that of women. The exercises also vary depending on the body weight and bone structure of the individual. Therefore if you want to reap benefits from , it is best to hire a professional instructor if you are a first-timer.

Concentrate on reps and lift lighter weights

Concentrate on reps and lift lighter weights

You must have heard some of your friends saying that you should not opt for heavyweights. It is better to lift light weights and do more reps. That means you should repeat the rounds multiple times but lift weights that are easy to lift. But this is another myth about. The fact is that if you are lifting lesser weight in multiple rounds, it is neither going to increase your body neither mass, nor is it going to help you lose weight. To build muscles, you need to introduce change in your regular schedule. Muscles tend to build faster when they are shocked.

Machines are better than free-hand

Machines are better than free-hand

People also believe that if you wish to build muscles faster, you need to use machines to lift weights instead of free-hand bodybuilding. This is a common myth about weightlifting. The fact is that machine lifting is good for beginners who are amateurs in. It lowers the risk of injuries. But if you really want to work on your muscles, you need to focus on free-hand. It helps you get better balance and stability. Once you are aware of the muscle movements, it is best if you lift weights without the help of machines.


Therefore we can say that there are a lot of myths about weightlifting is not something that is based on sex. It is good for both men and women in some way or the other.  is a sport that works on the muscles to increase the density of the muscles. It is testosterone that makes the muscles bulky, not the exercise. So if you are a girl who wants to have a fit body, we suggest you can try a few exercises. It is best to get hold of a physical trainer and focus on doing free-hand exercises instead of using machines. This will help you get your desired physique in no time. All you need to do is follow a routine and a strict diet recommended for . We are sure you will see visible differences whether you aim to build muscles, tone your body or increase muscle mass through weightlifting. If done routinely and correctly, it can show magical results a week that normal exercises will take months to show.   

Benefits of Running on a Treadmill vs Outside

It’s always debatable whether you should run outside or on treadmill. We have the answers to your questions. Know how you should run.

Running is a sport that has been practiced for years. It is by far the best physical workout. Traditionally, people run outside of their houses on playgrounds or streets. But today, treadmills have replaced the streets. There are endless benefits of treadmill. The primary reason why people have shifted to the treadmill from the streets is the changing lifestyles. Our urban lifestyle, which has been progressing with each passing day, does not leave enough space on the streets for us to run.

So if you are an old-school person who has always preferred going for a run outside, this article will help you decide what works best for you. We are sure after reading this you will be able to make up your mind whether you want to go out for a run or step on a treadmill in your nearest gym

Treadmill Running

A treadmill is a machine that is used for indoor running. It has a controllable belt that you can run on. It can be easily kept in your house, or else you can also choose to use a treadmill at a gym nearby. 

Benefits of Using a Treadmill

Treadmills have numerous advantages. Some of the benefits of treadmill have been listed below. 

Daily runs even in extreme climatic conditions

Daily runs even in extreme climatic conditions

The biggest advantage among the benefits of treadmill is that you can keep a treadmill at home or your workplace and use it day in and day out, even in extreme weather conditions. It often happens that people who are used to daily runs tend to miss out on their sessions during periods of heavy rains. They also forgo their running sessions when the sun is burning your feet. Running is fun, but it widely depends on the climatic conditions. When it’s nice and breezy outside, who doesn’t like going outside for a run? But what would happen to your workout schedules in monsoons and peak summers? Most people hate missing out on their daily workout sessions. That is precisely why they have moved to treadmills from open streets. 

Lowers the risk of heart attacks

Lowers the risk of heart attacks

The second biggest benefit of a treadmill is that it is possible to control and monitor your pace of running. So if you have been prescribed to go on a run by the doctor, but you are worried running will cause more harm than help, you can choose to run on a treadmill instead of the streets. Treadmills are designed in a way that you have the freedom to control and monitor your speed in the most precise way.

This helps you keep a check of your health, and you never end up draining yourself more than what is required. While you are walking or running on a treadmill, it is nearly impossible for you to monitor the number of kilometers you have covered. But when you are running on a treadmill, you can keep track of everything. Starting from the number of kilometers you are covering to your running speed to the time taken to run. Therefore, when you are running on a treadmill, your movements are systematic because of which treadmills have turned out to be more effective. 

Decreases the risks of an ankle injury

Decreases the risks of an ankle injury

We live in a country where the roads are unpredictable. They are uneven, and in some places, you might end up stepping into slippery grounds. In other words, we can say that if you are running on the streets and not wearing the right shoes, you might end up with an ankle injury. On the other hand, treadmills have smooth, even surfaces, so there are lesser chances of you getting hurt. Most importantly, if you have a knee problem, we prefer you to opt for a treadmill instead of the street. Treadmills have cushion pads that are comfortable on the knees. 

Running Outside

Running Outside

Similar to treadmills, running outside also has a few advantages. Previously when treadmills were not invented, running outside in the greens was the only option. But as time passed by and technology started taking charge, people realized that they hardly had time to hit the playground for their usual rounds.  Despite the limitation, there are still a few advantages of running outside, which persist. Some of these advantages have been listed below.

  • Running outside lets you enjoy nature.
  • It helps you balance your body so that your grip on the ground is firm.
  • Increases blood flow in veins because of which you start sweating and tend to lose weight.
  • Running on the streets makes you confident.

Despite the above-mentioned advantages, people still prefer running on a treadmill instead of on the street when it comes to exercises. Running outside is quite fun when the weather is right, especially if you stay on a hilltop or are surrounded by forests and rivers. But despite all this, most people today choose a treadmill.

The heavy traffics and busy streets that surround us hardly give us any space to enjoy nature; when we go on our regular rounds. Moreover, aging people are scared to go on a run outside their house. They fear falling if there is nobody to look over them. The fears of getting injured on the streets restrict them from stepping outside even if they loved to run. These are reasons enough to understand why people more and more people are shifting towards treadmills. 

Final Takeaway

Therefore, we can say that there are numerous benefits of treadmills. Treadmills save your time as well as gives you a controlled environment. You can comfortably do your runs without having to worry about external factors. These factors may include facing a roadblock in between, which hampers your pace, tripping over a stone chip while you are on your rounds, and an unexpected shower that occurs on a nice breezy day and forces you to rush back home.

If you can compromise on the view a little bit, then we suppose a treadmill will serve your purpose and help you remain fit without having to move outside your house. 

7 Quick Stretches for Stress Relief to Try Now!

One common problem that all of us deal with is stress. These quick stretches for stress relief will help you keep your stress levels at bay.

One common problem that all of us deal with in this ever-changing chaotic urban lifestyle is stress and anxiety. There are multiple reasons behind this stress and anxiety. One of the major reasons for increased stress and anxiety in humans is that we spend more time sitting at our desks and less time doing physical activities. Yes, believe it or not, researches have proved that people who spend eight to ten hours sitting on their desks tend to get more depressed than those engaged in physical labor. Lack of muscle movements increases the flow of lactic acid in our bodies, because of which we feel lethargic and stressed. Here in this article, we are going to share 7 quick stretches for stress relief.

Seven quick stretches for stress relief

What if you spend most of the day sitting on your office table and by the time you reach home you become exhausted. There are numerous benefits of stretching. These seven quick stretches for stress relief will help you keep your stress levels at bay.

Child’s Pose

quick stretches for stress relief- Child’s Pose

As the name suggests, this exercise is where people sit in the pose a child is generally seen sitting. It is a very effective stretching exercise. The lower back is a part of the body that holds maximum tension. A child’s pose is one of the best quick stretches for stress relief.


  • It would help if you kneeled on the floor with your feet together and your knees open to create a V-shape.
  • Then you need to sit back, resting on your butt, reaching towards the heels.
  • The hands should be placed in front to make sure your chest is lowered on the ground.
  • Once you bend down, hold for five seconds and breath in deeply.

Seated Spinal Twists

Seated Spinal Twists

If you feel body pain after sitting for long hours on your desk, you don’t need to get up. These quick stretches for stress relief will help you get over your stress and anxiety.


As the name suggests, you don’t need to get up from your chair to perform this exercise.

  • Sit down on the side of the chair and place your feet flat on the ground.
  • The right hand should be placed at the back of your seat,
  • Hold the backrest of the chair with your right hand. The left hand, on the other hand, should be placed on the right thigh. Breath-in by lengthening your spine and breath out by rotating your torso to the right.
  • It would be best if you repeated the same motion on the other side.

Happy Baby

quick stretches for stress relief- Happy Baby

A happy baby is a yoga position. This is one of the most widely practiced quick stretches for stress relief. If you have recently started having back pain, this exercise will be very effective for you.


  • You need to first lie on your back and lift your knees towards your chest.
  • After you lift your knees, grab the bottom of your foot.
  • Then it would help if you pulled your knees in the direction of your chest and armpits.

Lying glute stretch

Lying glute stretch- quick stretches for stress relief

If you have been sitting still all day, this particular stretch is for you. It moves your lower back.


  • If you are sitting, you need to find a spot to perform this exercise and lie down.
  • It would help if you crossed your right foot on your left knee while the knees of your left leg are bent down. Also, make sure your feet are placed on the floor flat.
  • Hold the legs with your hands placed on the back of the knee and bring them towards the chest.
  • You need to repeat the exercise after every 15 seconds.

Wide-Legged forward fold with chest expansion

Wide-Legged forward fold with chest expansion

This stretch mainly targets your upper and lower body. It is the best quick stretches for stress relief. These exercises are specially designed for those who sit on the desk for long hours;


  • Stand with your legs wide apart.
  • Hold a towel behind you with both hands.
  • Breathe in while you roll your shoulders back and down.
  • Breathe out and slowly move forward. The hands should be moved forward to draw your knuckles towards the ceiling.
  • For a better grip, you need to place your hands on your hips and bend forward.

Chest Opener Stretch

Chest Opener Stretch

There comes a time when you badly need a neck release. This is a time when this quick stretches for stress relief become useful. This is a stretch that promotes proper posture and releases tension through your chest. It maximizes oxygen and blood circulation.


  • You need to clamp your hands behind your back.
  • Squeeze your upper shoulder blades behind each other.
  • Push through the chest with your spine straight.

Rotational neck stretch

Rotational neck stretch - quick stretches for stress relief

These are the most common and quick stretches for stress relief. When tension starts weighing heavily on you, the neck starts weighing heavily on you. In this scenario, this stretch releases tension and makes you feel easy.


  • You need to lower your chin towards the armpit and rotate your chin.
  • Your hands should be placed at the back of your head for better results.
  • Make sure you rotate your chin clockwise and anti-clockwise.
  • Repeat this step in sets of five to 10 in each set.

Final Takeaway

Therefore if you have a desk job that does not let you get up from your desk the whole day, don’t forget to move your muscles periodically with these quick stretches for stress relief. These stretches keep your body fit and don’t let tension hover over you. It also helps you keep your anxiety at arm’s length. Apart from these exercises, you can also choose to eat fresh fruits that give you antioxidants. These fruits also help you control your stress levels. Remember, you can only work to the fullest of your productivity if you don’t let stress bog you down.  

Five-minute strength workout plan just for you!

Scarcity of time is the key reason behind our ill-health. Know how you can strengthen your body by doing a five-minute strength workout plan

Who does not want a fit body? But the problem with today’s generation is we do not have the time we require to invest in having a fit body. Many health experts have designed different workout session plans to meet our busy schedules. The main objectives of these sessions are to achieve the most without having to spend a lot of time. We are all aware that the scarcity of time is the major reason behind our ill-health. In this article, we will talk about how you can strengthen your full body by doing a five-minute workout session. 

You must be wondering if a 30-minute workout schedule is reduced to five minutes, will it at all be effective. The answer to your question is yes. When it comes to exercising, it doesn’t matter how many reps you are doing in a day. What matters is whether the exercise is being done correctly or not. If you can do it right, then a five-minute workout is as effective as is a 30-minute workout. And in case you are doing it wrong, even a 30-minute workout won’t help.

Session Plan for a five-minute strength workout

Here is the perfect 5-minute workout session plan for you. We are sure you will benefit from it if you can follow it to the book.

Hindu Squat

Hindu Squat

Hindu squat is an exercise that helps in building the lower body. You can include the Hindu Squat in your five-minute workout session. It is highly effective in building muscles.


  • You need to first stand on your feet with your shoulders wide apart.
  • Remember to breathe in while you are squatting down.
  • It would help if you made sure that your heels are up in the air and your arms are back for balance.
  • When you are squatting up, remember to breathe out. Keep your feet firmly on the ground.

Just remember, if it’s a 5-minute workout session, you should not exceed the rep more than 20 seconds.



Pushup is another interesting exercise that can be included in the 5-minute workout session plan. If you are concerned about your abs getting out of shape, this is the best exercise for you.


  • You need to extend your legs and place your hands firmly on the floor.
  • You need to make then sure your body remains parallel.
  • You need to slowly lower your chest until it is about 1 inch higher from the ground.

Jumping Jack

Jumping Jack- five-minute workout session

Jumping jack is a free-hand exercise. It helps in improving the flexibility of the legs and shoulder muscles.


  • You need to jump and spread your legs. Clap your hands together.
  • Jump again and slap your hands on opposite sides while you bring your feet together.
  • Repeat these steps at regular intervals of 30 seconds.


Burpee- five-minute workout session

Burpee is an exercise that is similar to the pushup. The only difference is in Burpee, you first stand with your shoulders wide apart and then bend your hips towards the floor in a squat position.


  • You need to touch your feet down and then revert to your original position.
  • Your hands should be placed down, and your legs should be parallel to your hands so that you are in a pushup position.
  • Then instead of bowing down as you do in pushups, you need to get back into the standing position.
  • You need to repeat this set in fractions of 20 seconds each.


Planks- five-minute workout session

You need to get into a pushup position and rest your forearms on the floor. Make sure your body is straight, and you are bracing your abs.

You need to repeat this position and hold your body in that position for 20 seconds.


Chair-up- five-minute workout session

This is an exercise for those who spend most of their time sitting on a chair. It helps you relax your hip muscles and spine.


  • You need to place your hands and hold the base of any wooden chair. Ensure the chair is a bit heavy and doesn’t get moved by your weight when you place your hands on the base.
  • Walk your legs forward so that your body is suspended.
  • You need to lower your body towards the floor then.
  • Make sure you bend yourself to the extent that your upper arms become parallel to the chair.
  • Hold for five seconds in that position, and then push yourself upwards again.
  • Don’t forget to repeat this exercise in sets of 2 to 3 at a stretch of 20 seconds each.

Final Takeaway

When you compile all these exercises together in sets of 20 to 30 seconds, you will see your body showing results. Therefore we can say that your five minutes workout session will include Hindu Squats, which you need to do for 20 seconds in one set, Pushups for 20 seconds in one set, Jumping Jack for 30 seconds in 1 set, Burpee 20 seconds in each set, planks 20 seconds in one set and chair-up 20 seconds in one set. Then it would be best if you repeated these sets thrice, followed by a break of 30 seconds in between.

If you practice these exercises regularly for five minutes a day, we are sure in no-time you would notice a visible difference in your health. You will feel more relaxed and stress-free. And most importantly, if you have a desk job, this 5-minute workout session will keep your muscles active. If you have back pain or have knee pain, these workouts will decrease the intensity of the pain.

Taking five minutes out of a busy schedule is not at all difficult. Suppose you think about the advantages of doing physical exercise regularly in the long run. Spending five minutes with you in a day will not only keep you fit physically but will also keep a check on your stress levels.